McCain: "GOP is killing itself"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Ronstar, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    I like John McCain and respect his service to our nation, but he is a good example of term limits. The current system is geared more to reelection of Congressmen than it is Congress doing their (*)(*)(*)(*)ing job duty.
  2. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    yeah, in 2008 the economy was collapsing, the banks were failing... and republicans have been on the attack ever sense trying to destroy any recovery and attack any good news
  3. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    When someone has been in Congress too long, they come to view themselves as denizens of the capital.

    They own homes in the Capital area. Dick Lugar and Evan Bayh did not have more than unfurnished condos in Indiana. Neither moved back to Indiana upon leaving office.

    They become Redskins fans.

    Maybe its time to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. Like the Eighteenth, it was passed with the best of intentions, and like the Eighteenth, it backfired on us.

    The Framers envisioned Senators as ambassadors from the States, not Representatives with very big districts. I say we need to go back to that.

    Senators should be chosen by the states. I'd refine the original to allow the states to choose Senators any way they wish, requiring only a renewal every six years.

    A refinement would be to have Senators - like ambassadors - to be subject to recall by the States for any reason their State sees fit.

    Like ambassadors, the individual States should maintain the Capital-area residences of the Senators.

    Like ambassadors, the individual States - not the federal Treasury - should pay the Senators.
  4. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    What you are trying to say may be clear to you but I suspect it's not clear to many others.

    So far you're telling me that moderates do not like conservatives but you fail to specify why.
  5. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    You mean besides dispelling the myth that teachers don't buy beemers?

    All schools are easy for the Mayor. After all, he's a Navy Nuclear Power School Graduate.

    True. Most Americans are now less equal than illegal alien criminals. Other than that, go away and learn what AMERICANS mean by the concept of "equality". Ain't got squat to do with bank accounts.

    Yeah, there is Canada, where people can be criminally prosecuted for saying things muslims don't like; England, where people can be prosecuted for not being nice to the people robbing them; France, for wearing religious head-gear or symbols; and North Korea, where people can be punished for not being sad that their latest late Dear Leader done departed.

    In the US King Obama, is working hard to destroy the Bill of Rights, but the Americans are still presenting resistance.

    No. Learn how to read English. Try to understand the role of government in a free society, and figure out the role of parents in the raising of THEIR young. The morality a government is supposed to present is adherence to law. The morality a parent is supposed to teach their child is respect for self, respect for others, the boundaries of what is permissible for others to do to them, by teaching them the boundaries are what they are allowed to do to others, respect for life, respect for others, and their property, clear thinking, and the ability to determine when the law violates their liberties, consistent with what is in fact permissible behavior towards others. It's not complicated....the government takes the back seat in the morality business, being constitutionally restricted to protecting life, liberty, and property.

    Properly trained Americans understand this, it's not surprising foreigners do not.

    Gee, all you have to do is figure out who has the greater authority over their children, the fascist socialists in the government or the parents. Orwell realized the government brooks no dissent.

    Sure. All schools should teach the children to view history without judging. After all, it's judgmental to say that the socialists in Germany shouldn't have roasted 12,000,000 people. It's judgmental to condemn the socialists under Stalin for starving the people in Urkraine. It's judgmental to say Mao shouldn't have killed 40,000,000 citizens because they were an inconvenience. No, the government should be allowed to create millions and millions of good little, naturally ignorant, but able to sing "Obama, mmm-mm, mmm-mm" on command.

    Parents teach their children to judge by standards independent of what Big Brother wants. That's just intolerable for some. Perhaps you're not aware that the fascist socialists in the US education establishment push what they call a "values free" curriculum...meaning, of course, government values, since they control the curriculum.
  6. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Yeah, that would be his FIRST election.
  7. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Except that "Obamanomics" has been made up of something like 3 bills. Maybe if the republicans in the house would stop blocking every jobs bill presented, (*)(*)(*)(*) wouldn't be so fanwards?
  8. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    It's amazing what Obama's phalanxes of Low Information Voters believe.

    A clear example of why the standards for voter eligibility must be raised. He can't even check out the published information. After the Rapist President's recession, Bush's tax cuts created economic growth and yielded something like 12,000,000 new jobs.
  9. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Strike Two.

    I am confident most people understand exactly what I'm saying I also understand why those on the far Right, those who consider anyone left of them a "lefty", would not see past their narrow views to see the bigger picture. In short, just because a person is dumb enough never to look around when in the wilderness doesn't mean something isn't about to come from behind and eat their ass for lunch.
  10. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    A moderate for sure. I notice you left out the second part. Is that because you can't think of one because when we run moderates we lose but when we don't run the moderate we win?

