759. Meteor attack and Popes resignation. (2/18/2013) 9 days ago, in #758, I said, The Feds used to send out a warning to intimidate people if they felt being offended. That I was intimidated by an earthquake one day after I paid sales tax over my inventory. Similar event took place in Russia. This time it is a meteor striking instead of earthquake. The west corner of the island just above the epicenter is Aceh Province. In September 2004, Yudhoyono won the president election of Indonesia. It seemed he was a US asset and had a deal with US. In December that year, US tested two new weapons in Indonesia. All imitated natural disaster. One was the Great tsunami. The epicenter was near the Aceh Province of Indonesia, some 166,000 died in that area. Obviously it aimed at the Aceh rebels Aceh Free Army which was fighting against the government. The rebels was hit hard by that disaster and had to compromise with the government with a peace agreement later. The other one was imitating a meteor explosion. Here is what I wrote at that time. The phenomenon is exactly the same like what happens in Russia: I believe it was an experiment of space weapon. A practice of a missile cruised in space to hit the target on earth. . See whole article 356. Tsunami, flooding and meteorite (11/7/05) at: http://conspiracycorner.yuku.com/topic/478/How-FBI-monitor-and-murder-people?page=7 I would say again that my speculation was very accurate. Eight years ago, I conclude its a weapon imitating meteor. Then what is it for to hit Russia this time? I think it is for War on Iran. One day before the meteor falling, Russia reached an agreement with Iran. I allege the Feds are planning war in Mid-east (war on Iran or Syria) next month.(March) I think so not only for this meteor attack but also for the sudden resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. As a Pope, he has to reject any war. That's not a favor to the Neocon, especially at the eve of a war. Under the pressure of "being passed away by poor health", he retreats. He doesn't want to be another John Paul II. Or another Chavez. Pope will leave on Feb. 28. So in March, the feds would lack a strong opponent in a designated war. (see, 302. Pope's death (Continue to 261-265) (4/7/05).
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat's why dem space aliens is flingin' meteors at us - dey tryin' to infect us with the plague... Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God's message Saturday, February 23, 2013, Washington: A recent newspaper poll found that nearly half of its readers believe that the meteor strike in Russia could be anything from a divine message to UFOs to a US weapons test. See also: Super Space Germs Could Threaten Astronauts 22 February 2013 - The weightlessness of outer space can make germs even nastier, increasing the dangers astronauts face, researchers say.
Here is the development: February 25th 2013 Breaking news Russia threatens USA with Nuclear attack [video=youtube;0G4EDsuoUSI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0G4EDsuoUSI[/video]
'About Half, If Not More,' Of Priesthood Are Gay... 'Gay lobby' behind pope's resignation? Not likely February 23, 2013 -- Benedict XVI not stepping down under pressure from 'gay lobby,' Allen says; Allen: Benedict is a man who prefers the life of the mind to the nuts and bolts of government; However, he says, much of the pope's time has been spent putting out fires See also: Former Catholic friar: homosexuality is the ticking time bomb February 25th, 2013 - Homosexuality is the ticking time bomb in the Catholic Church, a former Dominican friar told CNNs Christiane Amanpour on Monday.
Granny says dat's good... Any ties to sexual abuse could disqualify papal candidate March 7, 2013 Days before Pope Benedict XVI resigned and Roman Catholic cardinals descended on Rome to select his successor, Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien was, for all intents and purposes, fired.
760. Coming March plot (2/23/2013) The main reason I think there will be a war in March is that the Feds likely will frame a new case in that month. My wife has been arranged a trip to Taiwan. She will leave on Feb.28. It coincides with Pope’s retirement. As I always said, the Feds used to create big events – either a natural disaster, or epidemic, or a war - to distract public attention from a framed case. The trip to Taiwan is only a cover up. The main goal is to lure her to China and she will. The framed case, from beginning, has been collaborated by Chinese secret police. In 2001, it was designed as a “drug smuggling case”, (see: “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)” Now it could be a “fake note” case as the Feds is intensively apply it on me recently. China is a totalitarian country, that’s why the Feds chose it as a partner. Where the people wronged in case could hardly seek justice. If the case goes wrong, then the Feds can blame everything on Chinese government. In more than a decade, China has been bribed greatly by the Feds and is becoming the second powerful country in the world. What is the payment this time? Watch the following news. Readers may not understand what this news means. Interpretation: China got the permission to purchase a substantive asset worth about 16 billion. China holds a lot of US bond and anxiously to spend it. Otherwise that treasure would devalue quickly as US is in huge debt. Oil reserve is strategy resource generally forbidden to be transferred to Communist China. In that news, CNOOC is a China state run oil company. The short news is vague. The word “China” even is not mentioned. Most people may neglect it without knowing what has happened. It may prove the authority has a guilty conscience. I also talked about the Feds would activate large scale internet attack to eliminate my articles because it revealed too much truth. It looks like that attack would be fulfilled by the China state run hackers. In news war rarely so specific information (such like unit 6139 was released to avoid the revelation of information source. This is more like a psychological tactic of pre-mind plant to lock up a potential hacker in a coming cyber attack. You see they beat the drum on it while there is no particular serious internet attack happening now.
761. “Less safe” may be a nuke attack (3/4/2013) To start a war, they need justification. For war on Iraq, Afghanistan, they activated 911 attack. For war on Iran, they still need a 911 alike “terror attack”. Eric Holder’s claim on 3/1 may signal this: Take the chance of Sequestration, they make a “terror attack” reasonable. That “less safe” case likely would be a nuke attack. The following news issued three months ago, though could be misinformation, may have revealed what kind of “less safe” case would be.
