All Low Information Voters believe this. No American did. He's got a record, you know? Funny, isn't it, that he showed 10 points better when he named Palin, and he then immediately moved to throw them away by being McStain. Did we find them later? Were they under the couch cushions? Did that mean for a little while the US only had 47 states? EVERY STATE the went RED for Obama (figure it out) did so solely because they were chock-full of Stupids. You ever figure out what Paul Revere's mission was when he headed up the road to Concord and Lexington? Why, when it was McStain that lost the McStain campaign, and he was running against the easiest target in the history of the nation.
Given that King Obama is the most corrupt president since the Rapist, who was the most corrupt president since Grant, the USA can make no pretenses to integrity. It has Hairy No Discernible Negro Dialect Reid ruining the Senate. It had that (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) Pelosi in the House. Between the three of them, with illegal "Senator" Al Franken, they pushed into law the completely unconstitutional MessiahCare scam. King Obama uses the IRS to stifle the First Amendment. King Obama violates the Fourth Amendment with the NSA, and only the RATS know what they're doing with all that information. Nothing good. King Obama violated the Fourth Amendment and tapped the phones of the medea. King Obama is a worse racist than Wilson, who desegregated the federal government before WW1.
I completely agree. However, the democrats are in a much better position to win the presidency. The republicans are really only in a good position to win in local elections in very conservative areas. They really are fading. I wish it weren't true, but they are doing it to themselves.
Agreed on all points although I would quibble about "much better position to win the presidency". Yes, because of Republican infighting and driving away members, they've weakened themselves. Still, as in myself, while many right leaners may be Independents, we still lean right as shown in the poll marking party affiliation below. It's not all sunshine and flowers for the Democrats. If they ran Hillary Clinton, that would present them with a problem. She's not only has a lot of controversial baggage, but her age is a factor. A major issue is ACA (Obamacare). It kicks in this year and the American public will have a full year to breath in its effects by November 2014. If the problems aren't resolved or, worse for the Democrats, major problems develop, it will be a huge anchor in November 2016. The Republicans need to get their act together. Too many potential candidates have damaged themselves or isolated themselves from the mainstream. I think either or both Christie and Rubio have the best shot at uniting both the increasingly radical Right and right-leaning Independents. As the stats below show, a Presidential candidate cannot win just by winning over voters from their own party.
Yes and republicans are angels. Take the blinders off, both parties cater to big business and the international banking community, and they will never bite the hand that feeds them. As the two party scam plays good cop/bad cop, you are falling for the divide and conquer BS.
no, the gop should not have made obstructionism job one the democratic party puts the people first, the gop doesn't
And when republicans are in charge who are the obstructionists? Aa,,....BOOOOOOLSSHIIIIIIIT! They are so much alike it is scary, and they are working for the exact same goal working it in two completely different angles. Keeping their rich/elite masters fat and happy, and everybody else dazed and confused.
Oh please it is the game they play. Both parties are in cahoots together. The social BS is just a subterfuge, to disguise their true agenda. Pleasing their rich masters. Negative I don't spread BS, this is a BS free zone. Really? It gets them out of paying insurance for their already underpaid employees. And when that money which is part of the employees compensation package, isn't paying for insurance any more, and the employees are left to fend for themselves, will that money go into the pockets of those employees so they can purchase the new mandatory insurance scam? I won't wait for an answer we both already know.
no, it's for everyone it's helping get everyone insured, despite all the obstructionism from the right
What good does insurance do you if none of the doctors will see you? My sister has Medicaid but can't find a doctor who will take Medicaid so she might as well not have any insurance at all.
It certainly effects everyone (except retired federal elected officials, and other government protected corporate entities which are of course exempt). For the better or worse, the jury is still out on that. Everyone doesn't need insurance, especially mandatory insurance. What we need is affordable health care, and reasonable insurance rates, none of which is possible with mandatory insurance. Yes you will see a slump in some insurance rates at first and then when everybody is facing a maximum fine for not being insured, then the monopolized price fixing will be a reality.
Spot on. I tell everyone I know to beware the honey on the trap. This nation hasn't passed a law that helps average people in 50 years, and they aren't about to start now. There's no way this nation can finance 30% or more of the population being on medicaid. It will eventually be another 100 out of every check and when you go to use the insurance you will find out it is (*)(*)(*)(*) that doesn't cover (*)(*)(*)(*). How on earth does a person without health coverage think a piece of legislation, written by the insurance lobby, that forces us to pay for big medicine's gouged prices, is going to save the day? The great majority are going to get butt (*)(*)(*)(*)ed, and only a fool would think otherwise.
your lies have been exposed many times when everyone who can afford it, pays into the system, it works much better than what we had before it's more efficient and it gives people better treatment at an affordable rate
Mandatory anything does nothing to reduce costs, or create more quality anything, if anything it causes prices to rise and quality to diminish. If everybody at work throws in an equal share for kegger after work on Friday, it will increase the quality of the munchies we can afford, and reduce the cost if only a few volunteer funds. That's because all the money goes out and isn't being used to make people rich like this insurance scam is going to do. This ain't no kegger. It's extortion, and tyranny.
I know exactly how insurance works. Take mandatory insurance laws for automobiles. When AZ sold the bad goods of mandatory insurance the same BS was proclaimed. More people will be insured and the cost of insurance will go down. TOTAL BS. The uninsured motorists percentage almost doubled within the first 6 months, and costs for insurance went up immediately. They didn't even wait for the ink to dry. Then to add insult to injury auto repairs skyrocketed (just like medical cost will, once the bugs are worked out), and nothing was even comparable to the claims made about making the world a peachy keeno place where everybody had insurance, paid less, and butterflies & unicorns flew out their asses. It was a lie then and it is a lie now. This idiotic legislation isn't supposed to work, it is supposed to do exactly what it was designed to do. Make matters worse. Then mandatory socialized medicine will be the new savior, and it will be the only option offered when this BS fails,and the public demands it to be repaired. You sheeple really need to wake the (*)(*)(*)(*) up and smell the cowpie coffee being served to you. You are talking ideal situations on paper, only this isn't a controlled laboratory, or a paper on sensibility, it's real life, and when people are thrown into any equation, best intentions don't mean a damn thing.
I also believe that anybody using "Low Information Voter"...believes anything Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity tell them to believe.
Please explain how it is that the number of uninsured motorists doubled once they were required by law to have insurance. This doesn't make sense. We've had mandatory auto insurance in my state for over 40 years now, and we have no problems. We do still have people driving around without insurance, but not many. You can't renew your tags without proof of insurance. Besides, auto body repair is not an inelastic commodity. You can put off having the dents taken out of your car. You won't put off having the dents taken out of your body (figuratively speaking).
Little different situation with auto insurance IMHO. I believe laws that make auto insurance mandatory are perfectly acceptable since that potentially affects the property and lives of others.