The idea that wealth is a fixed pie is untrue. Wealth is created more when we have more capitalism, and free markets. We see that by looking at the data, the reason the middle class has supposedly 'shrunk', is because a fewer percentage of US households according to Income are poor, and larger percentage of US households according to income are rich, (making $100,000+), showing us that the middle class have become richer and entered the 'rich class.' The only thing impeding on this growth and slowing it down, is government. Taxes, regulations, and the Federal Reserve are stopping all of us from achieving greater prosperity. We will all be better off if we truly let markets work, get government more and more out of the economy, and maximize opportunity and freedom. It turns out that when you give people more power to control their lives, they do well, and benefit us all. Watch America's Middle-Class Disappear Over Decades—as Americans Get Richer
So the 40% of American workers who earn $15 per hour and less are they part of your middle class, or are they the POOR????Because they sure as hell ain't the wealthy!!!!
Stat please? Totally disregarded all the data. Middle class is shrinking because the middle class is achieving higher income, while the poor is also. And the minimum wage worker today is richer than they have ever been in history. They'd be even wealthier if we had more capitalism and wealth creation, oh yea that stuff that allows people to obtain more MONEY
To liberals, here is the same data from the left leaning Urban Institute... How is the middle class really faring? ( 'The argument that the middle class is shrinking and losing ground has held the media’s attention, but a new report from the Pew Research Center actually shows that the middle class’s incomes are rising rather than declining. Further, The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground demonstrates that among people who leave the middle class, two-thirds move into the upper limits of their income category.'
The problem with your assumption is it is based on US govenment inflation data which we all know is a lie.