…It reads like Jonah confronting Nineveh … or Daniel rebuking King Nebuchadnezzar. Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Southern California pulled no punches in a public letter he sent to Governor Gavin Newsom. Portions of the letter to the governor, dated September 29, 2022, include the following: "The diabolical effects of your worldview are evident in the statistics of California's epidemics of crime, homelessness, sexual perversions (like homosexuality and transgenderism), and other malignant expressions of human misery that stem directly from corrupt public policy." "In mid-September, you revealed to the entire nation how thoroughly rebellious against God you are when you sponsored billboards across America promoting the slaughter of children, whom He creates in the womb. "You further compounded the wickedness of that murderous campaign with a reprehensible act of gross blasphemy, quoting the very words of Jesus from Mark 12:31 as if you could somehow twist His meaning and arrogate His name in favor of butchering unborn infants."… https://afn.net/church/2022/09/30/macarthur-challenges-radical-guv-to-repent-respond-to-gospel/ I fully agree with him and his rebuke against the Governor of my state. The entirely of the secular progressive left needs to be spoken to and addressed in exactly the same terms as the above, in order to try to save their eternal souls. In days of old, people slew the prophets when they refused to repent and were made to feel uncomfortable.
Today they use internet tools, so called fact checkers, content control, power, to censor and silence that which cuts to the quick and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Were it as simple and benign as "you be you and I'll be me", it would be one thing. But when the measurable negative effects from this mentality are felt in rampant promiscuity, deviancy, out of wedlock births, abortions, crime, riotous mobs, homelessness, debt, drug abuse, anarchy, and so forth, it becomes something to be rejected rather than tolerated. In this case, toleration is just a segue to expansion of the problem rather than a bridge to peace. One needn't be a saint or prophet to gauge the negative effects on society from this mentality. Clearly their call for tolerance was never a matter of mutual respect and peace, but a lie for the cause of the expansion of their destructive behavior. Never mind Godliness. Even basic civility is beyond them.
I logged in and commented on this article....... "In my opinion Governor Newsom is IGNORANT of what seems to me as the almost obvious implications of String Theory, The Anthropic Principle, The Law of Probability, the Law of Complexity Consciousness or..... Governor Newsom would FEAR his eventual meeting with the Being of Light of near death experience fame.... .who has video footage of every instant of our lives from our conception until the time of our brushes with death....... (or I would presume until we actually pass on and fully die)????? The wealthiest of the wealthy knew that they had to enforce Dogmatic and Simplistic Atheism in schools or they could not produce mindless intellectual slaves like Governor Newsom to obey them like the proverbial Igor of Dr. Frankenstein fame!" I have gotten into this topic so often that I wrote up a blog to summarize what I had concluded so far....... www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca/ No truly intelligent and well informed person would put money.... and pay offs... and bribes.... and real estate deals.... ahead of a relatively clear conscience....... because those Life Review's of near death experience fame are NO LAUGHING MATTER.......................
Back in 1990 as I began to study near death experience accounts... .I got so angry with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus that over the next decade as I would pray..... .and I prayed a lot between 1990 to 2000...... I would get so angry that I would often use four letter words in an attempt to get Messiah Yeshua - Jesus angry with me..... .so that He would SMITE me.......... ....... My expectations of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus were throught the roof high from the early 1970's when I was brought up out of Atheism........ but as I ran into those negative near death experience accounts.... I was forced to rethink the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation..... and the whole process was terribly hard on my head........... To a degree.... I can understand the total skepticism of a Governor Newsom......... but....... I stand by my accusation that he is IGNORANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could the Christian gospel be much worse news? GOVERNOR Newsom has gone off into total skepticism and I believe that he has done this due to his IGNORANCE of the larger picture.......... This McArthur guy is correct........ in spite of his own flaws and failings and even King David was seriously flawed......
True but even the great king of the Assyrian Empire in Nineveh and the one in Babylon heeded the message and turned away from their wicked ways.
