Australians are working two full time jobs to be able to afford housing The insane new trend sweeping across Aussie workplaces to cope with the cost-of-living crisis - and it will make bosses furious Generation Z workers more likely to work 80-hour week by Stephen Johnson, Daily Mail Australia, 18 July 2024 Younger Australians are increasingly doing two full-time jobs at once and working 80-hour weeks to cope with the cost-of-living crisis and unaffordable housing, new research shows. Younger Generation Z workers, born since 1997, were more likely to be working 80-hour weeks, with one in six doing so compared with one in seven Millennials born from 1981 to 1996. Sally McKibbin, a career expert at Indeed, said Australia's cost-of-living crisis was forcing younger Australians to work multiple full-time jobs, especially if they wanted to afford a house. 'As living costs and property prices continue to outpace earnings, Australian workers are responding by taking on additional paid work,' she said. Australia's median capital city house price of $992,473 is well beyond the reach of an average, full-time worker on $98,218. AMP research also showed Australia having the world's second-highest debt-servicing ratios in the world after Norway, with Sydney's median house price of $1.4 million costing more than 12 times an average salary even with a deposit. Eight in 10 said it had stopped them from spending time with their family. Among those working two jobs, 93 per cent are doing their second job during the work hours of their main job, with working from home creating new possibilities. 'It's concerning to see so many workers borrowing time from primary employers to manage second jobs, as this is very obviously going to have a significant effect on business performance and workplace dynamics,' Ms McKibbin said. Of those juggling multiple jobs, 9 in 10 credited AI with helping them be able to do more than one full-time job. 'The use of AI to manage multiple jobs highlights how technology is reshaping the workforce.' One Australian became so fed up with not being able to afford a home in Melbourne that he decided to move to Canada. I was earning $140,000 in Melbourne and applied for a home loan three times but was rejected - so I quit and moved to Canada by Carina Stathis, Daily Mail, 19 July 2024 Like millions of other young people, Sam Patterson thought if he worked hard enough, he could achieve the Australian dream of owning a home. But even after saving up $130,000 for a deposit and having a $140,000-per-year job, the 35-year-old was still considered a risk by the banks. After being rejected three times for a modest home loan, Sam realised the system was broken. He packed a suitcase and moved from Melbourne to Canada, having come to the realisation he no longer wanted to live in a city that didn't want him. 'I wanted to buy a house because I thought it was the smart, grown-up thing to do,' Sam told FEMAIL. 'I wasn't even being greedy. I just wanted a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment near my work in the $350,000 budget.' At the time, Sam was living in a St Kilda sharehouse - and paying $1,800 per month for the privilege - which left him wondering if there was more to life than bills. 'I tried so hard but the cost of living isn't easy - especially if you are single.' He moved to Vancouver (Canada), which is also a very expensive city with a housing crisis. But apparently it's not as bad as the big cities in Australia. Australia's sad truth: Residents slam the country as 'boring, directionless and expensive' - as young people 'lose all hope' for the future | Daily Mail Online, 2 June 2024 Furious Aussies slam nation as 'boring, directionless and expensive' With the cost of living and housing crisis only getting worse, some have argued Australia has become a 'boring' place to live with locals focused primarily on 'surviving' rather than entertaining or setting goals. Many agreed they have 'nothing to look forward to' and cities like Sydney and Melbourne feel 'dull' compared to their once-vibrant culture. Skyrocketing house prices and rent have caused many to reach deeper into their pockets, forcing them to go out less - while students or those with university debt are wondering if they'll ever be able to afford a home. Meanwhile, those in their twenties and thirties have grown to be pessimistic about the future, fewer couples are having children because they can't afford to, and many are simply waiting for family inheritance. 'People in my generation have no future except what basically amounts to indentured servitude. I can't afford a house, I can't afford kids, I can barely afford a new car,' a woman in her twenties wrote. The irony is that while Australia does have a lot of land area, there are really only about four major city areas that people want to live in, and where the good job opportunities are. In recent times, due to high immigration levels, as well as wealthy Chinese buying up properties (mainly in Sydney), these city areas have become overcrowded and very expensive. Young people, who used to want the more exciting city life with fun things to do, and lots of people to see, can no longer afford it. Also the land with the best climate, that doesn't get too hot and dry, is mainly in the southeast and east coast regions. The huge interior of Australia is usually extremely hot, dry with periods of long droughts, and sometimes natural periodic flooding. So the population density statistics for the country can be a bit misleading. related older thread: The Australian Dream Has Died, Housing Too Expensive (in Australia section, Dec 28, 2023 )
Let’s start with your source - Daily Fail. Not reputable TRY INSTEAD 1) There are several problems happening at once here. Firstly there is a world wide housing issue a fair amount fuelled by Airbnb and similar 2) Taxation is favouring “investment” properties and the government is about to move on them 3) immigration- yes we took in over half a million people in one year and this put a massive strain on resources 4) getting backsides out of cities - the Daily Fail is UK based rag so it has no freaking idea what rural Australia is like. There are a LOT of jobs available in rural areas often with free accomodation
Oh please, Bowerbird. Your attempts at trying to debunk or refute this is pathetic. Nothing in that news article was the least bit controversial. We all know what the housing situation is in Australia's biggest cities, and the fact things like this would be going on is not the least bit surprising. Not only that, but in many cases news sources that people like you would be willing to consider "credible" would be reluctant to report on certain types of stories. Meaning there would be very little or no reporting about certain things from "credible" news sources. Meaning you proverbially have your head stuck in the sand, and are living in a bubble. Now, Bowerbird, is it your claim that Daily Mail is misrepresenting the current housing situation in Australia? No, it's not true. Just because a media source says it is due to Airbnb doesn't mean it actually is. I think they're just trying to use Airbnb as a scapegoat, to blame the high housing costs on. Let me attempt to explain. If those visitors were not in Airbnb, they would be in hotels, correct? Why would one increase housing prices so much more than the other? Try to look at the bigger picture. Anything that happens with regular home Airbnb rentals will have a trade-off with hotels. Hotels take up land space too, and in the long term will compete with regular housing for land space. Isn't that true? Are there more people travelling? Then maybe what this really has to do with is higher population numbers.
