Mod Alert ~ Attention If I were to sit down and try to think of something specifically designed to enrage the tea party beyond apoplectic vein-poppin' sputtering, I don't think I could come up with a better scenario. The establishment candidate winning in Mississippi because of black folks' support. Damn. I hate to say 'I told ya so' but true patriots may want to rethink that whole vote suppression thingy again. Even the threat of it. Good for Cochran.
I'm actually disappointed. McDaniel would have been much easier to beat in November, or at the very least, his misogynistic comments when he was a talk radio host would have embarrassed the national Republican Party. Plus, you just know McDaniel would cut loose with a "legitimate rape" or "pregnancy from rape may be God's plan" comment or talk about how slavery "wasn't that bad" or something. - - - Updated - - - Good prediction, NS.
All this means that blacks decided cochran would deliver more welfare freebees to mississippi than mcdaniels. There are also reports of "walking around money" being handed out in the ghetto. Which is a tried and true method of turning out the black vote. The washington establishment won and the reformers lost. But the war is not over yet.
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What we have here is the establishment scumbag Republican hegemony using whatever it take. Screw them. Vote them all out. They represent themselves only.