McCain: "GOP is killing itself"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Ronstar, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Dude, I already walked. Not because of your false sense that it was because I didn't get my demands met, but because a Party which fails to move forward or listen to anyone but the most radical members in the Republican Party is not the same Party I joined almost 40 years ago. I'm now part of the 42% and growing among the Independents. Feel free to make it all my fault when the Republican Party implodes from its own excesses.
  2. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Two can play this game of pin the tail on the prima donna.

    Because I refuse to join your insignificant little fringe party either.

    How do you like them apples?
  3. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    ...I'm going to just leave this here until you reconcile with reality, because that made absolutely no sense at all.

    Bullsh*t. Money is the ultimate equalizer. The more you have, the less people notice those other things like gender, and skin tone, and sexual preference.

    In what way is 'Me First' socialist? I do not think that word means what you think it means. Anyway, as much as I love a positive outlook, yours is so weirdly detached from reality that it's almost Disney in its wistfulness.

    It's so odd how you can have a good basis and mar it with so much pointless rhetoric. Grr Socialism, Grr MobAma, grr. Yes kids should be held accountable in school, I have already agreed with you on that, or are you looking for some sort of rise from me due to said rhetoric?

    ...I'm at a loss as to how you connect a childs understanding of morality and how it equates to education and Fort Hood. Or are you just throwing anything against the wall that might even be loosely related to see what will stick?

    Once again your putting words in my mouth. I said that their is a subjective view on morality, but as you ignored what I opened with, I'll repeat. The 10 Commandants are a great place to start, but if you want to talk about the new version of Western Values, go turn on the TLC channel. That's what the rest of the world sees as American Values now.
  4. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Yes! That captures the whackjobs' inane bleating beautifully, and graphically underscores the nut house divided against itself.
  5. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    To which I reply, Bon Appétit!
  6. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    In fairness...a cardboard cutout IS smarter than Ted Cruz or Sarah Palin. :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    They control ONE House of Congress...and LOST a net 8 seats last November...

    and the President and Democratic Senate are supposed to do what THEY want???
  7. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    You are describing the Democratic party. I joined Democratic Underground as a Thomas Payne liberal and they banned me because I didn't toe the progressive line. They chased me away simply because I believed in individual liberty. I believe any individual should be free to do anything they want as long as it doesn't interfere with another individuals rights of doing the same. I believe in taxing those who need less to survive more than those who need more of their personal incomes to survive. What I don't believe in is trying to do the impossible like providing A level qualified health insurance too anyone because it would bankrupt our nation to attempt it. ie. I'm a realist. So they banned me from the site. The Democrats are chasing their moderates away.
  8. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    BUSH is the reason Obama got elected. It didn't matter who the Democrats ran, after 8 years of Bush, we weren't going to have another Republican President.
  9. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    No doubt since their own numbers are dropping too. Just not as much as the Republicans.
  10. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    What "insignificant little fringe party"?

    I like these apples:

  11. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Try telling a hardcore TP that the wheels are coming off the GOP machine, and he'll ask you 1) "What's a wheel?" and 2) "Did that there National Science and Technology Council waste any taxpayer money on such a useless doodad's development?" (No.)

    ... and the beat goes on.

  12. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    You make it sound like the house Republicans have no
    purpose other than to kiss the boot of your Fuhrer.

    The Constitution places the power of the purse in the House of Representatives which is controlled by the Republicans.

    It's part of the checks and balances given to us by the founding fathers.
  13. Flintc

    Flintc New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Good point. And what they have been doing is killing every proposal with unanimous votes. At least, they've been doing that in the little time they can squeeze in between repeating the same hopeless symbolic vote 40 times and counting.

    Meanwhile, the Obama administration is completely blocked every time they try to do anything. AND our right-wingers turn around and blame Obama for not solving every problem whose solution the House killed. The question is, are the voters across the nation able to penetrate through this and see that recovery is glacially slow because the Republicans are doing everything they can to guarantee that it's glacially slow?

