[video=youtube;A7tSfwkKaUo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7tSfwkKaUo[/video] The 9/11 truth movement is growing worldwide. This is a good video by Ben Swann where he talks to 27 year Mechanical Engineer career Tony Szamboti who calls NIST WTC Building 7 explanation impossible. New information reveals that NIST lied in their report that column 79 was "unrestrained" when in fact it was restrained.
Interesting how these idiots keep saying that it's 'impossible' and they have 'new information' about column 79......where did they get this 'info'...a seance? And it damn sure WAS possible.
He's right. NIST's official explanation is impossible. Where did they get the new information? Freedom of Information Act. Ben Swann tells us that in the video. Did you not watch it?
column 79 is long gone,anything they got through FIA and drew conclusions from is speculation there were NO explosives in 7 it WAS structurally damaged It WAS on fire it did NOT 'fall in it's own footprint' it does NOT look like a controlled demolition,since part of it fell quite a distance,before the rest started falling...no company would allow that to happen,they'd rig it so the entire structure would fall almost at once They're big on telling us why it's 'impossible' but short on telling us 'why'
Ben Swann just traffics in half-truths. This is a great example. If you take an honest look at Building 7 you will see the report you say was impossible is the best explanation.
there were NO explosives in 7 witnesses said there were after being blown across the room it WAS structurally damaged no it wasnt structurally damaged, prove up the claim It WAS on fire So fire takes out yet another building in a symetrical global collapse. 3 miracles in one day! it did NOT 'fall in it's own footprint' footprints are like horseshoes, yes it did. it does NOT look like a controlled demolition,since part of it fell quite a distance,before the rest started falling...no company would allow that to happen,they'd rig it so the entire structure would fall almost at once no it didnt where did you dredge that misinformation up from? what a silly foolish thing to say
Look at the gif again,the structure starts failing halfway down the face of the building no controlled demolition allows this there were NO 'witnesses' in building 7 to be 'blown across the room' FDNY reported a large gouge was taken out of the south face as well as the southwest corner....the face troofers never saw and never talk about
People make such fools out of themselves when they put others on ignore and are clueless when they are owned! LMAO again: too funny
Ben Swann does not traffic in half-truths. Ben Swann is an honest journalist who seeks and tells the truth. NIST, on the other hand, outright lied about column 79 in the official report. NIST's credibility is out the window.
Where was the lie?...were you there to personally inspect column 79 before the collapse? and swann just tells you what you want to hear.. Another odd thing....you're claiming 7 was a 'controlled demolition',yet insurance investigators,who would have loved to deny silversteins claim,found no evidence,even after initially suspecting fraud...
classic controlled demolitions don't damage neighboring buildings or have no sounds of explosions prior to collapse.
I always laugh when truthers say their movement is growing world wide. How many signatures did Gage's "rethink" campaign get again? Yeah, "growing" lol 5,000 people showed up in Dallas for JFK's assassination ceremony. Hundreds spontaneously showed up at ground zero and the white house to celebrate when OBL was killed. A couple of dozen show up the the '9/11 truth' rally for the anniversary of the attacks. "growing"
The 'Rethink 9/11 Rally' in Boston attracted ... two. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc5W-omfguw&feature=youtube
Conspiracy theorists are a cancer spreading across America.. Over years they make up all these fantastic stories about the president, CIA, FBI, press, airlines perpetrating the biggest US terrorist attack in history and some start to believe it. They flood the internet having nothing better to do and instill all this garbage into people's minds. They have done the same with JFK and now 50 years after the assassination, many American's believe in a conspiracy. How do conspiracy theorists accomplish this? They certainly don't have most of the facts and hard evidence on their side but they are persistant in their pursuit to brainwash people. They write books, make movies and spread stories all over the internet forums and other channels. Unfortunately, over a period of time after bombarding Americans with stories on a daily basis, they have convinced some, those who haven't actually studied the facts and evidence themselves. One undeniable fact remains - they don't have any hard evidence of a conspiracy and they never will.
You mean who are you going to believe; the gentleman who repeatedly stated, "If you like your plan you can keep it, period, and if you like your doctor you can keep him, period," or perhaps you those enlightened individuals in the mainstream media who intimated that a first term senator with ZERO meaningful national level experience was somehow going to be a political messiah if put inside the Oval Office? Hmmm . . . well now . . . let me give this some additional thought.
I don't trust Obama more than i trust my neighbor or a co-worker at the bank.. Some of you, however, think that as soon as someone steps into a government role, they morph into a non-human entitiy or go through a mind control brainwashing program. The people in government are as trustworthy as the people in a corporation, small business; people walking in a park; people running a charity and even priests and churches. How many times have priests and pastors been proven to be frauds? corruption uncovered in private corporations? what about all the corrpution with charities? it's rampant in case you didn't know. You all don't hold anyone outside government to the same standards as the people in government which is hypocritical. Do politicians lie sometimes and can they all be trusted? yes and no, but this goes for people in all walks of life, period. Now to come up with stories about the president bringing down twin towers and killing 3,000 Americans is an entirely different animal, this is less credible than a pig flying and i really feel that there is something wrong with people who believe in this.
Sigh! Somebody is forgetting that politicians are public servants who work for the citizens. It really does not matter how wealthy the fellow is or how many body guards he warrants or how lengthy his motorcade every time he goes across the city to cheat on his wife with his mistress. We are his boss and he is accountable to us. He also represents an entity -- the government -- that was so notorious for tromping on the rights of citizens and for being corrupt that the founding patriots saw fit to instill a series of checks and balance within our Constitution so that we have a remote chance of keeping the arrogant and ruthless sons-of-bltches under some form of controlled supervision. Corporate bosses on the other hand work for themselves. Shockingly, it's not comparable.
It's not the conspiracy theorists that are the cancer in America. They are the ones exposing the conspiracies. It is the conspiracies themselves that have been causing so much havoc in America. It started with the conspiracy between German born international banker Paul Warburg and Senator Nelson Aldrich, et.al., at Jekyll Island in November 1910. Federal Reserve of Minneapolis admits the conspiracy: Paul Warburg's Crusade to Establish a Central Bank in the United States
I guaruntee you that turning this thread into a JFK, Titanic, or Fed discussion will be considered a derail by the Mods.
it is comparable, they all human beings with the same tendancies, temptations, flaws, motivations and desires.