762. Target on New York (3/9/2013) The main target city of a "terror attack" is New York. Al Qaida is a secret asset of US. It works for US strategy interest. Bin Laden worked as a living plant. The country where he went, was claimed “evil axis” by US. Under such excuse, Bush activated war in Mid-east. Abu Ghaith- Bin Laden’s son in law – has the same mission. He was arranged to smuggle to Iran in 2002 at the purpose to frame Iran a “terrorist” country. Iran might have known the trick and put Bin Laden’s “refugee relatives” into prison. Now when the Feds planed another “terror attack” on US, they need a complete story – a big head of terrorist is on trial in New York. Al Qaida revenges the trial with a nuke attack. Since the frame case was original projected in March – we saw just in days, Abu Ghaith was arrested and sent to New York. What a rush. New York has been the target in Feds’ blacklist for a long time under the same project. The terror attack was designed to trigger war on Iran that would be used to distract a framed case. An identical one was the attempt to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York. From the news you could see the master mind was the D.O.J. Chief Eric Holder. New Yorkers might have been aware of the plot planted on them. They fiercely opposed it and successfully rejected that trial. Eric Holder knows it. He still puts another one on them in a raid.
763. Why select New York? (3/18/2013) Several years after 911 attack, people were rattled by unusual cancer case among first responders of ground zero. They started to think the WTC were pulled down by mini nukes. Then cancer caused death rapidly rose. 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010. Now you should understand why Eric Holder announced to put "911 mastermind K.S.Mohammed " on trial in New York" in 2009. It was used to justify an "Al Qaida revenge attack for trial of their leader". The planned attack was a nuclear one, so they could blame the cancer were caused by Al Qaida terror attack. The purpose is to cover up the truth that in 911 attack, mini nukes were used. The similar tactic has been tried in 2007, when a B-52 flied over US continental with 6 loaded nuke missiles. New York must have been the target of these nuclear missiles. Of course, mainstream media beat the drum on “911 Master-mind trial” but rarely report the unusual cancer deaths of the first responders of ground zero. Because that would expose who was the real Master-mind of 911 – Al Qaida has no nuclear bomb. 764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013) In “753. Property tax and new plot (1/10/2013)”, I told about the attempt to plant “illegal money” on me. After I refused to accept bank notes, one week later they delivered me a Visa gift card as I previously wished. I left that card in sitting room. Several days later, I found I coughed when I was going to shopping with that Visa gift card. I didn’t use it then tested it several times and was convinced the card was radioactive- people coughed when they close encounter with it. This is my personal experience with the Feds. (See “59. Continuing cough” I recalled when my brother delivered the card, he was escorted by C.Y. couple – alleged Chinese secret agents. (see #753) They might play the role of witness. It was a plant in rogue’s way. Though it was the gift money from my mother, under those rogue witness, it could become “illegal money” from China. The purpose was to justify an arrest – if when I had used that card- the radioactive card emitted signal to the surveillance agents wherever I went. I returned the gift card to my relative and warned that card was contaminated with radioactive material. My wife was arranged a Taiwan and China tour between 2/28 and 3/14. Other phenominon indicated that the Feds had prepared “terror attacks” and war to distract a framed case in March, what would they do on Kat Sung – the main target? Yesterday, I learned the bank robbery case from local news. There is a super market in Season’s Market Place which I used to go. The same bank to be robbed by same criminal(?) twice in this month. That’s unusual. It reminds me of the attempt of “accidental death in bank robbery”. I have experiences. The most evident one was the “Bank robbery in San Francisco”, see #402, 404, 561 562.
Wow! Only goes to prove one should not smoke too much from the bong and then start posting, never works out when your inner crackpot rears its ugly head.
765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013) There is a lively stage show in Korea Peninsula in recent days. North Korea had its third nuclear test in February. US and South Korea had a military drill in March. US sent B-52 in the drill then showed off with B-2 bombers there. N. Korea upgrades the threat almost everyday. US media is full of the topics such like: “North Korea said it would attack U.S. military bases on Japan and the Pacific island of Guam if provoked.”, “North Korea threatens to 'settle accounts with the US'”, “North Korea says enters "state of war" against South”…… But that war only exists in the mouth not in reality. It is actually a sale’s advertisement. The commodity is the nuclear weapon. Bush started Iraq War with a un- existed “WMD”. US won’t make similar mistake again in Iran war. So they directed a puppet show. In this show, N. Korea bangs the drum: “I have nuclear bomb. I’m enemy of the US. My nuke bomb is on sale if you are hostile to US. Come to pick up a bargain.” So don’t be surprise that US and its Western allies would be attacked by “nuclear terror bombing” next time. Even none “potential customers” attend this “nuke sale booth”, the seller will create one. At that time, the “suicide bomber” could never tell truth. Just like those 911 hijackers, London 7/7/2005 bombers, Madrid bombing perpetrators and Adam Lanza and his mother in Sandy Hook shooting, they were all arranged to be dead. Of course, the Feds could gave you evidence from “damaged hard disc” (in Sandy Hook shooting) and “self claimed Mastermind” confession from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (911 case). You can view the two news information I referred as a psychological opinion direction from the Feds- a justification for the coming terror attack. 766. China is a member of fraud gang (4/6/2013) In this soap opera, N. Korea and US are the main actors playing war game show to the world audience. Another important actor is China. China is the major supporter of North Korea, without its aid, N. Korea couldn’t survive. So when China approved the resolution of U.N. to sanction on N. Korea, it causes big surprise. China used to veto any resolution in U.N. if it is anti the “friendship of China and N. Korea”. Don’t be blinded by this action of China. It’s only a stage performance – a gimmick to lure Iran to the hook. To show that N. Korea is really helpless. Even its long time ally has abandoned him. So North Korea is eagerly to sell his treasure – the atomic bomb, at a bargain price. One purpose of sanction is to inspect the cargo shipment by force. If Iran falls into the trap, it will be easy for US to intercept the “evidence”. The inspector could be China if necessary. He joins U.N. sanction. Bush’s “WMD” lie scandal won’t repeat in Obama's regime. China is a secret collaborator of US. The regime is famous for its corruption. It will do anything – if the bribe is big enough. The Feds is to create big events to distract a framed case. One big event is “terrorist nuke attack”, you have seen my revelation. The other one is a “natural disaster” – a pandemic of bird flu.
