Meteor attack and Pope’s resignation.

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by katsung47, Feb 22, 2013.

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  1. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    822. Malaysia airliner missing was created by the Feds (3/20/2014)

    It was done to justify the coming airplane’s incident.

    In my story, to frame me in fake money case, the Feds have to eliminate my relatives – they are all witnesses. In recent three years, each time the Feds planned a case, they arranged a cruise tour trip for my relatives. See “811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)”. In that article, I revealed that each time for a trip, the Feds used to create an incident in advance – either an “engine room fire” in a cruise or a “boat sinking” or “food poisoning” to cover up the coming case as a common one – not particularly ralated to any individual person. So was this Malaysia Airliner’s accident.

    Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared on March 8. I think it was used to justify the coming airplane accident in later March. My wife said she was going to Philippine via Shanghai at the end of this month. This means the Feds has plotted a case in late March and arrange her a South East Asia air trip. My other relatives could be arranged in trip too at that time. Since they are all recruited by the Feds, they’ll have to follow the order of the Feds when it suddenly gives one.

    That was why Malaysia airline was chosen. 1. Most victims are Chinese ethnic like my wife’s (or my rlatives’) 2. It was South East airline where my wife will fly.

    I predict the missing plane crashed somewhere far away in deep south India ocean. The purpose is to eliminate any possible trace of a plot. That’s why MH370 changed its way dramatically to the west and tried to avoid any detection from the ground. Watch the map.
    In turning point, north is Vietnam; east is Philippine; South is Malaysia and Indonesia. To west is the shortest way to Indian Ocean.

    Forget those hijacker or suicide news. They are used to distract your views and to delay the searches. No hijackers or suicides have such intention to play hide and seek game at this time.

    How could they do this? I allege it was the same way they did in 911 attack. Everyone knows the drone is very popular today. It’s a skilled technique to pilot a plane with set up computer data. (or even by remote control) With pre-set computer data, at the turning point, the auto pilot system took over the control of the plane. The pilot can do nothing with it even if they were alive at the time.

    To drop an airplane is a rare event. This may indict the Feds has made a big plot in late March. Watch with your eyes with my story in your mind. Tomorrow is Friday, the day the Feds like to act. Because there are two extra days (week ends) for them to carry murder in jail.

    823. Prepare for a nuke attack on New York (3/24/2014)

    Other symptoms indicate the Feds have a big plot in this March.

    As I always said, they will activate big terror attack to distract my case. One is a “terrorist nuke attack in New York”. (see #762 and #763) To justify it as a revenge of Al Qaida for the trial on their leader, there is:

    To prepare a trial, it used to be a long time. Those who are in Quantanamo – how long have they been detained? More than a decade. This man, arrested in Turkey in 2013, from extradition to be in New York court room in March, 2014, you can see how efficient it is. Because the Feds need a justification for a nuke terror attack in New York to cover up their plot. This is the same tactic that they created the mysterious Malaysia airline plane missing – to justify the coming air accident in South East Asia air route. (see last message #822)

    The Feds plans to nuke New York to justify why so many people are sick and died with radiation related cancer. That they could blame the death on coming “Al Qaida nuke attack”.

  2. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    824. Unusual snowstorm attack New York (3/30/2014)

    It is late March now. East coast and New York is still attacked by snow storm. As a matter of fact, for more than three months, New York has been besieged by extra cold weather.

    Springtime Snow 'Bomb' Takes Aim at Northeast
    Saturday, 22 Mar 2014

    According to AccuWeather, the storm could spread all the way from the Carolinas up the East Coast into Maine, and has the potential of dumping heavy snows along its path.
    As a result, the Canadian Meteorologist Centre's GGEM says the snow could rank as one of New York City's deepest, dumping two feet of the white stuff by Wednesday.

    This is planned to prevent people from going to New York. As I have alleged that the Feds is to activate a nuke bombing (or dirty bomb attack) in New York, partly to justify the unusual high rate of radiation related cancer caused by 911 attack, the main purpose is to distract Kat Sung’s case. Extra weather condition would keep people staying at home. That would reduce the casualty of a nuke attack and possible lawsuits thereafter.

    That’s why we saw in recent years, New York has been suffered of extraordinary weather: over heat in summer; extra long cold weather; and rare hurricane (remember Hurricane Sandy?).

    This March marked with some unusual events: 1. Convict of Bin Laden’s son in law in New York – to justify a revenge terrorist attack from Al Qaida. 2. Unusual snow storm – a method to reduce the casualty of that attack because it will be nuclear one. 3. Mysterious missing of Malaysia airline that is used to justify planned air accidents if the main plot going through.

    825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)

    The media is busy to spread disinformation from the “strategy office” to confuse people that public neglected one key information from original news. MH 370 was climbing to 45,000 feet when it turned sharply to the west. The auto pilot system took over the control of the plane and open the passage of internal cabin to the outside air space. The low temperature and low air pressure as well as low oxygen at that altitude disabled all people(include pilots) inside the plane in seconds, then killed them all.

    This information revealed the killing of the crew and passengers started as soon as the plane was hijacked to a new track. The hijacker was the pre-set auto pilot system. Then it descended to below normal cruising level. At that time nobody was alive inside the plane and the only mission for the ghost plane was to elude the detection of ground radar as possible as it could and flied as far away as it could to make the search a difficult one. The following chart explained the odd track of MH 370.



    Altitude - Moderate Activity - Sitting Quietly

    25 000 feet - 2 minutes - 3 minutes

    28 000 feet - 1 minute - 1.5 minutes

    30 000 feet - 45 seconds - 1.25 minutes

    35 000 feet - 30 seconds - 45 seconds

    40 000 feet - 18 seconds - 30 seconds

    45,000 feet - ?? seconds - ?? seconds
  3. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)

    This is not the first time they used this method to create an air accident. The similar action they have done in 2005. Here I quote my article #352 wrote eight years ago:

    Among these air accidents, the Greek one was exactly the same method – with decompression to kill everyone on board the plane.

