Why? I don't concern myself with what other people do in their bedrooms as long as it's consensual. I don't have a moral issue with people having different attractions than me as long as no children are involved.
Well then you should not do it or watch it. You don't even have to think about it, but apparently you do . Why is that?
Actually, its straight from British colonial rule. Penal Code Act of 1950 adopted after independence. Section 145. Unnatural offences. Any person who (a) has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature; [or] (b) has carnal knowledge of an animal; or (c) permits a male person to have carnal knowledge of him or her against the order of nature, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life American preachers didn't create Uganda's opposition to homosexuality. They merely exploited it to use in their opposition to American churches ordaining gay preachers and gay marriage.
Nope, that has already been dealt with in this thread. I think posts 19 and 100 Read the thread because this has all been dealt with already or try this http://www.politicalresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/10/Colonizing-African-Values.pdf Now I am off for Christmas. Have a good time.
Concerned just for the sake of debate. It can be argued that a person, despite being homosexual, can refrain from homosexual activities. Thus there is nothing wrong with being homosexual; enaging in the practice is the problem.
Do you have a source for the claim above, ie the comment that homosexuality was not a 'big deal'? and that the Christians were probably to blame for the rising dislike of gays etc ? Also, my opinion your post has a few unsupported inferences. Do you know the many Islamic leaning and certainly the Islamic theocracies, (only one I know of) and groups own an abhorrence of gays? Are you aware of the horrific punishments approved by those entities mentioned above? Ok, the geographical area you reference may be controlled by (self proclaimed?) Christian authorities, and the punishment applied may have been conceived by ’Christian’ authorities... So? Think about it. Do the so called Christian bureaucrats of any theocracy or anti-gay government know they violate the teachings of Jesus when enforcing ad hoc oftentimes brutal laws etc that target homosexuals? If the sourced reference article of the OT accurate I can tell you the punishment described would not be something Jesus would approve, at least if we are using NT scripture as a guide ? Of course some Christians do condone even the harshest of punishments. I feel safe in saying most of those express something less than love for gays for reasons unknown to me. Apparently they interpret the scriptures wrong which is my own opinion as a Christian minister. So yes fundamentalists should minister to Gays, and treat them with respect and brotherly love. Btw, Jesus NEVER condemned homosexuality in his ministry! It seems to me that if it were a huge deal JC would or railed against God bless the member of this forum (or not if offended by blessings) ~ and Christmas to all, even Lutherans and Gays (lol). * Even though I do not agree and am often angered by my fundamentalist peers in the clergy I do not shun them. Anyway I do sometimes use the word fundies’ to indicate a abusive or bigoted Christian. reva
Good for you.....then by what logic do you think that you can advocate for limiting what others can do?
By theoretically free, I mean that in the end of the day there is nothing holding back people from performing any action. There are always limits.
Dude, your entire thread has been dealt with. Its made up BS 1950. These American preachers had nothing to do with it. The law was already in place and the proposed change to make it a death penalty was already written and being debated before they even visited Africa. You as a Brit simply want to shift the blame for YOUR colonial laws onto the US.
That is not true. It has been backed up with top research. A person who is just hear to bait and cannot argue. Onto my ignore list for being a waste of time and incapable of rational argument. As I have said to you in previous post, the effect of colonisation has already been dealt with. There is no question that areas which had British colonisation are more likely to make it illegal. However that is not what is causing the situation now. The situation now is against American Western Progressive Churches and led by American neoConservatives both political and religious as well as hate preachers like Scott Lively all of whom are wrongly presented to African's as 'Evangelical'. They are working to destroy the views of progressive American Christians in this instance concerning LGBT, trying to present them as neo colonialist when they have been the very people who have worked against colonialism as seen most clearly in South Africa. The intention is to discredit these churches and eventually bring this hate back to the US. African Churches being thought of as the way to move as they now have the largest number of Christians in the world. African's have not yet found their pre colonial selves and these American conservatives work to give them a false picture to us Africa as a proxy against Progressive Western Christians http://www.politicalresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/10/Colonizing-African-Values.pdf You wondering why the neo conservatives might be interested in this? Just check out their opinion of Americans http://www.opendemocracy.net/faith-iraqwarphiloshophy/article_1542.jsp Was interesting too see Malawi's President at Mandela's funeral speaking how she is remembering his message Good woman Further time wasting will be ignored. Come back when you have educated yourself.
It was enacted in 1950. Then there was a life sentence for homosexual acts and now there is a life sentence for homosexual acts. These preachers had nothing to do with what was already in place. Your Guardianlv article is a lie.
Sure, you can make that argument, but it's the same one that religious fanatics make. This particular line of thinking is not conducive to civil liberties. I understand now that you're just playing Devil's Advocate here, but in all seriousness, freedom of choice is the sort of thing that is very important for every society to evolve towards -- even non-Western ones.
civil liberties is not a "Biblical" thing................ Hey, the British set things in motion when they colonized Africa. It had nothing to do with the US. We had our own hands of the imperialistic views of false King and we took care of business, twice, with the stinking British. It was pretty easy to conquer a nation of bows and arrows with guns. Not so much here though. So if you are going to blame anyone, blame the British for all of this.
those people weren't suing, they were exercising their first amendment rights to criticize people who attacked them.
not hardly. They were literally demanding the business should be shut down. Libs are the most destructive people out there, using force to achieve dominance. Hell, they would have hung him if they had their way. Buggar off, mate
If you want to see the laws the religious right in america want to have here just look at their work in Africa.