No probable about it. Making a choice of a candidate based on skin color and gender which eliminates those that don't fit the particulars, is sexist and racist. Simple and basic. I'm sure you would say no no no, but if the candidate was specified to be a particular color and gender other than what is in vouge, it would be called sexist and racist.
So things that happened 50 or 100 years ago didn't affect Asians or Jews or white people or Hispanics? You do what you can to improve the laws that govern society and you move on. Look what the Jewish and Asian communities did to improve their lives. You have to stop the complaining at some point and do what needs to be done to move forward. It is up to the black community at this point to get their communities together. There are many black leaders who recognize this. How can you have widespread success when 75% of children born in the black community are born without a father present? Look to the Hispanics for how they are growing their communities based on the fact that family means a great deal to them. It's horrible what happened to black people and all peoples who have been enslaved everywhere, but the way out is through self-determination. Look what has happened when too many people thought that the government could do it.
Is there, at present equal representation in your government, in industry and even in the film industry? Just look at the screams from the “white privilege” crowd when “Black Panther” first aired and yet how long it it take for Hollywood to make a movie with a non-white cast? Independence Day broke a glass ceiling because for the first time the main central characters and heroes were a black man and a Jew. These things impact
Define 'equal' based on anything other than fulfilling a quota. In recent years, like the last decade or so, discrimination has been enforced by LAW. Very recently, it has become acceptable to discriminate to fulfil some sort of arbitrary quota, based on characteristics that have nothing to do with experience, ability or capability. Skin color and gender doesn't mean diddly, except to those who want to claim some sort of false virtue, while insulting those very same people to say they are not capable to do anything for themselves. As to your claim that Independence Day was a 'first' is a pile of horse manure. Does the name Harry Belefonte ring a bell? Morgan Freeman? How about Kirk Douglas for your 'Leading Jew'?
If someone is given an opportunity based on their race and/or gender and someone else is denied that same opportunity based on their race and or gender, how is that not sexism and racism??? Liberals give people opportunities based on their race and gender and deny others that same opportunity based on their race and gender. That's not equality. As an equalitarian, civil rights activist, and Feminist, working for racial and gender equity for everyone, I believe opportunities should be based on merit and race and gender should not matter. Democrats call that racism and sexism.
Did you miss the word “FIRST”? There have been 116 Supreme Court judges and you are grizzling because it is unfair that 1/116 is both black and female??
I cannot speak for ryobi, but my take on this entire conversation has absolutely NOTHING to do with your statement. No one is complaining or whining about there being a female or a Black, or a Black female. The method of choosing the candidate is the issue. I know you don't want it to be, you've dodged and ducked several times, but when candidates are being reviewed, specifying that to fulfil some arbitrary quota the candidate NEEDS to be Black and female is discrimination first and foremost.
Privilege is a function of class, not race. People who believe in white privilege believe some crazy things. For example, there was a white women in Brabara McClintock's book who grew up homeless making cup o'noodles in gas station bathrooms growing up who agreed she was privileged.
You are quite the liberal expert and a little naive in how the world works. People are judged on many things, not just merit and that may be down the list. I’m judging you now and merit, race and gender are not entering into it. Qualities judged are what the current priorities are. Are you dangerous, are you gullible? If I want a lingerie model I would choose a beautiful female who can smile. Construction, I would not choose the eighty year old woman who knows everything about construction. If I worked with you, you could be very good at your job but a pain to work with, merit isn’t everything. Seems you are just here to try to own the libs.