    In each plot to eliminate me, the Feds used to have planned accidental death for my relatives, either in trip by cruise or by air. I tried my best to record each plot. When the Malaysia airliner incident happened, I immediately recalled the 2005 case. In 2005, they created four air crashes in one month to impress public that air incident was not that unusual. This time they made it a mysterious missing so the topic could occupy a period of time in media to impress public. The purpose is to replace multiple crashes.

    Supplementary to 826.

    352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

    On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the public that these were the work of Al Qaida. The unusual events happened in same day (July 21) may prove my allegation.(see #330)

    Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

    1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
    2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
    3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
    4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

    When I first heard of Greece accident, I only impressed by the mysterious situation (lack of oxygen, frozen) before its crash. But when the Peru air crash took place, I realize it might be an operation to cover up a coming air accident. My relatives were arranged in a trip between 9/10 and 9/17. If an accident happened, it would be easily added one more to the above list and wouldn't cause any notice. That's why I talked about this twice in 9/2 and 9/7. (see #339, 340)

    Pre-psychological influence is a very important tactic Feds uses. We have seen scenes such like Lewinsky scandal, Wen Ho Lee's case, WMD in Iraq..... The recent one is the hurricane Katrina and Rita. Which mainly planned to justify for a high rising inflation. So media want us expecting a gas of 5.00/gallon because most of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by hurricane and so was for many oil refineries. That how much money would spend for the refugee and re-build.(e.g. 400,000 people live in the hotels and how much that costs for one day's rent) Now these kind of information are disappeared from media. Or proved to be exaggerated. What I see is the oil dropped below $60.00 a barrel.(10/26) Why, because the framed case went sour and Feds still must keep the interest rate as low as they can to maintain a high housing market.

    If the framed case have went successfully, I believe you would meet another face of media. Then you would have believed that all that sudden jumping high inflation was caused by oil and the natural disaster.

    The latest movement of propaganda activated by Feds is the Bird Flu. That's another psychological war to justify a new slaughter in the name of natural disaster. Watch how the media propaganda it under the command of Feds.

    353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

    When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

    Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.
    Now let's turn on to the crash of Greece air plane which I alleged one of four accidents done by intelligence. It caused my attention for its mysterious situation. Here are news about it.

    Quote, "YAHOO NEWS:
    Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
    By Yannis Behrakis

    A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

    "The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

    Quote, "Greece Plane Crash Kills All Aboard

    "Shortly before the crash, the jet pilots saw one of the airline pilots slumped unconscious over the controls, ...... Some Greek media reports said fighter pilots also could see oxygen masks dangling inside the cabin."

    What took place in the Greece plane seemed as follows: the cabin lost pressure, oxygen and temperature.

    But it's a Boeing 737. One of the most advanced air craft. And the plane has a well designed oxygen supply and pressurization system. So far we have never heard any problem of the insulation broken which caused low pressure that killed the people on board. This was the only one.

    A spokesman for the European Aviation Safety Agency, Daniel Holtgen, based in Cologne, Germany, said: "It is highly unlikely that the loss of cabin pressure alone would cause such an incident. There would have to be other contributing factors." (source, the above Yahoo News)

    What were the other factors? It's a puzzle. Then it came the Katrina and Rita. In a TV news report about a research plane which flew over the hurricane, I caught what the researcher said. He said he couldn't believe it that the air pressure was incredible low outside the plane. It suddenly touched off my mind. I thought Feds spreading chemical to control the pressure of air to alter the weather. If the air pressure could be created so low to astonish the researcher, (it was in open air, air would flow from other area to refill) then what would have happened if it was in a closed cabin? I thought of the Greece plane.

    I think it is a chemical which is easy to gasify and easy to react with the element part of air (either oxygen, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) and developed to another substance.(either liquid such like water, or solid) Air, after losing part of its element, has lost pressure. The chemical reaction also sucks heat.

    A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.

    When that chemical is used in a closed cabin. The low pressure and temperature it created will kill the people inside it. Oxygen may be exhausted as a component in the reaction. That's what happened in the Greece air plane.

    I allege Feds used the same chemical in Greece air accident as they used in hurricane creation. It's not a coincidence when I said the four air accidents was a cover up operation of Feds and Katrina and Rita were created for the same framed case. (to be continued)

    827. To frame a case by FISA? (4/13/2014)

    Mr. Ge is my cousin. I talked about him in “805. Payment to informants (12/17/2013)”. I haven’t seen him for nearly twenty years. He and the family of his son will visit US for a week on 4/17. The destination of the trip is San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. I view it as another trap set up by the Feds after March plot – which was marked with mysterious missing of Malaysia airliner MH370. Cousin Ge has never been to the US. Normally, he should choose a trip to East Coast line of New York or West Coast line of Los Angles. People rarely choose Yosemite only in a trip from China.

    My sisters and my brother knew Ge’s coming in advance. They will separately leave for a Europe trip or a Shanghai visit just before Ge’s arriving. It is very impolite in Chinese tradition. Obviously it was all arranged by the Feds – either Ge’s short visit of Yosemite or the trips of my siblings. The purpose is very clear – to push me to meet cousin Ge, I’m the only cousin of him in Bay Area when he comes.

    Though I don’t know what kind of trick will they play this time, the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) rule is for sure applies. In my case, Chinese secret police used to be an accomplice of the Feds. You can see how easy to put a person under surveillance – by arranging a foreigner informant to meet the victim, they could legally get a warrant from FISA Court. Then to set up him in with a trap.

    The Feds used to have informants to set up a case. I’m afraid they attempt to frame a case this time through a relative of mine.