767. Push Iran to bite the hook (4/15/2013) To push Iran to bite the hook, they created an earthquake at the purpose to destroy Iran’s nuclear facility. If Iran can’t produce the nuke material by itself, they have to buy from North Korea. The mission failed, though. Pentagon voluntarily advertises for the nuke products of North Korea, tries to convince the potential buyer the merchandise is just what they wanted. 768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013) The Boston Marathon bombing case was conducted by the Feds. I believe. It took place on 4/15, the last day for tax return. It reminds me of a similar case. Six years ago, I wrote “478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)”. I alleged the Feds would frame a case in the name of “tax fraud”. Three days later (4/16), a massacre in Virginia Tech. occurred. 4/17 was the last day for tax return that year. That’s their tactic to use terror case to distract a framed case. Two months ago, I wrote “756. To search by the hands of IRS (2/4/2013)”. It seems the Feds repeat their old tactic in their plot. I think the explosion of a fertilize factory in Texas was not a coincidence. It is a part of the plan – to cause public panic. I also worry about that the Feds planned more terror bombings elsewhere – particularly in San Jose area where I live. They have showed an intention to kill by violence last month. See “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. If there is bombing happens in library or shopping center where I used to go, the Boston Marathon bombing would have justified it. Yesterday morning, (4/19), when I learned that the suspects are Chechens, I wrote:” The target of a Chechnya should be Russia. Not US. The suspects are more likely the recruits of US intelligence for the mission of "Arab Spring", "insurgents" or snitches to monitor Chechnya's community in US. It's a puzzle. Are they another sacrifice?” At night, a news confirms this.
769. Terror attack and financial market (4/30/2013) In “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)”, I wrote, “September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action.” Robert Mueller has to leave his office this September. That’s why we saw a series of events took place recently: a meteor hit Russia; former Pope Benedict quit his job; Bin Laden’s son in law was arrested and sent to New York, Boston bombing….. All these were created for a big case – a false flag nuke attack on US (likely at New York) which will end with war on Iran. This big case was used to cover up a small case – eliminate Kat Sung and his family (because they knew the story, I allege they are recruited by the Feds to monitor me. Informants have to die to keep their masters’ crime a secret.). Since this is a framed case, they need a big case to distract public’s attention. In March, I found the Feds prepared a violence death for me – a random shooting death in bank robbery. I revealed it in “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. Then there came the Boston Marathon bombing. I think it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which was in public place where I go. I used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday. They have a “Computer skill lecture” every Tuesday afternoon. Boston bombing took place on Monday (4/15). I was rattled by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think it was part of the plan. I wrote, “768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)” I also noticed an unusual drop of gold price. Gold plunges to two year low from 4/12 to 4/15. The dramatic drop would give the Feds a chance to buy in gold at low price. If I went to library next day (4/16) and died in a bombing, more bombings would happen that eventually lead to a war. The gold price would sky rocket. If you still remember there was an unusual stock trading just before 911 attack. Next Tuesday was 4/23. One day before my daughter gave me a bag of garbage – although we pay monthly garbage fee, I don’t use that service – I am afraid of being planted with illegal stuff, such like drugs in our garbage can. See “689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)”. I assorted the garbage of that bag – there was a recycle bin in library, I used to throw the paper there. I found there was a backpack in the bag. It reminded me of Boston bombing immediately. Would they also frame me in a bombing case? Once again I decided not to go to the library. Next day, there was a news: My interpretation of this strange news: 1. When the Feds commit a crime, they used to do it in enemy’s name. In 911 they use “Al Qaeda”. This time they use “Syrian Electronic Army”. 2. Twitter is a tool they used to give command. 3. It’s a command to their financial team members to buy in some stock or sell out some stock according to the result of a big terror attack. I’m sure there would be a series of bombings if I went to the library. 4. The mission was cancelled because I didn’t go to library that day. I am the man who used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday and I have alleged there would be big case applied on me in recent days. These two charts of financial market prove my allegations are very accurate. 770. Drill in “Boston bombing” and “Texas explosion” (5/7/2013) I had pointed out that in most of the “terror attack” cases alleged done by the Feds, they always planned drills which were identical to the terror case to assure the success of the plot. The perpetrators – if being caught – would defend themselves as practitioners of the drill. see “688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)”. Some of the practitioners might really thought it was a drill. That was what happened in 7/7/2005 London bombing. The drill became real bombing, the practitioners became sacrifice. After 7/7 London bombing, the informants work for the Feds have been rattled by the fate of those four “suicide bombers”, similar trick couldn’t be used again. So Tsarnaev brothers probably were told to prepare for the content of their backpack by themselves. The material might relate to a bomb – Pressure cooker; firecrackers; remote control toys….. only it was not installed into a real one. So they were sure they would be safe in a “drill”. It was true. But it didn’t prevent their master to plant real bomb at site by someone else. I think Tsarnaev brothers were recruited informants of the Feds, work as a cover up team – S.S.G.(special support group). When the Feds had a big plot, they used to activate a lot of S.S.G. to help the success of the plot and play the role of witness. The style of Tsarnaev brother cell is similar to another cell – Muhammad and Malvo cell in D.C. sniper case. (The sniper killing case was created to threaten law makers to pass the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq in 2002. see #101 to #128. ) In these family cells, Tamerlan (Muhammad in sniper case) was the leader and Dzhokhar (Malvo in sniper case) was the follower. There were pick up as sacrifice because they were minority – Muhammad and Malvo are blacks and Tsarnaev brothers are Chechens. The leader, Tamerlan was put into death, (so was Muhammad) because they knew more than their followers. Dzhokhar and Malvo are in jail (you can imagine what they would be) [video=youtube;uaqUJyUBozI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaqUJyUBozI&feature=player_embedded[/video] The Texas fertilizer plant explosion is not a “terror attack” but as unusual as the Feds’ style. What do they want? There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.