That was written by me and is not part of the article. If you're claiming it is not true, maybe you would like to tell us why there are not really any major big cities in Australia's interior? Not many people wanting to live there. (And before you try to bring it up, Canberra is only 140 km (87 miles) away from the coast, clearly in Australia's southeast region, not "interior")
In case ask first saves looking ……. later. I lived for twenty years in a place called Mt Isa look it up on a map. We didn’t have a water shortage because of Lake Moondarra But Mt Isa has one of the largest copper/lead mines in the world. Mostly though the mine workers were FIFO Fly In Fly Out. These mine workers would have a house in an another coastal city where the family lived. Why didn’t the live there? Well there was a lead smelter in town………
Yep! A yank using a uk resource to comment on an issue in Australia then dismissing the Aussie links I provided…… All I can say is Lols!
Oh yes, Mt Isa, with a thriving population of 18,300. That's 0.35% the population of Sydney. Although to be fair, that is a pretty sizeable city for Australia's interior. Probably puts it in the top 5 ?
Declining home ownership rates in Australia "Overall household home ownership rates in Australia (including dwellings with a mortgage and those owned outright) have hovered around 70 per cent since 1961. At the most recent Census of Population and Housing (2016), the proportion of private dwellings that were owner occupied was 67.1 per cent, the lowest figure recorded since 1954." Declining home ownership rates in Australia - Parliament of Australia ( Looks like it has slid down to 66.3 per cent, as of 2020. (source: "2019-20 Housing Occupancy and Costs Graph 1". Australian Bureau of Statistics. 25 May 2022 )
As you aleady know kazenatsu..... I am a rather strange person...... ... I was raised listening to the Irish songs of rebellion made famous by The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. but then when I was twenty something I went through a philosophical crisis..... when I found out that my last name was actually ENGLISH!!!!! I believe that I can present a pretty powerful case that English monarchs..... English aristocrats....... played with the few Jewish families who lived in England...... and in the British Isles..... and in all of Europe....... ... much like a cat would play with a mouse.......... .... or a lioness might adopt a baby gazelle........ ..... .... but the lioness no matter how good her intentions may have been... would not be able to protect that baby gazelle..... if she fell asleep..... [you can do a search for this actually happening on YouTube]...... .... I believe that Malthusian Catastrophe Theory written in 1789 or so....... is evidence that we Aristocrats families of Europe..... led largely by England....... we set up a few Jewish banking families..... so that boom and bust cycles could be blamed..... on Jews..... .... in a way we English aristocrats fed Adolf Hitler and his followers the bulk of the ideas that they felt were their own...... ,,, but no,..... Hitler was merely a sacrificial pawn in our much larger scheme......... Sir Winston Churchill once termed our most well informed leaders..... The High Cabal....... and we have used Compound Interest Over Time to make nations appear to be bankrupt on paper..... ..... ..... but this is just the type of practical joke that we tend to play on our Jewish brethren..... because we are descended from Ephrayim...... [ the youngest son of Joseph- Y o s e f]....... and we were not really slaves in Egypt..... .... 25,000 Ephrayim soldiers left Egypt freely over a century or so before Moses... Moshe...... [ok... our wives and daughters may have because slaves after that disaster]....... I have written quite a bit on this topic in my 2006 and 2004 campaign writings........ www.BankingSystemFlaws.blogspot,com/ AUSTRALIANs,.... AMERICANS.... CANADIANS..... RUNNING LIKE GHERBILS ON AN ENDLESS TREADMILL...... WAS OUR PLAN........... FROM THE BEGINNING.... WE ENGLISH ARISTOCRATS USE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO DECEIVE ALL NATIONS....... ..... but in our favour..... even worse lies than what we have told...... are published in Russian and Chinese....... .... because Karl Marx was likely a THEISTIC SATANIST...... NOT AN ATHEIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALSO WONDER IF RICHARD DAWKINS PH. D. IS ACTUALLY AN ATHEIST.... OR IS HE LIKE MARX..... SIMILAR TO EVANGELIST JOHN RAMIREZ BEFORE HIS DAMASCUS ROAD EXPERIENCE????????????? my apologies for rambling..... but I do believe that will find this theory helpful...... Do a search on "Malthusianism" and especially for "Neo-Malthusianism" to better understand how we English....... think and manipulate the world economy...... ... and government.... and bureaucracies........ and.... and,...... and.... and.... and.....
Exactly..... we organized a bear market for 1929...... .... but the bear market of 1865 - 1873 tends to be understood by only a few....... even fewer understand the Bear Market of 1750 - 1776.... that drove the Americans into their Revolutionary War...... ..... we didn't care what the Americans did........ .... we soon owned America again through................ The :"Federal" Reserve system................
I'm working one job, but doing around 52 hours a week including overtime. I have also cut most spending very far back. I spend $57 per week on food. I don't go out, except to exercise or go to work. I have in this way now saved up a house deposit, but I'm so furious at the banks that I'm just going to save up for an entry level 1 bedroom by myself, they can shove their loan where the sun don't shine.