I do not know where to start. Ask me questions, and I will share more. 1) I wanted to become a writer or influencer. No success. 2) I should have been a lawyer. I should have saved tens of people from hundreds of person-years. I did not even try to become a lawyer. 3) I am 54 yo.
I think that you have just read my experiences in my life. I'm 42. I can still do whatever I want to do in my life. And you can too.
I believe it is never too late. I think you have mentioned in the past that you are not employed. Have you worked in the past? Do you have any training or education? Do you have any hobbies? What do you do with your free time? You mentioned you wanted to be a writer? Did you write a book but could not find a publisher? Have you looked into self publishing or simply creating a web page and make the book available to the public for free? What type of influencer did you try to be? Did you create a YT channel? What type of content were you creating?
I am slightly familiar with your situation based on your previous comments. If your goal in life is to be happy and productive I don't think that you should focus too much on negative thoughts and things that you should have done. I don't know what special skills or interests you have but you're more likely to be both happier and able to accomplish more if you feel better about yourself. For example, if I find myself in a bad mood, I'll stop what I'm doing, take 5 - 10 deep breaths and / or do some light exercises and try to remember the last good or funny thing that happened. No, simple practices like that don't cure chronic depression but they are helpful to me when I'm in a bad mood. At 54, you're still young enough to do plenty with your life. Good Luck
1) 2) I never had a job. I do have a formal diagnosis of Moderate Depression and Moderate Autism. Thank G-d and my parents I am provided for. 3) I have a Masters in Mathematics. 4) 5) Mostly playing video games, and Social Media. I like reading flame wars and rarely participate in them. I am Dr. Jekyll 95% of time. As Mr. Hyde I can be very vicious.
1) I write nanoessays which I share on forums. I also used to share them on Reddit until I was IP-banned. 2) I had a YT channel in Russian since 2011. I abandoned it in 2016.
I play and played a major role in my family of origin -- I do a lot of housework. PS. There are very many great things I could have done. But that is not something to be proud of.
Are you interested in getting a job or find a way to earn income? For many, right or wrong, our career defines us. I am not sure what my life would be without work. I would have to find ways to fill that void. Even when someone does not require income, work is a great way to keep the mind active and give one a sense of accomplishment. You mentioned you wanted to be an influencer. Have you consider creating a new youtube channel or even a simple TikTok account? TikTok has the advantage of being short videos so you can fairly easily make short clips. People have found extremely simply way to gain followers on TikTok. One thing I am seeing more of is people reading reddit post like AITA and sharing their opinions. These are simple videos to make and can get millions of views. All it really takes is having a pleasant voice and being able to read a story. You have a masters in Mathematics. Another thing I see on TikTok, are people posting simple math problems or logic problems live. Combine your passions. You mention you like video games. I am not sure what type of video games you play but I often search Youtube for video game reviews or when I am stuck on a game and need help. There is nothing better than find a quick video showing you how to get past a certain point in the game. Have you ever considered starting your own business? You have the luxury of not really needing income so the risk is eliminated because it is not like you are relying on a steady income to pay rent. I recently got into 3D printing and I see a lot of people purchase a few 3D printers and print items to sell online on sites like Etsy. People have often commented that the things I make on the printer could be sold for a lot of money but for me it will remain a hobby. IMO the bottom line is find something to do that you have a passion for whether it is a hobby on social media or a small business. Challenge yourself.
I have several ambitions that I thought I would attain by now, but 'life' keeps getting in the way. -become a gunsmith: progress ~25%. I have a lathe, but my machining skills need further developement. -build a solar powered hydrolosis system and switch a car to run on H: progress <25%. I built a solar panel, but its durability is low. I have a target car, but it needs lots of work. -have kids: progress... ??? I have a stepdaughter and a step grandson. -survive the apocalypse: progress is increasing rapidly, it seems.
Helping your family is something to be proud of, my dude. Living your life, and enjoying it, is something to be proud of. If you never even tried to be a lawyer, why would you think that’d make you happy? Life’s too short to have regrets about what you could have done. And if you still have regrets about that kind of stuff, you still can!
I am guilty of Aggravated Political Correctness. Thus, I prefer to stay away from Social Media where I can gain stalkers.
Hence all my opinions are worth very little -- I could have helped real people. Sadly I have failed in most ways.
Determining if someone is good or bad is subjective. Someone's hero is another's villain. Determining if someone is successful or unsuccessful is objective.
You can get a decent 3D filament printer for under $200. For example this Ender 3 V2 is $189 on Amazon. This printer and its variations are very popular with new people getting into the hobby. I have the Ender 3 S1 which is only slightly more expensive and I bought it close to a year ago. https://www.amazon.com/Comgrow-Crea...ocphy=9059806&hvtargid=pla-452985168135&psc=1 A good starting point for people wanting to get into the hobby is to read the 3D Printing subreddit. Lots of good tips and information. I print things that I interested in and since I am a geek I print things like scifi starships. I am currently working on my second dragon print. A dragon can take close to a 100 hours to print and then another 100 hours to assemble and paint. I printed other more useful things such as attachments for our vacuum, basin wrench to replace a faucet, storage shelves, headphones stand, dice tower, plant vase etc... Just go to a website like thingiverse and you can see all of the things you can download and print for free. https://www.thingiverse.com/
Hey, man. You’re sounding pretty down on yourself. You should reach out to some people you know in real life. People care about you and are happy you are who you are.
You might want to get out and volunteer. There's no money in it but you sound as if you don't really need to be self directed and maybe you need to focus on others for a while. You did say you want to help people and this is a way to do that rather soon. A life of volunteer work helping others is something to be proud of.