  4. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    828. The tactic of the Feds – sub actions to cover up (4/20/2014)

    There are two tactics the Feds used to use when they carry out a plot.
    1. To create similar case to cover up the main one – make the core case a common one. It used to take place before the main action.
    2. To create bigger case to distract public attention from the main case. It always happens at the same time with the main plot.

    There was a typical sample in 2005 which was marked with 7/7 London bombing and Hurricane Katrina

    1. 7/7/2005. Cover up case London bombing was used to justify the main bombing case in Washington of 9/24.

    9/24/2005. A bombing plot in Washington when a big anti-war protest was held there. (The bombing hadn’t taken place because my constant revelation on their plot)
    See “330. London bombing is a justification for coming US attack (7/27/05)”

    2. From 8/14 to 9/5, Four airplanes crashed to justify the coming planned air accident.

    In mid-September my parents and my siblings were arranged an East Coast trip. In later September my wife was arranged a South East trip. They were the targets.
    I talked about my worry in “339. The September plot (9/2/05)”.

    3. 8/28. Hurricane Katrina landed to justify the coming Hurricane Rita. Media blew the trumpet to propaganda that Hurricane Rita was shaping up to be one of the strongest Storms ever to hit the USA, exceeding even Katrina.

    9/24. Hurricane Rita landed but not so strong as media predicted. Because my allegation in advance. The operation went soured. There was no necessity to create it the strongest Hurricane ever.

    829. A disinformation to mislead public (4/24/2014)

    Three days ago, there was such a news:

    Did you notice something unusual of the topic of this news? It emphasizes that it’s not that cold and lack of oxygen in high altitude . Do you know why they had this news? I think it was a misinformation created by the mastermind of the missing Malaysia airliner MH370 at the purpose to discount my allegation that the people in MH370 were killed by decompression when it was hijacked by auto pilot system.

    It was a swift response to my article “825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)” and “826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)”.

    Even if they indeed carried out such a “stowaway” operation, it still won’t prove anything for them. Here I quote a comment:

  5. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    830. Uninterruptible autopilot system (5/1/2014)

    Someone argued that how a computerized auto pilot system could drive the plane to avoid the ground radar. That opinion based on that auto pilot system was a pre-set up program. The reality is that Boeing have installed “uninterruptible autopilot system” in its plane. Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. The aircraft was taken over by the ground controller. The system was originally developed to prevent air hijacking. But when the ground controller becomes criminal, the airliner can be hijacked for evil purpose. That’s what happened in 911. That’s what happened in MH370.

    831. S. Korea ferry tragedy was created by US intelligence too (5/5/2014)

    It was done under similar tactic like the missing Malaysia airliner. The purpose was to justify another planned ship accident - My sisters were arranged a cruise trip in Europe (Italy) from 4/15 to 4/30 while the Korean ferry accident kills hundreds of people.

    The news about the Lee Jun-Seok (captain of Korean ferry) reminded me of another Italian one:

    Both men gave up their duty as captains to run for their own lives because they knew in advance it was a pre-planned accident and there would be a lot of deaths. None wanted to be a sacrifice of the plot.

    In Chinese media I learned that Lee Jun-Seok was a replacement of the original ferry captain. That was an important clue. I then had a google search for more detail. The words I entered were: “S. Korea ferry sink captain vacation”. There were so many news – all of them were from mainstream media – but none talked about Lee was a temporary replacement. I tried to change the words into “former captain vacation”, “captain on leave”, all the efforts failed. At last I enter the words this way: “captain vacation S. Korea ferry sink”. Then the news came – with none from mainstream media, some from foreign news such like Chinese of Korean.

    My google search experience shows a mind control. If I hadn’t read Chinese newspaper, I might have missed that important clue that Lee was a temporary replacement. The mastermind of the created accident also control mainstream media (or google search) to block some information from the public and lead people to the way they want you to follow.

    Supplementary to 831.

    811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)

    Since the Feds (FBI and DEA) planted the isotope money (radioactive twenty dollars notes) on me through B (my brother in law), they planned murder plot on my relatives because they are witnesses. A major method is to create a cruise incident. The Feds arranged four cruises trip for them in recent three years.

    1. “This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Caribe - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. 2010” See story at #656.

    One month before the plot, they created a fire case to justify the coming incident.

    2. “July 2011. My brother and sisters have a boat trip this time in Europe.” See #675.

    Fire was not enough to kill. They sunken a tourist fishing boat at same month of the plot.

    3. “My mother, my sisters and brother and their families, are arranged for a trip to Hawaii in the end of October. 2012” See #740

    A tourist fishing boat was too small. The Feds upgraded the murder model to a cruise ship that caught eyeballs of the world.

    4. “My wife and my relatives are having a Mexico cruise trip from 1/5 to 1/9, 2014.” See # 809.

    Big case impressed people longer. Two months before another plot, the Feds talked about that capsized ship to remind people sunken cruise ship was not a rare event.

  6. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    If it was 'patented secretly',How do YOU know about it?
  7. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    832. The ability to black hole a Boeing craft (5/12/2014)

    As a matter of fact, it was impossible that a Boeing being hijacked by terrorists because it was equipped with uninterruptible auto pilot system. When such things happened, the pilot would covertly activate the system to alert the ground security service. The odd thing is not much people knew there was such a system existed. Most absurd was that when MH370’s missing became a hot topic, nobody talked about uninterruptible auto pilot system. It became a forbidden area for mainstream media.

    If you doubt me why I concluded that MH 370 case was created by the US intelligence, my reason is pretty simple. Who control uninterruptible auto pilot system? Who have the information of ground radar so MH370 could skirt them?

    833. The South Korea airliner crash in 2013 (5/16/2014)

    On July 6, 2013, an Asiana airliner crashed in San Francisco airport.

    The flight, which originated in Shanghai China before stopping in Seoul en route to San Francisco, carried 61 U.S. citizens, 77 South Koreans and 141 Chinese.