771. Media and government are full of lies (5/14/2013) (1) If Tsarnaev brothers’ parent were not in Russia then they couldn’t speak out something un-censored and the story government tell you will be thoroughly a different one. (2) Since this a framed case, Tsarnaev brother have to be dead. On 4/19, Dzhokhar was arrested and was said in a serious condition. His brother Tamerlan was dead. On 4/21, Boston Marathon bombing suspect remains in hospital, unable to speak, was hinted might be dead any time. From 4/19 to 4/23, the brothers’ parents aggressively accused it’s a framed case and believe Tamerlan still alive. On 4/23, US said Dzhokhar was in fair condition. 4/24, It’s easy to tell the difference of “armed” or “un-armed”, “fair condition” or “serious condition”, yet it took five days (4/19 to 4/24) for the government and media to correct. It seems a secret deal has been reached. Either between the Feds and Tsarnaev brothers’ parents or the Russian government. (So the voice of parents was silenced) Dzhokhar’s life is held to exchange his parents’ silence. So now you can only discuss which cemetery will Tamerlan’s corpse go. 772. Selection of “bomb suspect” (5/20/2013) In a big plot, the Feds used to activate a lot of informants and agents to guarantee its success. The participants used to be told that it was a drill and were ordered to carry on a backpack as we have seen in London bombing and Boston bombing. A Saudi student - Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, was injured in the marathon bombing blast and was initially considered a suspect in the deadly terrorist attack. The video shows that he ran quickly away from the bombing site. I think he was an informant. He was frightened that a drill became a real one and worried to be sacrificed in a bombing. Abdul Rahman may have a strong background. (It is said his family is a powerful one in Saudi) He is aggressively protected by Saudi government. It seems Saudi doesn’t want to play the role of “terrorist” again – the last time was 911 attack. 15 of the 19 hijackers have Saudi passports. On 4/18, when the discussion of Saudi student’s case reached peak in internet, the Feds suddenly throw out “Tsarnaev” brothers as the suspects. Tsarnaev brothers are informants too. They went for a “drill” like that Saudi student did and ran away when the “drill” became real. Since this was a framed case, they have to be silenced. Tamerlan died on 4/19 and Dzhokhar was said in serious condition – was said shot at throat and can’t speak. Dzhokhar managed to escape for a while (ten hours or so?) The Feds activated a large scale search: 10,000 for an unarmed man. Such an unprecedented search may prove their fear – Dzhokhar would let out truth if he was not under their control. Then media said (unspeakable) Dzhokhar admitted that the war in Mid-east was the motivation of the bomb attack. That was obviously another lie from the Feds. Afghan war started in 2001, Iraq war started in 2003. Both happened 10 years ago. While later, Tamerlan hadn’t taken it into his consideration. The pick up of “Tsarnaev brothers” was a sudden decision which caused a lot of inconsistencies. They didn’t plan the “Tamerlan’s death” and Dzhokhar’s arrest” story well, left many flaws on it, especially the allegation of “set up” from the parents. Russia is not Saudi. An Ally will issue statement to confirm a US lie. To make Russia doing same thing needs a secret deal. The Feds apparently hasn’t done this in advance so they fall into dire straits [video=youtube;GcxmAunB4Ck]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GcxmAunB4Ck [/video] http://youtu.be/GcxmAunB4Ck The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told 773. Chinese secret police is accomplice of the Feds (5/25/2013) Boston bombing and Verginia Tech. massacre, both were planned by the Feds to cover up a main plot- "eliminate Kat Sung"(which went soured for some reason). Chinese secret police heavily involved in these two cases. In original plan of Virginia Tech. case, the gunman was portrayed as a Chinese student. Whatever the Feds said about him, the Chinese government would confirm it true. Here is the news issued right on that day: However, the main plot fail to go through, they had to change their original plan. A Korean student- Cho Sun-hui became a sacrifice. (I think Cho was an informant. In big case, Feds used to activate a lot of informants as special support group) Here is a rare news for you to judge how Cho died. Similar things happened in Boston bombing. Though a lot of pictures of bombing site were issued in internet, they were mainly about the amputee man (Bauman) and other cover up teams. The purpose is to comfort the others that it was an stage show that there was no real casualty. The foundation to rule this country is a massive informants troop. They were rattled after 911 attack and 7/7 London bombing which reminded them any time they could become involuntary "suicides". So a big job of Feds is to prove them that it was only an actors' show. That's why in those bloody pictures, we saw no real dead victim. Three people were reported dead in Boston bombing. One was said a Chinese student. Chinese government would confirm what the Feds said. Its secret police is an accomplice in this case. When the Feds decided to frame Tsarnaev brothers as the suspects of Boston bombing, the fate of brothers were decided too. The Feds issued the photo of the suspects on 4/18. Tamerlan was shot to death that day and Dzhokhar was chased by 10,000 police thereafter before they had chance to know that they had become suspects. The point was to create a case that they involved in a case with police. So we heard the odd news of the death of a MIT police and car hijacking that night. - - - Updated - - -
