It looks like the truthers still don't understand their own failed premise. Oh well, that's no mystery.
Let's do this--you can explain to me the meaning of 3 months worth of molten iron at WTC. And then explain why there was no airliner in that field in Shanksville. Then explain how and why the testimony of Willy Rodriguez was taken in secret by the 911 commission and not included in the final report.
the pictures you have shown does not indicate "molten steel" what those picture indicate is steel heated enough to make it malleable loss of its integrity under normal stress learn the freaken difference. if it was Molten steel it would be a puddle unrecognizable from its original form I have worked with steel for over thirty years as welder and fabricator and I have heated steel enough with propane to be able to bend it with my bare hands and yes jet fuel in a confined area with enough air creates a condition like a blast furnace just like what you would have in the fire at the WTS will defiantly create a fire hot enough to make steel mallable then you combine that with the millions of pounds of stress baring down on that steel it will bend and deform it only takes temps about 600 to 700 degrees to make steel malleable enough to be able to bend with not much effort jet fuel can burn as hot as 900 degrees and even hotter if you have blast furnace type of conduction like being in a enclosed area and being feed air
was it molten iron or an amalgamation of materials melted by convection or the "furnace effect"? much of the plane was found ... do some research and try other sources than ones that fuel your confirmation bias many of the interviews were not conducted in public ... perhaps his testimony was not included because it was not corroborated and deemed as BS ... you know he makes a living off this now right? ... motivational speaker etc ... preponderance of evidence is severely lacking in your post ...
there is only one person who can look at molten metal and identify its components by sight alone, and that is Superman. Superman, where are you?
That's not it either. Why can't you just admit you don't understand what I'm asking you? Or just admit there is no such thing that you know of? At least you would be honest for a change.
do you know of anyone on this planet who can look at molten metal and declare whether it is iron, steel, alumimum, brass, nickel, tungsten, titanium? do you???
you need to man up and admit that there is no human being on Earth that can look at a massive pile of debris, spot molten material and declare with certainty and authority simply by eye, what the molten material is comprised of.
Bob, posers always post the brainless argument that it was aluminum. Aluminum only turns red if its heated while confined to a crucible. If melted in the same crucible as iron/steel it melts first and does not amalgamate. The idea that 'free flowing' aluminum turns red is a brainless troll argument and has been proven and if anyone claimed that office material was molten and survived a month is over the top insane. proof:
I am going to post a new thread, where we compare molten steel to molten aluminum. we will see who can successfully indentify which is which. this should be fun.
you can declare with absolute certainty that it was NOT aluminum. proof in the above clip. - - - Updated - - - just make sure its free flowing conditions yes it will
That's not even the point. The point is that all the eyewitness claims, and there are many, used the word steel except for a very few that used the word metal. Not one said it was aluminum. They can sing and dance all day long about aluminum but it doesn't mean anything at all. They weren't there, they didn't see it, they have no claim and no standing to contradict anything about what eyewitnesses observed at Ground Zero. Girders and beams don't melt into aluminum drops, puddles or rivers (the words used by various eyewitnesses).
It proves: 1. John Gross is a liar. 2. NIST failed to do its job because John Gross is a liar and a fraud. 3. NIST's report is bogus because it didn't include either an investigation into eyewitness claims or a forensic examination of the evidence, some of which John Gross was standing a pile of and handling. Which is further evidence of NIST's fraud. 4. It was an anomaly that absolutely requires a forensic investigation to determine its cause. 5. There was a coverup. 6. Much more ... BTW, 1 through 6 applies even if it wasn't steel.
unless one is an expert in metalurgy, eyewitness claims to seeing molten steel are kinda useless. it was molten metal. that's all we need to know.
No it's absolutely crucial because: 1. It's the only thing we have. 2. It's unprecedented. 3. It requires a legitimate investigation for the reasons posted prior. 4. It requires a criminal investigation of those at NIST who were responsible for lying, a coverup and perpetrating a fraud. 5. Much more. That's all YOU need to know, you speak for no one but yourself. And I'm sure you don't even want to know about that.
Yeah isn't that cause for celebration for you? Like I always say, people like you don't give a flying **** about 9/11, you're only here to create a distraction (troll).
tell us again how folks can look at molten material from 50 feet away and declare with certainty as to its contents.
When Wally Miller walked out of that field in Shanksville, he told the cameras that they found nothing resembling a passenger airliner, and nobody with a camera that day, including in overhead news helicopters, could not find any crashed airliner. So please spare me the nonsensical claim there was.