    3 points, an all you have now is a promise of more taxes and more spending and more kickbacks. Otherwise let me hear the plan you think Obama has for the country's economic state.
  11. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I'm still wondering what narrow views you think are driving broad minded Repubs like yourself away.

    I suspect there is one issue that is setting the tone for you but so far you are keeping it to yourself.
  12. Radio Refugee

    Radio Refugee New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    100% MSNBC apologia.

    Leaders LEAD. Leaders make forward going legislation happen. Clinton and Reagan did it.

    Community organizers foment dissent. They blame. They ratchet up tension. And this one scapegoats with the entire Jurassic media playing on his team. No surprise you only know one tune as well.

    In 2011 the administration predicted forward going GDP at 3.5+% WITH a GOP House. WTF happened? They failed. AGAIN. And again. There's no excuse. They suck.
  13. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Well, irrational disagreement with an obvious fact is a clear road to stagnation.

    King Obama, Fascist: King Obama APPOINTED the CEO of GM, after STEALING GM from the company's bondholders.

    You asked. There's more. We can discuss how the fascist killed the Keystone XL Pipeline, thereby lining the pockets of his pal Warren Buffet. We can discuss how the traitor worked overtime to alienate the nation's strongest ally, the UK, and how he's worked to undermine our only ally in the Middle East, Israel. And we can easily come up with more examples of his racism. It's all on record.

    King Obama, Racist, Fascist, and Traitor.

    King Obama, Fascist: King Obama signed MesisahCare into law. That law is clearly unconstitutional, first on the basis of the mandates, and secondly on it's violation of the Originations Clause.

    King Obama, Racist: King Obama attended Wright's Church of Hate Whitey. Only a racist would stay for ONE sermon from that bigot. King Obama stayed for a thousand, and had the bigot marry him to his fat assed moocher.

    King Obama, Racist: King Obama confessed that he didn't feel "black enough" in his fictional auto-hagiographies.

    King Obama, Racist: King Obama interjected the presidential pulpit into a completely irrelevant, inconsequential, and typical arrest of a racist man creating a public nuisance. The racist happened to be the black professor of Bigotry at Hahvahd. King Obama said the "police acted stupidly".

    King Obama, Racist: King Obama, needing to stir up racial hatred in the black community to keep them on the DemocRAT plantation for his re-election (his policies have harmed blacks in America more than any other population group), proclaimed that the thug shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer would be the spitting image of his son, if he'd been able to sire boys.

    King Obama, Rascist: King Obama's Attorney General, Dick Holder, is also a racist, dismissing the CONVICTIONS of New Black Panther thugs who threated cracker voters in Philadelphia, deterring them from voting. He routinely refuses to prosecute black-on-white crime (he also refuses to prosecute black on black crime, contributing to the situation in Chicago).

    King Obama, Traitor: King Obama's policies are accomplishing nothing but joblessness. This is not accidental.

    King Obama, Traitor: In a speech made in Mexico, King Obama blamed Mexico's burgeoning anarchy on the availability of guns in the US...but not on his permission to his Dick Holder to walk guns to Mexican drug cartels via the Fast and Furious "phony scandal".

    King Obama, Traitor: In a hot-mike comment, King Obama promised to be "more flexible" for Putitin if re-elected. He then allowed Snowden to escape overseas, carrying suitcases full of NSA documents to the Russians.

    King Obama, Traitor: King Obama wages illegal unconstitutional war on Libya, working to establish al qeada and the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group, in power there. Later, King Obama gives orders to the military to stand down and not attempt rescue of an besieged embassy in Benghazi. (Note: Hillary Clinton, Rapist Enabler, insists that the Blue Dresses of Benghazi do not exist). While King Obama was aiding and abetting al qeada in Libya, the United States was at war with the terrorist organization for their role in murdering thousands of Americans on 9-11-2001.

    King Obama, Traitor: The Fort Hood shooting is still considered by the regime and his Dick Holder's Justice Department to be "work place violence", not the act of terrorism it clearly was.
  14. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    According to Mac, that means he's a "Lefty". It still doesn't explain your confusion that he won the election.

  15. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    What does this chart show?

    Well, viewing it one way, it means that people smart enough to be Republicans and not DemocRATS get better jobs, earn more money, and thus pay more taxes, thereby deserving a larger tax cut when taxes are cut, like when the Left insists the Rapist President left office leaving budget "surplus" behind.

