Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by protectionist, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    More than half of U.S. citizens believe that most or all of the country's 11 million illegal immigrants should be deported, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday that highlights the difficulties facing lawmakers trying to reform the U.S. immigration system.

    The online survey shows resistance to easing immigration laws despite the biggest push for reform in Congress since 2007. In addition, the Gang of 8 Congress members supporting amnesty, get their ears rung by citizens in the home districts, when they went home to speak at town hall meetings. They thought they could sweet talk the public into accepting their amnesty for illegal aliens plan cleverly dressed up as "Comprehensive Immigration Reform".

    Instead, the citizens reformed them by loudly scolding them for their irresponsible anti-public positions. Here is the scoop on it in a Reuters report (IMPORTANT reading) >>>
  2. Fedgovtyrant

    Fedgovtyrant Banned

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Deport all of them, including the kids they brought with them or squeezed out after they snuck in.

    I welcome people to come to the usa LEGALLY.

    Pay taxes like everyone else or get the (*)(*)(*)(*) out.
  3. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    I would only welcome LEGALLY those who bring special skills we are in need of, and those bringing large amounts of capital to open businesses, and create jobs FOR AMERICANS, at good pay & benefits. These however, are likely to be only a small percentage of legal immigrants.
    The US is way too overpopulated to be welcoming immigrants in a general sense. We passed our optimum population (relative to out resource base) 153 years ago, in 1860, when the population was 30 million. Now, our badly over-inflated population has ballooned to 310 million. If we had remained at our optimum population (like Canada, population 30 million), perhaps we wouldn't have Canada as our main supplier of oil, and like them, we'd be selling oil in large amounts and making big money from it, to offset our debt and deficits.
  4. yes/no

    yes/no New Member

    Jan 11, 2011
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    Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

    The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

    The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

    There wouldn't be that many to deport after making E-verify mandatory for all employers.
  5. Blackrook

    Blackrook Banned

    May 8, 2009
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    The thing is we're importing poor peasants from third-world countries who lack skills and they are dragging down the economy since they demand more in government benefits than they contribute in taxes.
  6. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Personally, I am all for deportation.

    Now if someone can figure out a way to pay for it and do it without trampling all over the constitutional rights of all parties involved that would be awesome! Because rounding up 20,000,000 folks, giving them their due process of law, and moving them will not be inexpensive nor easy.
  7. fiddlerdave

    fiddlerdave Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Excellent idea!

    In particular, the workplace enforcement need to have very hefty fines and confiscation for ANY of the business owners or stockholders, .and ignorance is no excuse. Cheap phony green cards or goofy birth certificates will not get them off the hook.

    We want these owners laying awake nights wondering if they are going to lose not only their profits, but their fortunes as well, for hiring illegals. We want them beating down their pet Congressmen's doors demanding failsafe work verification IDs and fully functional on-line verification system for new hires.
  8. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Then, on the other hand, there are several, scientific polls that may not coincide with the nativist party line.

    I suspect that those who tout one online survey do so merely because they seek whatever support for their agenda they can find. They are likely the same folks that actually expected Willard to win in November - based upon similar "online surveys" perhaps.
  9. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    You got something against the computer ? So how do you explain the difference between the Reuters/Ipsos poll and the ones you cite ? Also your use of the term "nativist line" indicates an agenda of your own, which is far from an objective appraisal of the immigration situation, most of which has nothing to do with nativism. Perhaps your circle of reading doesn't contain a full assessment ?

    PS - another poll just taken (Pulse Opinion Research) came up with the same results a the Reuters/Ipsos poll. Like them, it shows strong support for deportation, and little for legalization. >> Of likely voters, 52 percent responded that they preferred to see illegal immigrants in the United States go back to their home countries, compared to just 33 percent who would like them to be given legal status.

    Harms of Immigration

    1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

    2. Wage reduction.

    3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

    4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

    5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

    6. Increased crime.

    7. Increased traffic congestion.

    8. Increased pollution.

    9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

    10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

    11. Overcrowding in government offices.

    12. Overcrowding in schools.

    13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

    14. Cultural erosion.

    One question for you. Do you think it's at all healthy for a nation to have a population 10 times its optimum size, relative to its resource base (I'm sure you're aware of the oil situation, fresh water, hospital rooms, unemployment, crime, etc). Are you for adding more to these troubles ?
  10. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    The employers should also receive JAIL time which IRCA does provide for. If this were encacted 100% though it would only address a part of the problem. Millions of illegal aliens don't work, aren't interested in it, and simply live off the US taxpayers by collecting welfare, having timed their arrival to the 8th month of pregnancy, and hauling in a lifetime of benefits$$$ by way of the anchor baby racket.
  11. Fedgovtyrant

    Fedgovtyrant Banned

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Bzzzzzzzzz! Wrong! Everify doesn't work. Illegal aliens just steal US citizens identity and use the SS# to pass everify. I see it all the time in the southwest.

    The only solution is to cut off all funding to illegal alien leeches. If they go to an ER for medical care, hospital employees must turn them away. If they try to enroll in schools, school employees must turn them away. If they try to apply for welfare for their anchor brats, government employees must turn them away. Any employer caught employing illegal aliens must recieve mandatory jail time and fines.

