Texas man pleads guilty to transporting child inside plastic bin (kwtx.com) You can read this story. The mother probably had sold her little daughter to the group of men, for what purpose we do not know. The mother and child are not US citizens but were in the US. What reason did they have to try to conceal the little girl like that? Because they were probably trying to traffic her, did not want other people to see her. They have not been charged with kidnapping, which probably means the mother is not saying it is kidnapping, but they have been charged with "illegal trafficking".
Some may say "human trafficking" doesn't necessary mean for sexual reasons. They couldn't prove what the reason was for, in this story. Can you think of a more plausible reason? Let's see, a mother from another country comes with her little daughter on a little visit, the child ends up being separated from the mother and in a car full of men. They try to hide the child by making the little girl hide in a plastic bin underneath a pile of clothes. It was not to try to smuggle her into the US, since the child had already been brought into the country by her mother. I guess some could try to argue that there does not exist adequate evidence that a crime occurred to make criminal charges, but it does seem suspicious.