You are trying to be too clever by half, toddwv and have failed terribly. I am not the person who said that blacks are incapable of living amicably with whites. That was your buddy, Raymondo.
America is 63.7% non-Hispanic white. Many Hispanics are lumped in with whites for a variety of reasons. One is to make the white crime rate look more on par with the black crime rate. Your argument doesn't make any sense unless you are willing to admit there are more black criminals relative to the black population size than white criminals.
Personally I think the amount of single Mothers has more to do with it, a broken home can do a lot to a child.
Sorry. Try again. That's usually the first words that come out of a racist's mouth. And...can you try to back up your words with a source?
Frogger, don't waste your time with these "people". If you're not a white liberal who spends his/her time hating the white race, you're a racist or a racist who won't admit it.
There's dozens of threads on the Zimmerman incident...where are the dozens about this poor couple? A WW2 hero, member of the 101st Airborne and his wife, sick with the flu....beaten, tortured, raped and murdered by a group of Black men....where is the 24/7 news coverage? Why aren't there people posting bounties, "dead or alive" for the trash that did this? do we only value young BLACK men? Where is Obama on this? He HAD a grandmother that looked like this...but I haven't heard him say one word... so which is it? We don't value white victims or we just think it's ok and normal for black men to torture and rape and murder so it's not news?
Bob and Nancy sounded like kind, loving people. May they rest in peace. [video=youtube;e9TSUh10jsU][/video]
If Trayvon had been shot by another black teen, it would have been a paragraph in section B of the Daily Liberal. _
Problem is, Zimmerman is white, black & hispanic ... so it looks like he has just about the entire field of racism and a racist murder covered ... that is, it wouldn't matter what race he murdered ... he's either a racist or he isn't depending on who he murdered ... This is important because at Zimmermans' trial, a line-of-questioning will be if he would've murdered anyone *suspicious* ... his attorney will coach 'em to say yes ... this would be a smart move to keep Zimmerman from facing a federal racist hate-crime after the state is through with 'em ...
It would have been BLAZING NATIONAL NONSTOP HEADLINES, if the VICTIMS WERE BLACK,and the ACCUSED WERE WHITE, complete nwith candle light vigils, cries for vigilante reprisals, immediate commentary from the POTUS,and the mandatory "fundraising for the family" from Jesse Jacksuuuun-ah,and Al Sharpton. Don't even try to pretend otherwise...
As the multi-racial volunteer mentor for underpriveledged black kids, Goerge Zimmerman, is about as far from a racist as one could get, the idiots runing the current DOJ just might be stupid enough to try such an antic; but they'd better get it done before next January, because they'll be "movin' on down the road", then...
Perhaps you do not hear about crimes like this simply because there is no perception of an inequity in the application of the criminal code.
Get real ... Zimmerman would be a *black-hispanic with a violent past and history of drug-abuse* still locked-up and facing the death penalty if it was a *white-conservative-tea party NRA Floridian* he shot-to-death on the walkway to their home ...
IF Zimmerman had shot a white man, you would NEVER HAVE HEARD OF HIM. You are projecting your own racism onto others,which is typical of the Left....meanwhile, WTF has this to do with the complete NONCOVERAGE of the UCLA student murders?
Yes, everybody should have the right to stalk someone else, provoke a physical altercation and then shoot them dead when they realize that they are about to get their ass whooped. Let me try and help you visualize. Let's say that there are 100 pegs. 70 of those pegs are red, 10 of those pegs are blue. If you toss a ring at those pegs, what color are you more likely to land a ring on?
So you are saying that whites are never heinously murdered by other whites. It seems that the only time folks like you have a problem with a white person being murdered is when they are murdered by somebody black.