    This is the only way to stop the flow of illegal aliens into this country.

    As for the illegals already here, sure, make them legal, but tax their income at 60%, and make them pay for their own healthcare/dental/vision, no company provided benefits, no qualification for welfare or any government assistance.

    All of this won't happen though, not until a revolution and the fed and state gov sell outs are pardoned and pacified, and a new smaller gov put in place with massive restrictions.

    The problem is not neccessarily ilegal aliens, it is the loser government employees that coddle them. Citizens who join state and fed gov are ruining this country.

    If you are a gov employee, you are a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing loser who is part of the problem, not the solution.
  12. Fedgovtyrant

    Fedgovtyrant Banned

    Jan 28, 2013
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    15: police and fire department increased response times due to the various problems illegals bring with them from their third world nation. Example: poor driving habits = wrecks which = increased auto insurance rates for law abiding US citizens.

    I suppose that could fit in with your examples 6 through 9 as fall out; Crowded ER rooms, more cars on the road (dangerous unkept overly packed vehicles too) equals more pollution.

    Illegal aliens = plague
  13. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Yay for jingoism, racism, chauvinism, and ignorant small mindedness in all it's forms!! I not only think we should deport them dang illegals, but I think we should deport all the Mooslims as well and any of the blacks that are the welfare cheats!! Send them back to Africa and the terrorists to meet their dang 72 virgins!!

    America (*)(*)(*)(*) Yeah!!!
  14. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Simply deporting the illegal aliens is fine. American Muslims, and blacks are welcome to stay.
  15. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ok, they are illegal aliens now? I prefer "the illegals" personally, but if you want to call them aliens as well, I am cool with that. As long as your language dehumanizes them, and makes no reference to irrelevant facts like uprooting families from their homes and the large scale population transfers and forced migrations which will impact actual human beings lives, I am fine with that!! Making such references is just silly liberals appealing to emotion and not looking at the cold hard facts about illegals/illegal aliens!!
  16. Fedgovtyrant

    Fedgovtyrant Banned

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Anyone here illegally should be deported regardless of race or ethnicity.

    Illegal is not a race or ethnicity, it is a unawful action.
  17. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    The reality is that the average citizen's opinion about this issue is irrelevant and immaterial. The power brokers want to maintain the current system of millions of illegals for their own purposes so therefore the system will continue as it always has. The illegals are here to stay and nothing will change that unless a zombie outbreak occurs.

    Of course if the power brokers wanted to deport every last illegal they could do it within a few months. But they don't, so they won't.

    It'll be less stressful to discuss baseball.
  18. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    They are the ones who uprooted themselves and illegally transported or remained in the US. We just want them to go back where they come from. If they want to enter the US they should do so legally. If the wait is too long or we say no to letting them in legally then tough. Not everyone who wants to can come to America. We'd drown in poverty if we allowed just anyone to enter our country.

    They are here Illegally. What part of that are you not getting?
  19. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Online polls can still be notoriously unreliable. Ipsos/Reuters has been so before, and partisans will readily glom onto errant surveys that serve their agenda regardless of that proven unreliability.

    A cogent example: The very same Ipsos/Reuters with its flawed methodology had reported an enormous lead for Romney/Ryan in South Carolina in the 2012 election, considerably out of whack with the scientific polls that comported far more closely with actual results. Obama haters swarmed all over the stuff without considering its accuracy.

    Once again, we have an example of wishful thinking in cherry-picking an outlying poll of dubious methodology and rejecting reliable polls that largely concur with one another.

    Simply liking a poll's finding and promoting it does not legitimate it, and lapsing into that unfortunate pattern serves only to discredit one's position, not enhance it.

  20. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    No one should be surprised that there are powerful business interests that thrive on a cheap labour pool, and neither depriving them of that resource via mass deportation, nor permitting those who have been living quietly in the US for years, working hard, and raising families, to become citizens, serves the interest of that privileged elite.

    What a Country!:

    When a failed, grossly incompetent businessman can screw the taxpayer and then sell a single bloody sock for $92,613, all those talented Latin American ballplayers will be coming to America one way or another.
  21. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    You are talking about legal procedure, while I am talking about large scale displacement of human beings. Large scale population transfers. Do you know the history of any of the large scale population transfers of the 20th century? The post WWI transfer between Greece and Turkey? The post-WWII transfer of Germans? I do not care about legal procedure. I care about the lives of 10 million people that will be effected. All I want is for you to talk about those people as if they are human beings, as opposed to objects or members of a legal category. I want you to acknowledge that what you would be doing, would be destroying 10 million human lives. Once you have done so, I will take you inane and compassionless talk about deportation seriously.
  22. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    The fussy, litigious, dehumanizing fixation is underscored by the Rubio tee shirt caption that was proposed for the GOP 2016 national convention:

  23. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    They should've thought of that before they violated our laws.
  24. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Banned

    Jan 4, 2013
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    So how much unskilled labor can we add with our 17 trillion of debt and growing? What about the welfare and well being of our own citizens?
  25. Longstreet

    Longstreet New Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Illegal aliens are toxins loose in our society. Yes, we can humanely deport all of them within three years. Financial and
    logistical support given. To allow them to remain is the same as leaving cancer untreated.

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