    I think Obama needs to put on one of those old "fireside chats", where he lists every proposal he's put out to create jobs, to encourage investment, and everything else the House has killed. He can say "I'm doing all the constitution allows to help the American people. I'll keep trying, because you deserve it."
  14. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    No. There are absolutes on morality.

    #1: People are not property.

    #2: Respect is earned, not given.

    #3: Violence begets violence, and it should. Violence unanswered begets even more violence than violence addressed.

    The Ten Commandments? THAT'S a "good place to start"? Cite the First Commandment, 'kay?\
  15. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    They don't have to.

    You should read the Constitution some day. When you see it for the first time, it'll confuse the hell out of you, because it's in English. One of the things the Constitution says is that the House controls the spending bills.

    So, yes, since King Obama had such a (*)(*)(*)(*)ty re-election, he didn't manage to steal the House, which means HE will have to COMPROMISE with the Americans.

    Which means that MessiahCare doesn't get funded, and if King Obama shuts down the government because an unconstitutional illegal "law" isn't funded by the Americans, then the government is shut down.

    It will be King Obama's fault, of course, just like the failed economy is.
  16. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    no, it's the fault of gop obstructionists
  17. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Actually, McSTAIN was the reason the RATS could elect King Obama, Racist, Fascist and Traitor.

    And you mean after 8 years of medea lies about Bush, too many people were really stupid and voted RAT because they are stupid.

    Let's see...the medea made a thirty ring circus out of that irrelevant Valerie Plame broad...but they buried Fast and Furious and they're burying the IRS scandal, Obama's role in getting Americans killed in Benghazi, the NSA scandal, the AP Wiretapping scandal, the collapse of Obama's buddies in the Muslim Terrorist Brotherhood.

    Which of the above REAL scandals is less important than the phony Valerie Plame "scandal"? Not one is less important or less dangerous, by huge margins.

    - - - Updated - - -


    That's what fools were saying when King Obama couldn't get support for anything when his corrupt party controlled both Houses of Congress.

    Somebody should change the phonograph driving your teleprompter.
  18. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    the lies you post are amusing, obama is no king

    if he were a king he wouldn't have to worry about congress

    all he would have to do is make a royal decree
  19. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have to agree with Gorn Captain...a cardboard cutout IS smarter than Ted Cruz or Sarah Palin.

    I really liked McCain...and I think in the year that he ran for President...a year when the Republicans HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SHOT OF WINNING THE PRESIDENCY....McCain was the one man who at least put up a good showing.

    Sarah Palin on the other hand is solely responsible for loosing at least 10 states in the Election.

    Now I am a Hunter and I own many weapons as well I ride Snowmobiles and enjoy the outdoors. Sarah Palin actually made me want to quit hunting as I didn't want to have a single thing in common with that walking...talking atrocity of a candidate!!!

    The McCain Campaign adviser who brought in the idea of McCain running with Sarah Palin should be considered the person who destroyed the McCain Campaign for the Presidency.

  20. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    You know, I don't believe you and I are going to find anymore common ground out of this so I don't think I wish to continue this back and forth. So thank you and good day to you sir.
  21. Flintc

    Flintc New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    When the ratio of deliberate insults to substantive arguments reaches 10:1, it's time to pack it in. If some industrious moderator redacted all deliberate misspellings and insulting pejoratives, we have a few people here whose posts would have nothing left but prepositions.
  22. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    The republican metamorphosis & transformation into the obstructing, polarizing, hateful shell of what it once was can all be traced back to & fully explained by the fact that the entire party had one colossal melt down the second Barack Obama was elected as our first president of color.

    NONE of them would have had the reaction they had - if the president’s father came from England and was named Bartholomew O’Neil instead of Barack Obama Sr.

    Millions of people of all nationalities across this country felt it was time to give somebody other than another "rich white male" a shot at the presidency.

    Republicans made a calculated decision the night the election came to a close, and it’s been a full steamed “scorch the earth” policy since then.

    I’ll never be able to convince many on the right and none in the extreme column of any of this, but republicans have become a victim of their own toxic strategies and obsessive character assignation of an incredibly mild-mannered guy.