774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013) The Feds had activated bio-attack as murder weapon twice in my case. The first one was the SARS in 2003. The virus was bird flu H5N1. (covered in #130, #137 to #164) The second one was Swine flu in 2009. It said the virus was bird flu H1N1. (covered in #596 to #60 This April they have the third one- the bird flu H7N9 attack. As usual, Chinese secret police plays an important role. 1. It starts in Shanghai on April 1. 2. Development. 4/6. The New Bird Flu: How Dangerous Is Avian Flu H7N9? ( forbes.com) 4/18. China's Bird Flu Is Being Spread from Human to Human (By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire 4/18/2013) 5/24. In 2003, the SARS started in Hong Kong then extended into Shanghai. It might mean the virus was spread by the US intelligence. In 2013, the course reverses. It may mean the technique has been passed to the Chinese secret police by the Feds. My wife has relatives living in Hong Kong and I have relatives live in Shanghai. The location of disease indicated the Feds intended to silence most people who know my story. 3. Prepare for a big disaster. In the Feds’ plot, the Boston bombing would eventually developed into “war on Iran” which will be protested by other countries. To deal with possible resistance, they replaced former Pope Benedict with a puppet of their own. The above news indicates that the Feds would also punish the disobedient countries with SARS-like disease if others dare to protest. Business is business. China will be paid for its collaboration. It will be settled in this meeting: 775. Events on 6/7 (6/10/2013) The summit of Xi and Obama in Rancho Mirage was prepared in a short time. It was arranged by Security Adviser Tom Donilon. Media released the news on May 20. 17 days for a summit, it was real efficient. Obviously it bypassed the bureaucracy. Who has ability to do this? Intelligence. They have secret deal reached that can’t be written down on a paper because it’s evil. They assure the deal by oral promising of the celebrities. The summit was under the cover up of “promote the relationship of leaders”. The lie was broken up by the news that Michelle Obama did not attend the private meeting. If you know this is for a secret deal, then you won’t surprise. They don’t want a confidential meeting being interrupted by first lady. The Feds need to finish a case before September. (When the FBI Chief Robert Mueller will retire) The unusual summit was held on 6/7. On that day, three relatives of my wife from Canada came to San Jose to live at my house. One of them was my wife’s niece attending a piano contest. Relatives say that though it was not a popular one, they came because we live here. I think that was arranged by the Feds. Next day my wife guided them a shopping tour in Great Mall. I was alerted of this killing because when I go to Milpitas Library, I used to take a short cut through the parking lot of Great Mall. - - - Updated - - - 774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013) The Feds had activated bio-attack as murder weapon twice in my case. The first one was the SARS in 2003. The virus was bird flu H5N1. (covered in #130, #137 to #164) The second one was Swine flu in 2009. It said the virus was bird flu H1N1. (covered in #596 to #60 This April they have the third one- the bird flu H7N9 attack. As usual, Chinese secret police plays an important role. 1. It starts in Shanghai on April 1. 2. Development. 4/6. The New Bird Flu: How Dangerous Is Avian Flu H7N9? ( forbes.com) 4/18. China's Bird Flu Is Being Spread from Human to Human (By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire 4/18/2013) 5/24. In 2003, the SARS started in Hong Kong then extended into Shanghai. It might mean the virus was spread by the US intelligence. In 2013, the course reverses. It may mean the technique has been passed to the Chinese secret police by the Feds. My wife has relatives living in Hong Kong and I have relatives live in Shanghai. The location of disease indicated the Feds intended to silence most people who know my story. 3. Prepare for a big disaster. In the Feds plot, the Boston bombing would eventually developed into war on Iran which will be protested by other countries. To deal with possible resistance, they replaced former Pope Benedict with a puppet of their own. The above news indicates that the Feds would also punish the disobedient countries with SARS-like disease if others dare to protest. Business is business. China will be paid for its collaboration. It will be settled in this meeting: 775. Events on 6/7 (6/10/2013) The summit of Xi and Obama in Rancho Mirage was prepared in a short time. It was arranged by Security Adviser Tom Donilon. Media released the news on May 20. 17 days for a summit, it was real efficient. Obviously it bypassed the bureaucracy. Who has ability to do this? Intelligence. They have secret deal reached that cant be written down on a paper because its evil. They assure the deal by oral promising of the celebrities. The summit was under the cover up of promote the relationship of leaders. The lie was broken up by the news that Michelle Obama did not attend the private meeting. If you know this is for a secret deal, then you wont surprise. They dont want a confidential meeting being interrupted by first lady. The Feds need to finish a case before September. (When the FBI Chief Robert Mueller will retire) The unusual summit was held on 6/7. On that day, three relatives of my wife from Canada came to San Jose to live at my house. One of them was my wifes niece attending a piano contest. Relatives say that though it was not a popular one, they came because we live here. I think that was arranged by the Feds. Next day my wife guided them a shopping tour in Great Mall. I was alerted of this killing because when I go to Milpitas Library, I used to take a short cut through the parking lot of Great Mall.