    Similar to the missing Malaysia air craft MH370, most passengers on crafts were Chinese ethnic. Either the destination or the origin of the flights were China. The airliner’s company, however, were from small Asia countries.

    I notice this because the flight route of Asiana was the one my wife had taken when she went to Shanghai and San Francisco is the airport my relatives used to use when they have a trip. I allege the Feds continueously create new traffic accidents in their murder case on my family members.

    When a South Korea ferry sunk last month and news reported that the ferry captain was a substitution to the original one,(see #831), I recalled the air crash in San Francisco last year. Was that another coincidence that the craft captain was a new trainee?
  8. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    834. Small countries became sacrifice in US plots (5/23/2014)

    In 1983, a South Korea passenger airplane KAL 007 was shot down in Russia.

    A few years ago, after former Soviet Union had collapsed, I came across with an analysis of that incident. The article said the Korean pilots couldn’t make such a big mistake to diverge the normal flight path. It alleged it was a plot that Pentagon used it to test air defense of Soviet Union. It was cold war time. I believe so. The original path was mostly over the ocean. The deviation track went over Kamchatka Peninsula. That is a big land. Pilots couldn’t miss it.

    People didn’t believe the Feds would sacrifice civilian lives for their strategic benefit at that time. The 911 attack later proved they would even sacrifice American’s lives if they thought it was necessary. I think the Asiana airliner crash in San Francisco of 2013, Malaysia’s missing MH370, and the ferry sinking in South Korea in April 2014 were all belong to this category. Most of these disasters related to South Korea. That indicates a small country has to pay a big price when it depends on US. I think US intelligence has infiltrated all levels of South Korea society.

    835. Uninterruptible Auto Pilot System (5/27/2014)

    None released data will be helpful for investigation as the criminal that caused the missing of MH370 also control the satellite information. Do you think they will expose themselves? Anyone with common sense which one has the ability to make a Boeing with 300 people in it disappear without trace.

    Former P.M. of Malaysia says:

  9. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    836. Google censorship (6/3/2014)

    In late April, there was a news:

    I post in a few forums of Google+. It’s somewhere I still got some responses from other members. Ten days later, on May 5th, I got a warning after I posting new article in Google+:

    “This post violates our policies; it's visible only to you.” Though they didn’t specify the policy I offended, I know it’s for “spamming’. Because I post same article in many other web sites. Since my article tells truth and it used to be proved correct later, the Feds are afraid of it. They couldn’t find a reason to censor it, they create an absurd excuse – “spamming.” Anyone with common sense knows it is only an excuse as my article is not commercial for commodities but political opinion.

    I speculate that Mr. Vic Gundotra resigned to oppose the new censorship rules. It’s too coincident on timing of his resignation and the censorship warning on my post. The censorship is disgusting thing so the news “offered no explanation for his departure”.

    If my speculation is correct, then in US there are still people who have positive value of civil rights and moral sense.

    837. The Feds go rogue in censorship (6/7/2014)

    The technique “the article is visible only to poster” is a malicious way of censorship. The poster thought his article were seen by other members because he could see it while others didn’t. Anyway, Google is a big firm. It gives a warning when it adopts such a malicious technique. Many other web sites may have carried out such policy without a notice. That’s worse.

    Some sites were straight. Here are cases took place early this year.

    They even use same words in notice. It means the Feds have infiltrated all these internet sites and control the forums with their own puppets. They think they are above the law. They ban without a reason and “the ban is not set to expire”. What a rogue.
  10. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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  11. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    838. Iraq crisis (6/14/2014)

    All of a sudden, Iraq is in crisis. The second biggest city is fallen. Baghdad is threatened.

    Iraqi security forces, trained by Pentagon for years and well equipped with helicopters, tanks and armoured cars, vastly outnumber the jihadists, suddenly melted down in the face of ISIL rebels.

    Consider Al Qaeda jihadists are created and supported by the US to deal with its dislikes (such like Libya’s Gaddafi and Syria’s Assad) and the current Iraq government is a puppet set up by US in Iraq war, both sides are US’ assets. I think it’s a drama conducted by the US. You can see the leadership of Iraqi troops gave up the city without any fight.

    US inside group used to create a case, with which to ask for more power and money. E.g. the 911 attack has been created to get Patriot Act and two wars in Mid-East. What is it now for this Iraq crisis?

    839. Iraqi crisis created to save dollar (6/18/2014)
    In early June, Russia switches the oil payment from dollars to Euros.

    This is very important news. If people starting to abandon the dollar, US will be hurt seriously in economy. Yet the news was little reported by the mainstream media. Several days later, the ISIL rebel in Iraq activates an offensive. The puppet Iraqi government retreats without any resistance. As a result, the oil price goes up.

    Since the money used in most oil trading is dollar, the higher oil price will force the buyer to keep more dollar in bank as purchasing power. It’s a big amount if future option is included. Manipulating oil price becomes a strategy to save the dollar. Iraq is a big country of oil production and exportation. Its political stability has huge influence to oil price. US has turned it into a switch to adjust the oil price.
  12. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    840. US keeps Iraq a battle field to adjust oil price (6/25/2014)

    Since the recent Iraq crisis created by the US is to save dollar, US will maintain the current situation unchanged. A US craft carrier has been deployed in Mid-East, no air attack has done so far.

    Three hundred US military advisors were sent to Iraq. Their role likely is to instruct Iraqi troops to retreat from cities or oil fields when they want the oil price to go up. Or vice versa.

    The US will turn Iraq into another battle field. Let Arabs fight Arabs. Decades ago, it was Saddam's Iraq vs. Iran. Now it will be Sunni's Iraq, Saudi, Qarda vs. Shiiti Iraq, Iran.

    That's a strategy it used to play, just like it manipulates Democrats and Republicans in domestic politics.

    841. GDP cheating (6/29/2014)

    How the government cheat you on GDP of 1st quarter of 2014.