    What do I mean: constantly beating up on the president, and painting all of his policies as detrimental to U.S. interest makes it impossible to walk back from all of that when you have too? Once you’ve unleashed the dragon and spun up your base, you’ve committed yourself to a tone & dialog that you can never retreat from (even though you know it’s mostly bunk).

    Hence many party elders like Jeb Bush and a few others that have made several stabs at bringing the party back from the abyss by calling for civility, and an an end to the ridiculous "birther movement" only to be shouted down and called RINOS.

    Before I'm piled on too badly, I would say the same thing if Democrats were using this strategy.

    Almost all of you righties have completely bought into the steady stream of BS coming from all of your exalted leaders in Washington, and the cruel joke is that most of them save for the Ted Cruz’s & Rick Santorum’s of the party actually believe all the venom they spin on a daily basis.

    Most of these cats (secretly behind closed doors) “LOVED” the stimulus and what it did for their states, and a few other things the president has done - but publicly they can never admit to any of this.

    The president is completely wasting his time trying to meet them in the middle and always has been because republicans sincerely don’t care about national debts or what type of America will be left for your children as much as they care about winning elections and regaining the mantle of power.
  23. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    The idea apparantly originated with right wing pundit and Neo Con darling, Bill Kristol.

    This man has been so consitantly and disasterously wrong about so many things, that I am amazed the they still let him near a televion camera.

    Yet, he remains a darling of the right, dispite having played a direct role in handing them two of their biggest disasters; the Iraq war, and Sarah Palin.
  24. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    It began a long time before that.

    It dates all the way back the Nixon's "Southern Strategy", which was helped along by a young television producer turned conservative consultant named Roger Ailes, who got involved in politics working for Nixon.

    It was no mistake the Ronald Reagan launched his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the scene of one of the most grusome autrocities of the Civil Rights era.

    He later embraced teh misogyony and racism of Bob Jones University.

    His successor, George H,W, Bush campaigned on the notorious Lee Atwater created Willie Horton ad, a piece of notorious race baiting.

    His son continued the tradition by launching his bid for the South Carolina primary at the aforementioned Bob Jones University, and having his right hand man, Karl Rove push poll rumors that John McCain had a black love child.

    Throughout the Bush years, the GOP waged a constant battle to ether remove minority voters from the rolls using caging operations, or by enacting voter ID laws deliberatly designed to prevent people of limited means from easily registering to vote. This continued throughout the George W Bush adminstration and was the cause of purjury and resignation of his second Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales.

    The GOP couldn't wait until the end of the primaries before it launched its race baiting Reverend Wright videos.

    Two years later, Fox News knowingly promoted a false race baiting attack designed by Andrew Breitbart against Shirley Sherrod.

    Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary last year with race baiting.

    The pattern is consistant, and has repeated itself in one form or another with nearly every GOP presidential candidate since Nixon. Gerald Ford and Bob Dole appear to be the only exceptions (although Dole's wife Elizebeth, saw her Senatorial career ended when her campaign launched a race baiting attack in North Carolina). McCain seems to have avoided being involved, but the antics of Mr Rove made up for that.

    Now their chances of enlarging their base by appealing to Hispanics is crashing on the rocks put in place by the base that they've been assiduously courting for the last 40 years.

    And as the party disintigrates under pressure from the extremes, the very media forces that once servied as powerful meagphones for the GOP are aiding the breakup. Fox News, bloggers and talk radio screamers have little really invested in the GOP or in conservatism. But they know their cash registers will keep on ringing as long as they can keep on serving a steady diet of vitriol, race baiting and BS to their small, slavish and exceedingly generous audience.

    They don't care if everyone else is repulsed. They're making money.
  25. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Ultimately the blame will fall upon the shoulders of the republican/tea party and it'll cost them dearly; more then they will ever realize until its too late. The liberals will explain to the public through the MSM as to what happened and why and it isn't going to be a pretty picture for the right if the government gets shut down. people are going to point fingers and since the MSM is controlled by the left you guys will be drawn and quartered.

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