776. My view on Boston bombing (6/21/2013) 1. I think Tarmalan Tsarnaev was a recruited informant of FBI whom was used to infiltrate the Chechen rebel group. 2. Tarmalan was discovered by Russian intelligence. He lost his value as an informant. That was why he and his brother were sacrificed when the Feds needed some scapegoat in Boston bombing case. 3. Since Tsarnaev brothers were framed as suspects in Boston bombing case, they have to be dead so no one could challenge the truth of government story. 4. The fate of Tsarnaev brothers. On April 18, FBI released the photo of suspects while Tsarnaev brothers were arranged in a meeting trap which later was described as a carjacking (As informants they had to answer any call from the Feds). To justify their death, the Feds also created a mysterious death of a MIT police. As a result, Tarmalan was pronounced dead, though other news showed a naked man arrested by police was Tarmalan. However, Dzhokhar managed to escape for some time. To prevent a witness speaking out the truth, the Feds activated 10,000 police to search the escapee. Such unprecedented action may indicate how scary the Feds were to the truth. You also can see due to the scare of truth, they made Dzhokhar unspeakable. Some news said Dzhokhar was shot in the throat and had tongue damage. Some news said his throat was cut by knife. Anyhow, the Feds need “confession” to justify a framed case. So unspeakable Dzhokhar admitted 5. Turning point. The brothers’s parents are in Russia. They revealed the lie of FBI that they knew nothing about Tarmalan before bombing. The parents aggressively accused “set up” plot by FBI. At last, to quite the parents of Dzhokhar, there was a compromise. 6. Scapegoat in FBI. Tsarnaev bothers should be dead in Boston bombing plot. Dzhokhar survives which brings a lot of embarrassment for FBI. Some people have to take responsibility. 777. My view on Boston bombing (continuation) (6/26/2013) 7. Possible witness was eliminated. 8. Attempt to frame Tsarnaev brothers in another case. To exchange the silence of Tsarnaev brothers’ parents, the FBI had to let “unspeakable” Dzhokhar call his mother to claim he and his brother were innocent. But how can the Feds now keep on detain innocent Dzhokhar(he may know too much of the truth) and justify the murder of Tarmalan? The Feds obviously intend to frame them in a 2011 triple murder case. Todashev alleged the set up on Tsarnaevs and was also afraid of being set up on himself before he was shot to death. 9. Todashev was murdered. 10. Boston bombing was a failed false flag case. The punishment for the murderer is retirement. Or is it a reward, compare to that two agents fell from a helicopter ?
778. Edward Snowden is a false flag (7/5/2013) My conclusion based on the following facts. 1. Time line. It’s the development of the recent events, all related to the core plot- elimination of Kat Sung. (1) The final stage of Boston bombing. It is marked by the killing of Toadshev in late May and the retirement announcement of the Boston FBI Chief in early June. (2) On 6/7, an unusual private meeting between Obama and Xi (Chinese President) was arranged suddenly in California. Payment of the secret deal apparantly was an issue. (3) On 6/14, “Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed to Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on Wednesday that Washington has hacked into hundreds of civilian targets in Hong Kong and mainland China.” http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/06/14/hong-j14.html 2. Obviously, Snowden’s revelation is the result of that private summit. It is part of payment of a secret deal between the secret police of US and China. US recently “has repeatedly accused Beijing of perpetrating cyber-warfare, while China has continuously denied the accusations. The latest round in this blame game saw the US Defense Science Board publish a report saying that nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies were compromised by Chinese hackers, some allegedly tied to the military or government. (http://rt.com/news/obama-xi-cyber-hacking-356/) It’s not a coincidence that Snowden chose Hong Kong as the place for his revelation. That’s a payment to China. His revelation largely releases the pressure on China. 3. It is a payment to Chinese secret police for their collaboration in Boston bombing. In which they confirmed one of the death was a Chinese student. They also joined a carjacking set up to trap Tsarnaev brothers. (mysterious Danny). Also for a big operation to create a bird flu which estimated 6.5 billion in cost. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)” 4. No information important has Snowden leaked to public because his job is just to release the “cyber spying” pressure from China. What he said is to prove US does same thing that China does. Government spying on people and foreign countries. That’s common sense. Americans know echelon, Patriot Act since 911. Civil rights has been damaged already. So what for Prism. 5. News said Snowden is helped by Wikeleaks in his travel plan and finance. It proves true what I alleged two years ago that Assange was a false flag. The master played behind them is the same organization. (see “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)” 779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013) Since this February the Feds activated a series of big operations at the purpose to distract public attention from a small operation – eliminating Kat Sung. It sounds odd for some people, but has been proved true by decade long history. If you have read whole of my story, you may have got familiar with these tactics already. 1. Attempted war on Iran. (1) On 2/15, a “meteorite” exploded in Russia. It was an intimidation to Russia with a high tech. weapon which imitated meteor explosion. Russia is Iran’s ally. (2) In same month, former Pope Benedict resigned under pressure. The Feds replaced him with a puppet of their own. As a Pope, Benedict would oppose war on Iran if it happenes. (see #759) 2. Bio attack – Bird Flu epidemic. Which was carried out by Chinese secret police and started from 4/1. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)” 3. A nuclear war panic created by N. Korea. N. Korea has been bribed to do this for three times. Each time it related to elimination plot. (1) First nuclear test- 10/9/2006. (see “440. October surprise (10/5/06)” to #445) (2) 5/25/2009, Second nuke test. (See “614. Secret deal with N.Korea (11/22/09)” (3)2/12/2013, third nuclear test. (see “765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013)”. The purpose is to frame Iran to “nuclear proliferation with N. Korea. 4. Domestic terror attack which at last will justify the war on Iran. The “terror attack” will be a “dirty bomb attack” or “nuclear bomb attack”. The likely target will be New York City. You saw this attempt in (1) In March, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York. The trial on him will justify an “Al Qaida revenge attack” in New York. (2) Tsanaev brothers of Boston bombing indicated such attempt. They were accused of “April 25, 2013 Tsarnaev Brothers Planned Times Square Attack After Boston Bombing http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/north_america/jan-june13/boston_04-25.html “ Korea Peninsula war crisis, domestic nuclear terror attack, epidemic, war on Iran, each single event could develop to a big disaster, let alone all four add together. That’s because FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down in this September. The punishment for FBI murdering is just resignation. So they took the advantage and chance to plan such big events.
