Removed - to where? Do - - - Updated - - - if the job pay min wage, terminate at will , zero hrs etc.. then can't see why that makes someone finding another way a loser - no way, other way round if you ask me
The right wingers will tell you that this person should just 'simply' re-locate. Guess the kids can just start over again.
Foster system or adoption obviously(although ethnic babies are a dime a dozen, while white babies are a coveted treasure)...we're still spending money though. Its a lose lose really. Society can only fix itself, but we've degraded over the years thanks to progressive ideology that has destroyed the ideal family unit, that people used to strive for. Now, just have babies, get divorced, collect your govt check, get your alimony, ect, ect.
Wow.... they must have given you loads of coupons to help you buy and drink all that Kool-Aid. What a crock!! Your generalizations only serve to show your ignorance of conservative positions. This is spew.... pure bovine excrement that serve no purpose and makes no sense. Those who actually believe the dribble you have provided need to grow up. Aid is a good thing.... for those who really need it. But it's gone so far beyond that it's criminal. End the waste and the fraud and you have a workable system.
What would you have the progressives do to improve their family unit? Take lessons from this guy;
Well, as is the disease of government it'll be whichever companies greases the wheels of the decision makers and politicians in government with "campaign donations" (read: bribes). Thus, the disease of crony-Capitalism is allowed the spread.
Taxcutter says: If they have to get their "necessities" by hiring the IRS to rob the taxpayers, I suspect they won't be happy. It's been my experience that a fat hog squeals loudest when you drag him from the trough.
Taxcutter says: One year, then another year, then another year. Pretty soon the taxpayers have subsidized the moochers pretty much for a lifetime. Do you think that taxpayer are really helping the poor by robbing them of motivation? Taxcutter says: I agree. Let's eliminate the cause of such waste by rescinding the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Those regs assure the vendors get the best of every deal at taxpayers' expense.
I understand that you learn alittle bit more when you don't rely on politifact for your information. In your case, it could be a lot more. 10,459 thousand unemployed Americans / 4,173 thousand job openings = 2.5 jobs for every 1 unemployed person. And no, I don't round off. There is no such thing as half of a job.
I don't know about the poor moochers, but we sure know about the rich moochers;
It was already established my be that there were 2 jobs for every 1 unemployed person. 10 divided by 4 clearly does not give you 3. This is economics. Numbers matter. That is typically what you get when you rely on outdated and inaccurate information.
Sorry, but 2.88 to 1 is not 2.5. Which are the figures given from my link. And by the way, those figures in January of this year are hardly outdated. And they viewed those figures as mostly true. Take a wild guess who's figures I'm going with?
Social security and unemployment are not welfare programs, they are entitlements. Employers pay into unemployment and employees and employers pay into SS, so I will eliminate those two programs for you. Medicare is also paid for by employees and employers. these programs should be there when people need it for unemployment and SS and medicare should be properly funded, so it is there. If these programs are not being properly funded, then why do we have them? I support strengthening those three programs not weakening them. The other programs I support shifting responsibility to the state level(eventually SS, medicare and unemployment should be 100% state ran too) 1-5 Well shouldn't individuals prevent this potential through their own actions, not relying on the government to bail them out. This extends to corporations.
Those figures do not accurately portray the current job market. Your article was just written on January. They've used figures from October, which was released in December. That's even worse... As I have said, you learn a lot more when you don't rely on Politifact for information. The last Jobs Openings and Labour Turnover Survey (JOLTS) was released last month, for the month of February. Your source is using figures from October 2013. Why you believe their figures are more up to date than mine is beyond me... In February, there were 4,173 thousand Job Openings and 10,459 thousand people without jobs. If you are relying on statistics from October to prove your point, then you are looking at outdated information. I can understand not knowing what you are talking about, but I don't understand why you insist on debating facts you clearly cannot understand...
In my opinion, there should be lifetime limits on most all of government safety net programs. Welfare, unemployment, disability (unless you have a more than say 40% disability). and so forth. Personally, I would set a lifetime limit of something like 104 weeks on unemployment for example (state and federal combined) with a couple of other different features such as compensation that beings to decline after 3 months and provisions for lump some payments for things like relocation or reeducation expenses.
I would do this take all the money used for all welfare programs and then: Provide a citizen with the same basic support we give to an Army recruit room and board, a basic set of clothes, generic government issued hygiene items, health care, job training if they want to go and GED preparation classes, basic recreation but communal and NO money. If someone is disabled as determined by the government or your talking a family offer minimal private housing a room or small apartment and some money say $150 a month for the disabled person. Have job services so people can work and if so take half the check for these benefits noting if they are not disabled they don't get cash they need to work to get money Very basic support. Oh this would optional people would not get other welfare but people could live freely working and buy houses or rent etc. just this would be for anyone wanting to get help and needing support just by asking.