Exactly... .and hopefully President Donald J. Trump when he is soon restored to power will listen to his son Eric....... who I do believe is also destined to become President of the United States eventually....... ....... ........ In my opinion this man is a genuine Prophet of the Most High G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who is playing around in the same league as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and the Minor Prophets. One of the reasons why this man has conquered all of his fears...... .and instead will only speak what The Holy Spirit tells him to say....... is because he is partly descended from the First Nations peoples of The United States.................. and the First Nations Tribes of the United States have good reason to HATE LIES............. and to Love Truth....... and be willing to die and even anger extremely powerful people by sticking up for what the Holy Spirit tells them.................. My wife sent me this video on Sunday morning at 1:01 am and my wife has a level of discerning spirits that has astonished me again and again and again and again and again over these past twenty two years!!!!!! My wife would not send me a video unless she felt that the speaker was telling the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MR. CHRIS SKY....... WHO ALSO IS AN ASTONISHINGLY TRUTHFUL PERSON..... INTERVIEW THIS MAN AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN........... BECAUSE MR. CHRIS SKY WOULD MAKE A PHENOMENAL REPORTER / VIDEO JOURNALIST!!!!!!!! If you would like to understand what is happening do a search for "Neo- Malthusianism| and "Malthusian Catastrophe Theory" and you will begin to understand why Mr. Bill Gates was being totally serious in his TedX lecture entitled "Innovation to zero." Yes.... Bill Gates and many of his supporters are willing to go to extreme lengths to attempt to SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT FROM US HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE HUMANS: One of the most off the scale brilliant statements on economics was actually given through MOSES: "And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (Genesis 11) THOMAS MALTHUS was a brilliant Church of England Theologian and economist and he did understand some of the implications of this statement BUT THOMAS MALTHUS WAS DOGMATIC, SIMPLISTIC AND FAR TOO PESSIMISTIC IN HIS THINKING!!!! THOMAS MALTHUS COULD NOT COMPREHEND THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH THAT WILL BEGIN IN A SPECIAL WAY FROM NOW....... until 2035......... but it will not stop there!!!!!!!! IN MY OPINION THE FOUR HUNDRED CHRISTIAN ADVISORS WHO PRESIDENT TRUMP HUNG AROUND WITH MOST OF THE TIME FROM 2016 TO 2020 HAD VERY LITTLE REAL FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN COMPARISON TO THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!! AND FOR THE RECORD... THE ABRAHAM PEACE ACCORDS ARE TERRIBLY FLAWED AND PRESIDENT BIDEN for all of his many, many, many, many, many, many, many flaws did America and the world a favour by stealing the 2020 election....... BECAUSE G-D HELP THE AMERICA THAT IS SO LUKEWARM AND LACKING IN DISCERNMENT AS TO BE WILLING TO ELECT PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE AUDACITY TO DIVIDE THE NATION OF ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!! MR. ERIC TRUMP IS PREDICTED TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES EVENTUALLY.... AND I BELIEVE THAT IT IS HIS JOB TO EXPLAIN TO HIS DAD WHAT IS MEANT BY THIS VIDEO...... AS WELL AS BY THE WORDS OF A MR. SIMON TOV ALIALOUF WHO HAS BEEN SHOWN THAT THE ABRAHAM PEACE ACCORDS ARE TERRIBLY, HORRIBLY AND DANGEROUSLY FLAWED!!!!!!! Robin Bullock PROPHETIC WORD[IT WILL BEGIN] AFTER THIS NIGHT Urgent Prophecy Sept 29, 2022
Our Christian founders of the US government knew that you are wrong about the notion of government having religious opinion. They knew the importance of separating government from religion. It's quite the compliment to suggest that this came from Newsom!! But, it has been well know for a very long time.
One needn't be perfect to lead. Just more right than wrong. But you know this. When a man as faulted as Donald Trump leads a most successful Presidency, what does that say about the alternative?
Most succesful? You think so? Successful Presidents get re-elected. They don't sit by while the country burns ...
So true...... I believe that a part of our Creator / The Being of Light of near death experience fame.... preparing Donald J. Trump for the Presidency...... he had to at least know Jeffrey Epstein and at least face the option to go in a similar direction...... but..... he rejected the Jeffrey Epstein lifestyle even though it was probably offered to him....... That detail from his life helps to explain what he may well have accomplished behind the scenes in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020..... that most of us do not know very much about because we were on a need to know basis...... and we really did not need to know all that was happening....... ...... What we are up against is so diabolical that it has to be cloaked in THIRTY THREE levels..... and what is actually happening could still be unclear even at the thirty first or thirty second level.......
I think there'll be new contender(s) on the block. As Trump has been there and done that, he will lay the foundations and draw the heat and flak for the newbie(s) Here is one contender, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/el...l-wants-be-president-can-he-win-over-n1288215
I have to admit that that is a fascinating theory....... I do like Ted Cruz a lot....... and President Donald J. Trump is so good at this massive chess game that he might even encourage Ted Cruz to go for it........... ...... .... partly because the people that President Donald J. Trump is dealing with would tend to be far less scared of Ted Cruz as President than they would be of a continuation of what President Trump did from January of 2017 to January of 2021!