780. Sinkhole and HAARP (1) (7/19/2013) In February 2006, a landslide in Philippine which killed more than one thousand people caught my notice. On 2/25/2006, the “San Jose Mercury News” issued a warning of “Liquefaction quake”, I thought it was a climate weapon and the Feds would use that on me. I wrote “389. Liquefaction quake and rain (2/27/06)”. In which I said, I would say my thought was very correct. It has been proved many times. That’s why I put the writing date on my each article. After I wrote #389, there was a continuous rain. 50 days later, I wrote “399. Unusual rain lasted 50 days (4/20/06)” In that 50 days period, I saved the water drained from the roof with garbage cans and moved the water to street drainage to avoid saturating the soil in my yard. It was really a hard job during heavy rain. Several years later, especially after the 2011 earthquake in Japan, see “661. Earthquake of Japan (3/14/2011)” I learned another technique – HARRP. I realized that to create a landslide, in addition to plenty of water, they also need an energy wave to stir the waterlogged soil to make it can flow like fluid. What happened in 2006 in Philippine was a massacre in the name of natural disaster. It applied in large area. In early 2013, a news indicated that the Feds has developed it into an individual murder weapon. 781. Sinkhole and HAARP (2) (7/23/2013) The principle of an artificial sinkhole is similar to the artificial landslide – soil saturated with water becomes fluid when it is shaken by energy wave. The Florida case indicates the Feds have developed it to a murder weapon – to produce a sinkhole in a specific small area. Here is the picture of the victim’s house. You don’t see the sinkhole, it’s just beneath bedroom. Watch from outside, it’s still a perfect house. Several days ago, there was a letter from San Jose Water company. I allege the Feds have projected another murder plan with their newly developed technique. In 2006, two weeks after the successful test of landslide in Philippine, there was an unusual 50 days long rain in my area. This time, after the mysterious sinkhole case in Florida in March, San Jose water company had an eagerness to introduce a “water leaking insurance “ to me. This is the second letter to me. They made another offer several months ago which I have left alone. For decades, this is the first time San Jose Water company expresses so enthusiastically to me. Though I don’t know the detail of their plan, I know the sinkhole needs a lot of water. I believe the water would come from “water pipe leaking”. The letter urges to “Please reply by 8/9/13”. Still they want to take the advantage of Robert Mueller’s leaving.
782. My view on Sandy Hook Elementary shooting case (8/1/2013) Sandy Hook school shooting case was created by the Feds, I have no doubt. A major actor of that case – Robbie Parker’s story reminds me of my experience. In 1994, when my daughter was 6 years old, she lost her three original playmates. They were moved away with their families. Instead of, the Feds supplied three new same age playmates for my daughter. One of them is the daughter of G-man. G-man was a new staff of the travel company where my wife worked. It was a small company with only four staffs include the owner. He spoke same dialect of my wife – Shanghaies so he was well acquainted with my wife soon, especially they had same age daughter. G-man was a hotel manager ran casino division In Sri-Lanka. His friends were high ranking celebrities. (see “643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010)” To fulfill their mission, the Feds would pick up agents fit for their condition. G-man speaks Shanghaies and had a daughter of same age with mine, that’s why he was chosen. Robbie Parker was picked up for same reason. In Sandy Hook case, the Feds need children of age of first grade students. First grade children are new to school. Their families had little chance to know each other. So if there was fraud in case, nobody can prove it. Because they know little about each other. Like G-man, Robbie parker’s family was sent to Sandy Hook particularly for theincase. He is not local resident. His original society and community is in Utah. You can tell it from the following donation announcement. Original funding page in facebook (the content I copied): https://www.facebook.com/EmilieParkerFund/info “ Robbie Parker was selected not only he has a six years old Emilie but also for he has three look alike daughters. Since 911, more and more people don’t believe the story from government. With Emilie’s “death”, they created another case to discredit “truthers”. 783. Sandy Hook Elem. Shooting created by the Feds (8/5/2013) No others could do Sandy Hook massacre except the Feds because so many resources were activated: police, media, government officials and informants (some were called as "actors" by people.) And they of course would let out disinformation to meddle the water. Robbie Parker was pushed out as a trap to discredit “Sandy Hook truthers”. Mr. Parker was selected because he has three look alike daughters, all with blonde hair and you can hardly recognize them if they wear same dress. Here is a doctored picture. Madeline and Samantha have no legs in the photo. That part was cut and replaced by other stuff. The two legs on bottom part is from another photo. The size and location does not fit Robbie Parker’s body. And they deliberately let Madeline wearing Emilie's dress in photo with Obama. Let her have Emilie’s hair style in picture one too. The dress and hair style were designed to confusing people (that Emilie wasn’t dead) then to prove the suspicious people are "conspiracy theorists". Remember, no others have the motive and resource to do that. Those who could take pictures of Obama and Samantha have the privilege even to manipulate president as their actor. --- This picture was created particularly to mislead people to conclude Emily hadn't died. (they let Madeline wear Emily's dress) That's a trap set up for suspicious people. See how happy those actors are. Are they family members who just lost a lovely girl and after memory service? It’s more like a celebrating party. The original url of the above two pictures were disabled. I post them there to prove how the Feds are afraid of my revelation.
