Fact:As far back as 2004, even as signs emerged that subprime lenders were approving mortgages for borrowers who couldn't afford them, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plunged ahead with a policy that allowed Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to invest billions in subprime loans under the guise that it promoted affordable housing. Yep, no government interference in the housing market here.
Centrally planned road systems kill tens of thousands in the US every year and maim hundreds of thousands more and lead to all sorts of property damage besides.
So you mean if they hadn't enacted the policy it would have never happened? Now what if there was no Department of housing. They allowed bad mortgages to occur. It would have happened w\o them.
The U.S is not even close to even being CLOSE to capitalism. We are more of a socialist dictatorship right now. Just wondering but want to take a wild guess as to who the dictator is?...I'll give you a thousand if you can guess. ^That is exactly what caused the recession we are in right now. (I agree with you) Am I supposed to take this post seriously...unless a everyone in a bank was drunk and high on drugs at the same time, why on earth would they make a high risk loan...?... thats almost like asking does government force us to pay taxes or does government allow us to pay taxes.
So do away with roads? Cars kill and maim more people than roads. Cars drive on roads. Therefore cars are bad. Company's make cars so therefore car company's are bad.
That depends on how narrowly you want to define "Socialism" and "Communism". If you narrow the definition of "black" enough, then there are no black people in the US. We often hear this empty argument on this forum, usually about once a year. Someone will post "OMG You cant say communism has never failed because its never really been tried!!11!1!". Here are the usual responses: 1 - Well, the fact that every single nation, without exception, that has even ATTEMPTED communism has degenerated or "deformed" says all that needs to be said about Communism itself. 2 - You could make the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT for capitalism as well. You could say "there has never been a nation that is truely capitalist" just by narrowing the definition of "capitalist" enough. When presented with these counters most commie defenders usually either drop the argument as if they had never made it, or drift off onto an irrelevant tangent. I cant wait to see which one you will pick. Maybe I should start a pool in private mail with some of the other conservatives on here.
Im not convinced it would be less efficient either. the roads where I am are almost as bad as they get. horrendous traffic, accidents. both seem unnecessary to me.
I dont think so, but either way I know no state is not realistically in our future, so I just advocate minimizing it wherever it can be done.
Lol So presidents are dictators now? Care to define socialism? By textbook terms and not Glen Beckian ones.[/QUOTE] We use textbook terms. Unlike liberals and conservatives who call anything they don't like socialist and communistic. I think you mean every country in the transition to communism has degenerated or deformed. That just means they have bad leadership. 2.We know that but there are types of capitalism that all countries today subscribe to. No country has been some form of socialist. Ever. If I made a pool for every time I thought a conservative would say communism is "government intervention" I'd be Bill Gates.
Case in point. LOL Yeah, when its communism or socialism, it is always "bad leadership". When it is capitalism, it is because the system itself is bad. That double standard is not new on here. There has never been a "real" capitalist nation. Prove me wrong.
Who said there isn't bad leadership in capitalist states? How many of those states tried to change their economic system around completely through? The USSR effectively outspent itself. Something similar to what the US is doing. Had the USSR not done that it would still be around today. That's bad leadership. When the average person in the world lives on less than a couple of dollars a day that's a bad system. If you look at all the Eastern Bloc nations they all increased the standard of living and life expectancy. When did I say there was one? I said the subscribed to a form of capitalism.
I don't know about you, but I'm imaginative enough to see that even without government, things can exist. Cars are getting safer because consumers demand safer cars. However, consumers have almost no control over the safety of roads as they are designed by bureaucracies with little to no accountability. Try suing your highway authority for creating a short highway "weave" that pushes fast moving cars together as they try to get to different highway splits. If your car is defective you can get relief in court. If your road is defective, you can write an angry letter. You bring up another good point. One of the reasons cars are not a safe as they could be is that CAFE standards for reduced fuel consumption have forced manufacturers to push lighter cars that don't hold up as well in accidents. More central planning to the rescue.
You mean living without people who rule over us and who have a monopoly on the legal use of force? Yeah, who would want that???
I don't even support public education (although tragically, private education as it's currently usually offered is even worse), but transportation is one thing that I don't think should be privatized, because then parasites would be capitalizing and crippling everyone with expenses to even go anywhere. It'd slow society down, simply stated. IMO, geographical area and space ought to be innately publicly owned. By the way, if our government were designed WAY more intelligently, the issues you bring up wouldn't be as prevalent.
....ummmm....if someone comes to your house and murders your family and there's no law enforcement to tell them they can't do it nor punish them, don't come crying to me? GOTTA LOVE ANARCHY!!
I can imagine it would be pretty (*)(*)(*)(*)ty or non existent. Slow down then? Driver error is the cause of the majority of accidents. I'd even go to say that a very small minority are caused by roads themselves. How many accidents are caused by cars being too light? Versus what.
So when law enforcement comes to your house and murders your family, and the police are exonerated, don't come crying to me. GOTTA LOVE GOVERNMENT!!!
Since when have the U.S. police done that to any U.S. citizen? Now, compare that to what private mafias have done to people. In any case, it doesn't matter if you live in an "anarchist" or communist society, or any "type" of society for that matter; you're still gonna have some people in power over everyone else and able to use force over them. The choice now is whether you'd like a private or public mafia being in charge.
I didn't say presidents are dictators, and you still didn't challenge or disprove my initial statement...what a loss. We use "REAL LIFE" experience, which is better than textbook, and what you said makes no sense, liberals are socialistic and communistic, so how can they call anything they don't like social/communisitc?... "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein ^All there needs to be said about this. Put down whatever drugs you are high on and I suggest editing or deleting that before you ruin your reputation here on the forum.