    The other way to view it is to invert the above. Who is it, logically, that should benefit from a tax cut, the people who don't pay taxes, or the people who do? Not being possessed of logic, the DemocRATS claim people who don't pay taxes should get the tax cuts. Go figure.
  16. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Maybe you should take up with Mac instead of Johnny.

    Romney was a moderate in a party filled with conservatives.

    Compared to me Mitt was a flaming lib but compared to Obama Romney was much more conservative.
  17. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    I was responding to your post how the bush years didn't create new jobs, the workforce participation actually rose from the Clinton dotcom bubble bursting and 9/11.

    The Obama administration has been granting legal permanent residence status for 1 million+ immigrants a year since 2010.

  18. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    There are multiple issues which concern me. Sticking with the OP topic, by isolating itself further and further to the Right, benefits the Democrats since it gives Americans the choice of a Left-leaning moderate who sometimes hits hard with far Left Wing legislation such as banning military-style rifles and high capacity magazines, and a far Right Wing candidate who's motto is "our way or the highway". As shown in the past two Presidential elections, this wasn't good for conservatives.

    If the trend continues, I think the country will mover further and further Left because only party supporting Right Wing causes has isolated itself into being inconsequential. Your own view that any conservative moderates should vote Democratic exemplifies this concern. It's exactly the type of crap which is running the Republican Party into the ground.
  19. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Snicker! ROFLMAO! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha...!!!!!

    WHY did global oil prices crash? Because Saudi Arabia wasn't "holding them up"?

    Oil prices collapsed because....oh, this is funny.....REAGAN DEREGULATED THE AMERICAN OIL INDUSTRY..and prices plummeted to $13 a barrel.

    HOW is King Obama keeping unemployment so high? But BOOSTING regulations on energy in the US.

    PRESIDENT REAGAN'S policy lead to the creation of nearly a million jobs a month.

    King Obama's policy is leading to burger flippers going on strike.
  20. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Was I incorrect in my statement?

    Didn't you post this?:

    By voting for "moderates aka RINO's" it means Romney would be embracing the "wipe-every-nose policies of the Democrats."

    I'm sure you're glad he lost. You might want to explain the truth to your buddy johnmayo since you two seem rather close and love to work in tandem.
  21. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I didn't say that. I said he and McCain and other moderates lose.

    Democrat light is better then a full on collectivist. Obama embodies the kind tyranny toquesville warned about.
  22. Crafty

    Crafty Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Yeah poor people don't understand socialism and capitalism. Fact is capitalism has done more to lift the standard of living of poor people in western civilization then socialism will ever be able to do. Of course I am talking about government enforced forms of socialism, voluntary socialism is fine and dandy and actually can exist within the capitalist system.

    If one does a comparison of the poor in America vs the poor in almost any other country in the world, what we find is that they are generally fatter, have indoor plumbing, refrigerators, tv, cell phones, etc and so forth. This stuff wouldn't be so widespread and available to them if government enforced a type of socialism. In these "everyone shares equally" scenarios there is no incentive to ever work harder if you only get the same as everyone else. Thus innovation and technology stagnate. Of course what happens in these government enforced countries as happens in all countries is government becomes larger and larger, more corrupt and generally ends up putting the needs of its politicians above the people till the people have had enough.

    I see our drift away from capitalism and toward accepting of larger and more intrusive government is our slow erosion toward a completely corrupt government that has to turn against its people to keep its power. As people get less and less they start to think socialism is not a bad idea because they feel they have nothing to lose, but it is just another step toward losing everything and having to start over as the current government must be brought down. The form of government that is put up afterwards will likely determine how long it takes before it becomes super corrupt again. Human nature and our inability to learn from history... thats why the founding fathers of America tried to have the tiniest government possible, and failed on the first attempt with the articles of confederation that government had nearly no power and couldn't do a thing really.
  23. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    The house has voted the deletion of Obamacare for like 40 times. If maybe the Democrats in the Senate would stop blocking the House's bill presented they could get on to other stuff.
  24. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Republicans who run right win. The people dont get excited to vote for moderates.

    There is nothing moderate about wanting to regulate and tax everything that moves or sits still. This is the current extremist view of the democrat party.
  25. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 27, 2013
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    While you may want to support hard Right candidates in local elections, even the most hard core Republicans understand someone like Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin or probably even Ted Cruz wouldn't make it at the national level.

    Even though both Democrats and Republicans have lost members while the Independents have grown, it's the Republicans who have suffered the worst as the below link attests. Understanding why is a good subject for discussion:

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