    1. Apr 30, 2014. They said it increased 0.1%.
    2. May 29, 2014. They said it decreased 1.0%.
    3. Jun 25, 2014. They said it decreased 2.9%.


  13. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    842. GDP cheating to assure a prosperous stock market (7/6/2014)

    Although the GDP of the first quarter of 2014 is the sharpest decline in five years, another index of economy goes in contrary way. The Dow Jones index reaches its history high(over 17,000) on July 3, 2014. Since April – despite the poor economy that GDP suffered a big loss – the stock market remains in high level. Obviously, the ruler of this country is planning a rising stock market trap. They don’t want the bad news of fallen GDP to interrupt their plan. Then we saw this dramatic GDP cheating opera. They deliberately put the original report of first quarter GDP having 0.1% increase. That’s the minimum unit to separate two thorough different worlds – positive and negative. With this small 0.1%, people thought the US economy was still increasing, though at the cliff of recession. With other cheating method and propaganda, they keep Americans in a dream that US economy is going to prosperous. Here is how Dow Jones index kept rushing to its recent peak – watch the timing (from April to June) while actually economy is in recession.

    Be noticed that April 30 was the day they gave original report of the first quarter GDP. Could you see from this chart how they build this upward ladder to lure innocent people in to join this “rush to pick up the peak fruit” movement?

    843. Psychological trick (7/10/2014)

    All the three claimed figures of the first quarter GDP were meticulously selected to make it a smooth cheating.

    1. They said it increased 0.1%. A minimum number of 0.1 to make it a positive increase.
    2. They said it decreased 1.0%. 1 is the smallest integer, next to 1 is 0. So they hint it’s a smallest decrease.
    3. They said it decreased 2.9%. People know the merchants used to price the merchandise at 99 cents. It’s a psychological gimmick. They used the same trick to avoid an upper numerical grade.

    They split the decrease number in three gradual decreasing number, buffered the impact on people psychologically. With other cheating method, they successfully push the stock market to history high while US economy is in recession.
    They invent another method to calculate the unemployment and say It is only 6.1% right now. They told you so while actually one third of Americans are unemployed.

  14. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    844. To save the dollar by hitting the Euro (7/17/2014)

    Someone argues,
    That’s true. But oil price is the fastest way to adjust the demand of the dollar. We saw then the Euro – an alternative to the dollar, is threatened.

    Euro is the reserve currency next to the dollar. When dollar is weak that oil buyers have to use Euros for payment to Russian oil, what if Euro’s value is threatened? Similar situation had acted four years ago when US had a financial crisis (the bankruptcy of Leman Brothers caused by sub-prime loan collapse), US resolved it by introducing the Greek financial crisis.

    If the high oil price would benefit enemy Russia, then US has to dig into the foundation of ally’s wallet. Last time the ignition was Greece, this time it is Portugal.

    845. Another way to weaken the Euro (7/21/2014)

    The energy supply of Europe is heavily dependent on Russia. About one third to 40% of its natural gas and oil are imported from Russia. One important gas pipe is inside Ukraine. If there is a turmoil in Ukraine, the gas supply to Europe will be affected. The economy of Europe would be weakened, so be the Euro. That’s why we saw an upheaval in Ukraine.

    Here EU used to be a follower of the US. I think the Europeans have sensed the coming danger the US will bring to them. German is a major power of EU. Recently, German has twice revealed two US spy cases and eventually expelled a CIA intelligence official. That’s unusual.

    I would say German has sensed (or with its state ability, having the intelligence) that US would sacrifice European’s economy by creating a crisis in Europe. It could be terror attack; or war. The deportation of US intelligence official is just a warning or protest of disagreement. Several days later, Malaysia airliner MH17 was down in Ukraine.
  15. VegasMike

    VegasMike New Member

    Jul 28, 2014
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    I'm new here. I just want to say: This thread is spectacular. Holy crap. This guy must be the most interesting man in the world. Master, please tell us, what do we do?
  16. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    846. The divert flight path (7/28/2014)

    Evidence shows that MH17 was arranged from its original flight path over to a war zone where it was shot down.

    Puppet Ukraine censored the air traffic control recordings.

    The case is similar to the shooting down case of “KAL 007” 30 years ago. I talked about it at” 834. Small countries became sacrifice in US plots (5/23/2014)”

    In 1983, a South Korea passenger airplane KAL 007 was shot down in Russia.

    A few years ago, after former Soviet Union had collapsed, I came across with an analysis of that incident. The article said the Korean pilots couldn’t make such a big mistake to diverge the normal flight path. It alleged it was a plot that Pentagon used it to test air defense of Soviet Union. It was cold war time. I believe so. The original path was mostly over the ocean. The deviation track went over Kamchatka Peninsula. That is a big land. Pilots couldn’t miss it.

    847. Puppets show to save the dollar (8/1/2014)

    The MH17 crash was obviously an attempt to draw Europe into a war crisis in Ukraine. As a result, Euro goes down wards.

    Russia wants buyers to abandon the dollar and use the Euro for its oil. Ukraine crisis forces traders to sell the Euro. That’s how US to save its dollar – by creating war crisis.

    Moreover, there is a turmoil in Libya lately. Libya is an oil rich country. The upheaval there not only push up the oil price, but also hurt economy of European countries. It’s not a coincidence.

    When there were “dictators”, the media blew the trumpet for “democracy”, “color revolution”, “Arab spring”. After the fall of the dictatorship, what left over are all US assets: ISIS, Iraq’s Maliki puppet government, rival militias (include Al Qaida) in Libya. Now you rarely hear the angry cry for justice although those agents are more cruel than the “dictators” – they are bombing civilians; beheading P.O.W. and doing religious extinction. Because all those puppets are working for the same master.

