Media Is There Any Limit To Your Spin!

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    What is so disgraceful is the media's lack of journalistic character about the Donald Trump's appeal that he should be prosecuted for the January 6th Capitol break in and the election interference case. The media characterizes this case as Trump's position is the President can break any law and has immunity from criminal and civil prosecution over the matter. This is an unfair spin over the matter; the issue is that if Trump acting in good faith and pursuing something which could be described as a legitimate duty of the President and was acting in a reasonable manner to achieve these legitimate ends can the President be personally criminally and/or civilly liable over the matter. The media playing the Nixon soundbite when interviewed by David Frost where he said "when the President does it that means it is not against the law ----- by very definition". or the current Judge in the appeal simpleton question "If a President uses Seal Team six to assassinate a political rival, does he have immunity against criminal prosecution". Of course not the President isn't pursuing a legitimate duty at that time there is nothing reasonable about killing a political rival. Trump is a bum but adhering to the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution Trump should have immunity over the January 6th and election interference matters because part of the President of the United States' duty is to try to see that fair elections are held in the United States!

    Similarly, the Secretary of Defense Austin not reporting to the White House his admission to the Hospital. The media leads with the Secretary of Defense was in the Hospital twice and didn't tell the White House and the President didn't know for four days his Secretary of Defense was in the hospital as if he was unreachable. Where is the media's good judgment and character. The guy is entitled to a basic level of privacy just like the President is about his health matters. Both admissions to the hospital stem from the same issue the same matter, a minor elective surgery that developed complications, the Defense Secretary's Chief of Staff had the flu and didn't dot all her I's and cross all her T's in forgetting to contact the White House chief of Staff about the Defense Secretary's hospital admission, it was a mistake yes not a major one. America's national security interests were not materially weakened with this incident; if Secretary Austin was needed by the White House an inquiry would have quickly uncovered he was in the hospital and Austin's Deputy could have been readily reached and handled the matter. Why did America lose a journalism profession that had virtue and good judgment; where are the Walter Cronkites, Tom Brokaws and Peter Jennings?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
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  2. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Pretty sure Trump's lawyer's argument was that the impeachment process needs to come first for anything potentially illegal done by a sitting president, and only after a successful impeachment and indictment by the senate would regular criminal charges be possible. Unfortunately, the impeachment process is horribly useless and broken. It's an insane position, but that's the position. Media didn't distort it. Trump and/or his lawyers just have crazy ideas. Trump did far more than "ensure a fair election," lol... I suggest you look into the things he said and did from a non right-wing source. I would agree news used to be more neutral, but the distortion is largely from the right.
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  3. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I think my dad said it best once.... If you don't watch the news you will be uninformed and if you do watch the news you will be misinformed.

    They are all a bunch of paid liars manipulatively selecting what they choose to present to you to form your opinion on a subject. There is no such thing as neutral and unbiased media any longer. I don't even think they deserve the title, media anymore
  4. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    I like some of the commentators like Bill Maher, who cut straight across the board. But he is not exactly media.
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  5. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Niall Stanage on NewsNation is my favorite political reporter/commentator. Very nuts & bolts. Favorite analyst, also on NewsNation, is Chris Stirewalt.
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