Oh bull****,you never heard of kids wearing one anothers clothes? NO ONE is afraid of your paranoid ramblings...NO ONE,let alone the government
784. New distract event – Al Qaida terror attack (8/14/2013) In “779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)” I said the Feds had a big plot – from February to June, they activated attempt war on Iran; Korea Peninsula nuclear war panic; China bird flu epidemic; domestic terror attack (Boston bombing). However, they couldn’t keep these big operations too long. The payment to keep the big actors – China and N. Korea- is huge. The following news indicates that N. Korea was still in performance in late May. (N. Korea had nuke test in February 2013) The big operation may end in June which signaled by the June meeting of Obama and Xi (Chinese President) in California and the Snowden case thereafter. Anyhow the core mission – elimination of Kat Sung failed to go through. It’s still two months away from September – when FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down. With a busy preparation, the Feds is having a new plan Unexplained, conflicting US global terror warnings now extend to American homeland It’s funny to have the sentence of “in the period between now and the end of August”. Does it mean anything for any particular Al Qaida mission? It just fits well to Robert Mueller’s Kat Sung murder plan before his retirement. 785. Manipulating Al Qaida (8/18/2013) The preparation for August US embassies closing – it indicated a coming big terror attack. They organized big prison breakings. This is a rare show of the Feds work. 1. The prison breaking was unprecedented big. 300, 1100, 500 prisoners escaped. Can you imagine it? 2. All breakings seemed to be successful, no casualty heard. This meant the cases were carried out with the co-operation of the authority. 3. Little news about detail. Government doesn’t want you know too much. This was a let-go-free operation. 4. All these countries are under US control. They are either “Anti-terror ally” or “liberated” country by US army or its allies. 5. They were masterminded by one planner. That’s obvious. The planner has the ability to control the government of these three countries and also can manipulate the Al Qaida. All prison breakings were done in later July 2013 because they need cannon fodder in coming month. We saw this from government announcement of “closing the embassies” in Aug. 2nd. “they (Al Qaida) may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August," Hound The war on terror was invented by the Feds. The purpose is to demand more money and power from people. So when the intelligence and Pentagon are there, the terror will be there too. If there is none, they create one. Human have hound in their house to protect their family against the wolf. As the hound getting more power, they don't want to be guards any more. They want to be master. So the hound trained some wolf they captured. Let the agent wolf to attack and kill human. Human is frightened. They give hound whatever they demanded -money, power ..... Now hound become master. When they need something, they let the agent wolf have an attack on human, then said, this is a long war, to protect your lives, I need warrantless surveillance, more budget fund, torture prison.... . The hound repeated its demand, "This enemy has struck us, and they will strike again, and we'll give our folks the tools necessary to protect the country," if you don't then the hound "can not protect ourselves". That's why we saw after 10 years, occasionally a wolf or two were captured. But hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. There is an endless war to control people. A constant blackmail for more power.
786. August 25 plot (8/27/2013) On Sunday, Aug. 25, the media was bustling with the news of “Syria Chemical attack”, “Obama’s red line”….. Like what happened early this month, the news issued by government of “travel warning”, “US embassies closing”, it was just a one day’s fever. Aug. 25 was Sunday. My family members- my mother, my brother and sisters and their spouses visited me on that day. They invited me to lunch in a restaurant in Fremont. I refused. To go that restaurant, we must take the road through Milpitas. The area I avoid to go since Boston bombing and Waco factory explosion that took place in April. I think the Feds have prepared a bombing trap there. I believe if I have accepted their invitation, a bombing incident would happen and war on Syria and then war on Iran would come successively. I feel sad for my relatives. I know some of them are manipulated by the Feds. They think they are safe to work for the Feds. Like the four “suicide bombers” in London 7/7 bombing and Tsarnaev brothers in Boston bombing, when they were told to join a drill with backpacks, they never had dreamed of they were the sacrifices. 787. The core tactic to distract is still the war on Iran (8/31/2013) In early July, I wrote “779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)”. In which I pointed out the tactic the Feds used. The big plot ended in June which is signaled by Obama and Xi’s meeting. A new plot has been planned in August 25. (see #786). The original collaborators - China and N. Korea has been changed into Al Qaida. The tactic remains the same. You can see it from the two news below. New Pope Francis would have joined US choir to blame Syria regime on chemical attack because US official claims "very little doubt" Syria used chemical weapons." This news is very rich with the content that proves what I wrote before: Iran is targeted, New York related and nuclear horror is used. The two news were issued on Aug. 24, one day before the action day – Aug 25.