    The puppets now are acting war shows in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine(where only Russia is the real enemy), all for one purpose, to save the dollar from collapse.
  17. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    848. The crashes of MH17 and MH370 serve for one purpose (8/8/2014)

    US has locked two strategy enemies – Russia and China. Both are the threats to the dollar.

    The tactic to deal with these two enemies is to weaken them by war.

    China has conflicts with its neighbor countries. It has territory problem with Japan in East China Sea and with Vietnam and Philippine in South China Sea. China blames US standing at the side of these three countries. Malaysia has territory problem with China in South China Sea too but it keeps friendship with China. To push Malaysia to join the anti-China front in Asia, MH370 case was created. The mysterious disappearance of the passengers would create a long lasting demanding for the victims from China side because most victims were Chinese citizens. (That is why MH370 case was produced as a mysterious disappearance not an evident crash) Anyhow, China and Malaysia might have realized the plot and haven’t made it a crisis.

    The Ukraine crisis started in February when a civil turmoil happened which caused the stepping down of pro-Russia President Yanukovych. The result is there is an upheaval in East Ukraine. Since Russia and Europe both have interest in Ukraine, a war between the two is easy to be ignited. The shooting down of MH17 was created as an ignition. MH17 was well selected – like MH370 – for its passengers. Most of victims in MH17 were Dutch. Holland is a major country of EU and NATO. If Holland is infuriated, the possibility of a covert war between EU and Russia in Ukraine is greatly increased.

    I think US is the mastermind of the incidents of MH17 and MH370. The purpose is to push Russia and China into wars with their neighbor countries to weaken them.
    See my analysis on MH370: from #822 to #835.
    See my analysis on MH17: from #844 to #847.
  18. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    850. Plot to frame Russia in shooting down of MH17 failed (8/19/2014)

    There is a silence in Western media about the crash of MH17, compare to the noise they made at original hours when MH17 was shot down when the evidence shows there were 30mm bullet holes on fuselage of MH17. The bullet couldn’t reach altitude of 32,000 feet from ground that’s common sense.

    Be noticed it’s from a Germany pilot. German is one who suffered from Ukraine conflict.
    Analysis from Malaysia newspaper.

    851. Why Malaysia airlines was selected as target (8/23/2014)

    In #848, I said Malaysia was targeted because it keeps a friendship with China while China is a covert enemy of the US. In #845, I talked about German had sensed that E.U. was provoked by the US for a covert war with Russia. German is unwilling to follow the US instruction. It expelled the CIA Chief from the German as a protest.

    Then a Chinese forum offered an information how Malaysia and German were hurt by heavy insurance loss in the two incidents. The insurance company of Malaysia Airline is a Germany.

    1. MH370
    2.. MH17

    The comment said, “German was shot even it was laying on the ground”.
  19. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    852. Prepare for big disasters in September (8/30/2014)

    In “849. Ebola spreading is a bio attack (8/12/2014)” I said the Ebola spreading in Europe “That likely will happen in September.”

    I said so based on following reason:

    1. The Feds arranged an East Coast trip for my relatives in Mid-September. The plan to murder my family members has been planned every year. It used to be designed in the form of “accident in travel”. That almost becomes a routine. It goes along with the plot of “elimination of Kat Sung”. The murder cases will be distracted by big events such like natural disaster, war or terror attack.

    “Federal Reserve likely to end QE stimulus program in October

    Minutes from June policy meeting reveal likely October end date even as officials say US economy is not out of the woods
    9 July 2014

    Follow the end of QE, the zero interest policy will end too. The rate will go up. To ensure the money flow into the US. Natural disaster, war or terror attack will be created to shake the foundation of Europe and Asia. Make US a ‘safe place” for the international capital.

    That’s why we saw

    US and E.U. said Russia invades Ukraine and threaten to upgrade new sanction.

    “Terror plot targeting Eiffel Tower, Louvre foiled, French police say”; “Norway on alert over feared terrorist attack”…..

    All these cases will develop to real bigger ones in September if their main plot of “elimination of Kat Sung” goes through.

    853. A trap in stock market (9/3/2014)

    The core plot is to set up a trap to capture the international capital. That trap is the US stock market. Watch the chart. Dow jones index now is at its historical peak – above 17,000.

    Dow Jones index chart

    Although people feel nothing good in “economy recovery” – good pay jobs continue to loss; homeowners rate is the lowest in 19 years; more people dependent on welfare; yet the media give you another picture. They say unemployment rate drops to nearly 6% although most of the new jobs are part time ones. They say GDP jumps 4.2% in 2nd quarter because they control the national data collection and outsiders hardly know the truth if they cooked the data. Even the negative 1st quarter GDP -2.1% didn’t influence the US stock market because they are making up a trap.

    To drive the money into that trap, the Feds created war crisis in Asia (mainly by encouraging Japan, Vietnam and Philippine to have a territory dispute with China) and In Europe (by create a civil war in Ukraine) and in Mid-East (ISIL is the puppet of CIA)

    Once the international capital found the prospect of economy of Europe and Asia are dim, they have to turn to the US market. A large amount of money will invest in stock market. Then at certain level, a big case (e.g. a terror attack) will happen and US stock market will have a big fall to lock that lump of money up for a period.

    Meanwhile, you will see the media beat the drum to propaganda how US economy going prosperous.

    Here is a little news to justify planned collapse of the stock market and says the crash will be a big one.

  20. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    854. Talks between China and US (9/10/2014)

    On May 2, China has deployed an oil drill platform in controversial South China Sea. That caused a fierce standoff between China and Vietnam. There even was a riot took place in Vietnam.

    Two months later there was a dramatic turnaround. China suddenly removed that oil rig, one month earlier than it previous announced. Withdrawal of rig was welcomed by Hanoi and Washington.

    Obviously, it was the result of the talks between officials of China and US.

    I believe a secret deal has been reached in the talk. That’s why I allege the Feds would create murder cases in September. See #849 and #852.

