Usually this is a prison gang M.O. ... but in the streets, it's highly unusual that gangs would shoot and kill innocent people as a matter of gang initiation ... they usually kill a rival gang member(s) .... So I'm thinking it was the Black Panthers forcing a gang prospect to kill a white man as revenge for Trayvon Martin ... take a bow Zimmerman.
I I love hearing from experts on gang MO and Black Panthers. Of course, it's nothing of the sort. Take a bow, Exotix. My opinion is that the police have absolutely no idea why this happened. There might be a logical reason, an illogical reason, or no reason at all. I can remember sitting around with other detectives when we had no idea why someone had been killed and saying, "Maybe it was...." or "It could have been...." I can't remember we were ever right. Of course, a man who was asked why he murdered a college student looked a bit confused and said, "Why not?" I remember a killing in Chicago where the killer wanted to kill someone else but thought he needed practice. I'd hate to be killed for practice. I hope they catch them and I hope Eric Holder doesn't have their back.
I am not a racist but I am getting fed up with the constant string of attacks on whites by groups of blacks. There is a new report of such attacks almost every day. Today's report is about two groups of blacks attacking a single white high school student. I thought President Barack Obama was supposed to be the unifying president but racial attacks by blacks have increased drastically since he took office. President Obama has injected himself into other situations in which he thought a white was the aggressor but he is strangely silent concerning these cases in which blacks are the agressors and whites are the victims. If I, as a non-racist have had enough, I can only imagine how those less egalitarian than I are feeling. It is long past time for black leaders, starting with the president, to speak out against this race based violence and for blacks to stop the attacks. If these things aren't done and done soon, whites will soon begin retaliating.
And you'll notice how they always attack like pack animals, it's never a one-on-one fight. I'm less optimistic about a white backlash. Lots of whites are just like Jeb, here. They won't want to talk about these attacks. In fact, they'll do whatever they can to change the topic. In their mind, attacks on whites are fine, and better than possibly being perceived as racists by their fellow liberal whites.
White's have no problem discussing black on white crime. The difference between you and say Jeb and myself, is that we dont believe all blacks are criminals that operate via centralized hive mind like you seem to.
Is there anything at all about the OP that is political??? I was under the impression that the PF had an area for race relations. Shouldn't this be moved??
I find it funny when someone claims there not a racist yet brings up the subject of race. Did you know there is actually far more white on white crime then black on white crime? Yet that doesn't seem to bother you and you don't mention it. For some reason its only the racial aspect that bothers you. Glad your not a racist.
How about we try and stop ALL crime. Why would anyone be PRO one type of crime and ANTI another type simply based on race. (Sucks being the only sane person here)
Starting from when? This year? Ten years ago? The 60's? Slavery? You are picking and choosing your stats.
Oh please. You're not really bringing up slavery in a weak attempt to justify black on white crime are you?
What the bloody hell does the alleged bullying behavior of some mixed race man have to do with blacks engaging in racist attacks against whites?
Forget Slavery ---- Why ? How ? --the whites are reaping what they have sown . Many whites are beginning to understand how Blacks felt for generations . Kick a dog often enough and one day he will take you by your throat .
There will be a white backlash. Already, even lukewarm conservatives are complaining about this and the numerous other problems with blacks. White guilt is the only real barrier to such a backlash, and that has been waning. One of these days, a negro lynch mob will murder a white toddler or a pregnant white woman, and all hell will break loose.
hold it there RayJay. These blacks today have never been slaves. And whites today have not owned one. So. Whose reaping what they've sown?? It's wonderful the amount of forward movement we've had since the 60's and it's only taken 4 years to totally demolish it.