Sure right after we procedure or sue every Gebonee who made a false claim of fraudulent voting. You see election credibility is a two way street. Do not commit fraud AND to not make false accusation of non existent fraud which degrades the democratic process of voting/ elections.
I do not believe that the majority of voters are liberals. Biden's victory was basically the reaction by voters to the dispicable concaphony of anti American anti Democratic filth that Trump crapped down upon our country.
MAGA is not a platform it is a bumper sticker a fraud committed by a self centered man who was enabled by mobs of ignoramuses lazy people who believed and followed him based upon his words and fake promises supporting him all while ignoring his evil and anti American actions.
It most certainly is both. Energy independence, tax reform, deregulation, 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, abortion limitations, law and order, crack down on illegal immigration, withdrawal from foreign adventures, the reversal of outsourcing/offshoring, revision of unfavorable trade agreements, peace through strength... You may disagree with some or all of this but if this is not a platform, nothing is. Duh PS this is the republican platform that saved the Senate and won 10-13 House seats in the year when Biden was expected to have coattails and all these pseudo-experts predicted huge democrat gains in both chambers. It's a platform, it's called MAGA, it's here to stay...and it's a great bumper sticker too. LOL
There are crimes of immoral actions which may or may not be crimes in legal code. The crime of false accusation is at least a moral crime against democracy. I say may be because you just do not know how a court may interpret something.
That the accusations aren't false is not even in dispute, the real question is whether the fraud was intentional and whether enough of it can be proven to overturn the election results. You're welcome PS if you can prove deliberately fraudulent accusations and affidavits, do prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. I support that 100%.
There are, according to the state of MI results, 172K votes that have no attribution of the number of registered voters who were reconciled with those votes. Facts. And not good ones for Wayne county. This is what banana republics and dictators do. A smile recount would have discovered this, and those ballots would have had to have been thrown. Why? Because they cannot be attributed to an actual registered voter. Why is that? And why do you suppose you're willing to defend this practice?
False accusations? Are you accusing Elizabeth Warren & Amy Klobuchar of false accusations as well? So in essence, they were for elections fraud through voting machines before they were against it?
Wow how world is moving fast. Your post was posted on Nov 8, 2020, and on November 23 Trump legal team disavows association with lawyer Sidney Powell: ..................................................................................................... "The Republican party promises pie in the sky but delivers dung on the sidewalk."
Which document was made up for President Trump impeachment? Not to late to learn about President Trump impeachment: [...] "Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election."
Could this be the source of all the fraud? Aliens helping humanity evolve? Utah helicopter crew discovers mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert
We surely have learned a thing or two. We now know that you can legally withhold military and financial aid from a foreign government to ensure you can influence any prosecution against your own financial interest in said foreign nation.
As far as I am concerned, whether you are liberal, independent or "light" conservative, the important thing is that a Democrat is president for a long time to come. Because in only 4 years, a Republican can do a lot of damage.
Yeah, like not invade or bomb other countries. Bring jobs back to the nation that they once have left. Has done more for HBCU's. Has done more for Native Americans than any former president. Actually made animal cruelty a felony (about dam time). Made CBD and hemp federally legal (needs to legalize all marijuana). Became energy independent and made American companies competitive again in the world markets. Signed the criminal reform act (First Step). The first step also expanded judicial discretion in the sentencing in non-violent crime to which over 90% of those benefiting from retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step act are black Americans. While 47 years of Biden have accomplished the exact opposite, Most notably, Biden's criminal reform act as placed more people in prisons than any other policy ever created by a politician while Kamala intentionally blocked evidence that could have freed many people.
As I have said many times before, the families of the 260,000 victims of the virus and the 12 million newly unemployed warmly thanked Trump for his achievements on November 3rd.
Problem was that Trump put a ban on direct flights from China to the US West Coast, but left indirect flights from China through South Africa and Europe open. The result was the shift of the hot spot going from Seattle to NYC in the following weeks. And while Trump seems to have taken the virus seriously for a couple of weeks, he then launched into his denial period - "It's going away by itself ..." and then talking down masks and social distancing as the actions of snowflakes ... he was a contrarian dick about it.
Trump's Election was the WORST thing that ever happened to America. Trump 4 Years will be a Permanent STAIN on the History of the Republic.#SAD