    855. China got a permission to war on Japan (9/14/2014)

    Was China soft in its territory dispute with Vietnam? Not really. I said John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited China on July 8. A secret deal has reached in their meeting. I alleged China has been granted a permission by US to hit the Japan. China wouldn’t start a war with Japan because there is an military agreement between Japan and America. But US would remain as a bystander this time. Of course, China won’t engage wars in two fronts at same time. So it suddenly withdrew its oil rig from South China Sea. (announced on July 15)

    The development next convinced me China is ready for a war with Japan in East China Sea. The big topic on a Chinese newspaper “World Journal” on July 26 made it very clear - “The sword points to Japan”.

    Be noticed on this news:
    1. The disruption on civil flights starts on July 13. Five days after secret meeting.
    2. It’s a large scale military force movement started abruptly. It took more than a week as far as July 21.
    3. It’s a preparation for a big military action on East China Sea started on July 27.

    Why did US persuade China to abandon the conflict in South China Sea but turn onto East China Sea? As I have already told. US has set up a big trap in its stock market. (see #853) It’s waiting for the money escaped from war fields of Asia and Europe. Compare Vietnam with Japan, which market has more money to withdraw?
  21. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    856. The war plan in Europe and Asia (9/21/2014)

    5/2/2014 China deployed an oil rig in South China Sea. It started a violent dispute with
    Vietnam because the area is a controversial territory.

    7/8 – 7/9 State Secretary John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited China to hold a
    meeting there. I alleged a secret deal has been made between US and China. This
    was an important timing point. The war plot in Europe and Asia began after that

    7/15 China abruptly announced the remove of its oil rig from disputed area. One month
    earlier than its previous plan.

    7/13 – 7/21(7/25?) Unusual disruption of civil flights in Shanghai international airport and
    other East China area. News said it was caused by military exercises.

    7/17 MH17 of Malaysia Airline was shot down in Ukraine war area.

    7/27 Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced that military exercises will be
    conducted off China’s South East coast in the East China Sea from July 29 to
    August 15

    7/27 China military also announced that PLA holds 3-month long exercises

    August: Ukraine government force started a large scale attack on East Ukrainian rebel
    area but suffered a big loss.

    August: Chinese military drilled over East China Sea.

    You can see the key timing point is 7/8 and 7/9. After the secret deal of sino-America, two potential war fields in Asia and Europe started their war procedure. In mid-July, Chinese military had a big movement to gather its force in at East China in the name of military exercise where the potential enemies are Japan and Taiwan.

    In mid-July West media also started a large propaganda war on the downing of Malaysia airplane – a preparation to justify the expansion of Ukrainian war.

    The designated war over East China Sea doesn’t happen because it connected to the core plan of the Feds – the elimination of Kat Sung. China plays a role in that plan.

    857. Secret deal and stock market (9/25/2014)

    One phenomenon that China joins US July-October/2014 plot (trap money by war) was that there was an unusual uprising in Chinese stock market after the alleged July 8-9 US-Sino meeting.

    Taking the advantage of US stock market plot, China government intending to trap its own domestic speculation capital too by pushing up its stock market. In early September, there was such a news in Chinese net:


    Shanghai Securities Index Chart

    The sudden uprising of China stock market synchronized with the military exercises over East China Sea. That military drill will last for three months – a timing factor in their secret deal.

    One payment of the secret deal also relates to the stock market. That is the big debut of Alibaba. The Chinese company got nearly 22 billion from US capital market making it the biggest U.S.-listed IPO in history after the IPO of credit card processing company Visa in 2008.

    When US is thirst for capital to promote its economy, they gave that big money to China. Rare people know it’s a payment for the secret deal.
  22. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    858. September/2014 plot (10/2/2014)

    “Plan a Travel” is a traditional tactic for Feds to organize a murder case. That’s why I repeatedly warned of a “September terror attack” this time because they planned one

    In September, my young sister had some friends to visit her from Shanghai. They booked an “East Coast trip” from 9/9 to 9/17. My sister and my brother both joined that trip although they had been there before. I view it as another attempt murder plan. The time and place were well selected. It was around 9/11 and the place was in New York to justify a “revenge terror attack” from extreme Islamists for the anniversary of 911 attack. The attack could be a nuclear one or dirty bomb attack to cover up multiple cancer deaths happened in New York recently.

    In September, my wife also had a friend (with a fellow tourist) to visit her from Shanghai. They started their backpack tour of US from San Jose. They store their luggage (shopping merchandise) at my home. Their leaving date is 11/17/2014.

    The unusual visitors from China must have been arranged by Chinese secret police. It coincides with the “war to drive money” plot (see #853 to #857). I believe the whole plan was projected by the Feds. The war over East China Sea doesn’t take place so far because the main plan – elimination of Kat Sung is not fulfilled.

    China’s involvement in this plot is obvious. We can see it from its abrupt withdraw oil rig 981 from South China Sea in July; swift build up military force in East China for drills in East China Sea at same time. PLA said the military exercises will last for three months, it is a time schedule to fit for Feds’ murder plan.

    859. Eric Holder’s resignation and November plot (11/6/2014)

    Three years ago, Eric Holder was under huge pressure for his authorization of “Operation Fast and Furious”. He neglects the demand of his resignation. (see “693. Eric Holder and Operation “Fast and Furious” (11/14/2011)”)

    Why he suddenly resigns this time with no outside pressure? I had pointed it out already in #693: “Why Eric Holder clings to his office not to resign? He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. That’s the way how the Feds play the politics.”

    Now the big case is planned. Eric Holder claims resignation in advance to avoid being link his resignation to the coming murder case when it happens.

    The “September East Coast trip plot” was soured, the Feds have had another trip set up in November – a Mexico cruise. It is a big one I have ever seen. More than twenty people I know are arranged in that trip - all my siblings, their spouse and some friends. The Feds try to eliminate all witnesses of their crime. If there is a cruise ship accident, it is pre-planned. Eric Holder's resignation is a proof.
  23. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    860. IRS search plot and FISA warranty (10/13/2014)

    Eric Holder announced his resignation on 9/25. It means he approved a new murder plot.

    Next day, 9/26, my wife got up earlier in the morning. She went to Social Security Service to apply for Medicare. Her birthday is 12/21. She will be 65 years old this December. Generally, she should register for her Medicare one month earlier before her birthday. She did it three months earlier. I think she was ordered to do so. The purpose was to justify an unreasonable search by IRS. See story at “663. IRS raid plot (4/3/2011)”.

    That night, my brother came to return the car my wife used to drive. Then I knew another story on that busy day. My young sister has friends from Shanghai and she accompanied them for an East Coast trip during 9/9 to 9/17. (see#858) On 9/26, my young sister drove them to Stanford University for a visit. There their car had a flat tire. My sister called my brother for help. Since there were seven people of them, they need a minivan. So they turned to my wife – she drives a minivan. My brother went to my wife’s office to replace a car with her minivan. This was how the Feds arranged to apply a FISA warranty on my wife(or my house?) – the car that suspicious foreign agents had used was registered under my address. The same tactic they had used three years ago. See “668. Chinese secret police (5/5/2011)”.

    My wife returned late that night. She said she had a dinner with W.S. and a Lady C’s friend. Both I alleged were Chinese agents. (see #668, 643, 644)

    So the next day of the announcement of Eric Holder’s resignation was very busy. They had a new plot of “IRS raid” and applied a double surveillance warranty on my wife and my house through FISA Court. How easy it is to apply a surveillance warranty over innocent people by bribing a foreign intelligence.

    861. Ebola and November plot (10/17/2014)

    The Feds are pushing up a propaganda wave to scare people with Ebola epidemic. US has developed cure medicine for Ebola years ago and has patented it already. But they rarely talk about it.

    The drug was proved effective.

    Consider it is an emergence and the disease is a dangerous one, US should activate urgent production of the drug. They didn’t. They deliberately let Duncan died because they need victim to scare people. The original patients recovered in August. Do you believe US did nothing in these two months with drug patent in their hands?

    Even China has developed the Ebola drug during the time and sent thousands of doses to Africa.

    This is obviously part of the November plot. In “859. Eric Holder’s resignation and November plot (10/6/2014)” I said the Feds will plan another murder case in November while they arranged a cruise trip for my relatives.

  24. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    862. Big payment to China for the big plot (10/24/2014)

    The current frame case is a big one, (from July to November) China plays important role in it. 1. My young sister had friends from Shanghai and had an East Coast trip with my family members in September. 2. My wife has friend from Shanghai in September and will join a cruise trip with my family members in this November. 3. My brother in law- Mr. Liu, have eight friends coming to San Francisco in late October. 4. My cousin Ge will come again next month (November). He has visited us just five months ago. (see “827. To frame a case by FISA? (4/13/2014)”) This is very unusual. It means the secret police organize a big frame case and large scale elimination.

    I’ve said the IPO of Chinese company Alibaba in New York stock market is one of the payments for this plot. Here are the others.

    Australia is a US puppet. It follows the order of the Feds to satisfy the demand of Chinese government. “The operation will make its first seizure of assets in Australia within weeks, the newspaper quoted Bruce Hill, manager of Australian Federal Police (AFP) operations in Asia, as saying in an interview.”.

    I’ve said the Sino-US secret deal was made in July 8/9. Then China announced the operation Fox Hunt.

    Here is another one.

    I’ve talked about this before. Now the Feds clear the way for it. (see #727)

    863. Huge rewards for Eric Holder (10/28/2014)

    China got big payments for its collaboration in plot of “elimination of Kat Sung”. It’s a multi-billion dollars payment in finance. (The IPO of Alibaba in stock market and coming order of high speed rail construction in California). The extradition of corrupt Chinese officials is also a political triumph awarded to Chinese government.

    Those local officials who join the plot will have big reward too.

    Eric Holder will be a multi-millionaire after he leaving his post to take the responsibility of approving a murder case.

    The November plot likely will take place between 11/4 to 11/14 when my family members join an arranged cruise trip. (the ship named “Star Princess”, departure port: San Francisco.) Beware of “nature disaster” and “terror attack” happen at that time.
  25. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    864. The flaw of the cheating story on Ebola (11/4/2014)

    US has developed the cure medicine for Ebola already.

    But the Feds had a new plot to murder and quarantine people in November by Ebola. A cure medicine will contradict to their plan. What they did is to announce that Zmapp was out of supply.

    While the plan of elimination of Kat Sung and his family members is on pending, some more cases appeared to add oil on flame. How do they explain those people recovered when “Zmapp has no more in its cupboard”? Here is a ridiculous answer:

    So if you are young, Ebola is not a dreadful virus. Ebola also can penetrate protective equipment. It must have exhausted Ebola virus much that after it infiltrating the protective equipment, it is not that virulent.

    Though the media beat the drum to propaganda on Ebola, you may notice they rarely touch the cure medicine Zmapp. They couldn’t explain why “speed up the production” becomes “slow up”- or rather, a “halt” and distract from that core issue to “nurse argues with state government on quarantine rule” and some other odds.

    865. So many drugs to cure Ebola(11/8/2014)

    Other powers have already developed their drugs to cure Ebola. Russia has Triazoverin; China has JK-05.

    They say its experimental medicine because none would admit they have lab for bio-war. The news were released as a warning: “We get ready with effective drug. Don’t touch us with your bio-weapon”. They know it’s a bio-war. The sad thing is this time the Ebola is used to intimidate American people in a domestic November plot. The Feds blow the trumpet to make it a crisis although they have the drugs ZMapp and TKM-Ebola.

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