The thread is not being derailed. Mike12 criticized conspiracy theorists and I responded. The conspiracy surrounding 9/11 is closely related to the conspiracy surrounding JFK. George Bush Sr. was in Dallas when JFK was killed and George Bush Jr. was president when 9/11 happened. That is not a coincidence.
no evidence, just theories about how our government are murderers who perpetrated the biggest terrorist attack in history against their own Country. Imagine young Americans who don't know better reading this and believing it? you all should be ashamed of yourselves, you are the cause of the cancer that's engulfing America. You guys are a disgrace to America, complete losers, might as well be communists.
There is a lot of evidence Mike12. Watch the video in the OP. Expert high rise building professionals are telling the world that the NIST report lied and their explanation is impossible. The cancer is the conspiracies not the people exposing them.
You may be right about that but the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 still care, and I care along with thousands of professional Architects and Engineers and many others.
The delusions of the conspiracy promoters (they aren't theorists theories require facts) are enormous. Most are generalists like seen above where every major event is a conspiracy between the government and/or members of some shady cabal that controls the world. They view this group as an amazing collection of geniuses who can get 1000s of people to help perpetrate their horrible and evil actions and yet the conspiracy promoters see themselves as super heroes who have broken the wall down and found the secret knowledge that only they can see. There is no disconnect that they argue among themselves, they see themselves as the true patriots, thinkers, truth tellers and everyone who opposes them becomes yet another member of the conspiracy. It is sad that they must live their lives this way, but it is all they had because they didn't amount to what they thought they would.
According to AE911's own website, they count themselves only in the hundreds, not the thousands. There are more than 110,000 Architects and 1.5 million engineers in the US today. One thousand of them would represent 6 hundredths of one percent of them.
Fear of ridicule no matter what the facts? NIST's explanation is physically impossible and a proven lie about column 79.
So is yours ... except that yours isn't a majority, you simply pretend that it is. - - - Updated - - - Not everyone lives in fear as 'truthers' do. Your evidence is lacking.
I made no argument. I simply pointed out that you were apparently lying when you said there were thousands of them, and that they are a vanishingly tiny number of people period. You apparently are deeply bothered by that, since you took such offense to simple, objective, non-argumentative statements of fact. - - - Updated - - - Fear of ridicule? Who above the age of eleven honestly is afraid of ridicule?
so that's why hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers don't come forward and support 9-11 Troughers? they are afraid of being made fun of?????? that's your excuse?????????? lol!!!!!!
Yes. That is my thought. Why else would honest building architects and engineers not come out against an obvious impossible physical explanation and lie by the authorities. A lot of people were killed when they exposed the conspiracies of the past. Getting killed for telling the truth is intimidating.
or another possibility is................. ....they don't agree with you. dude, its pretty damn paranoid & irrational to believe that hundreds of thousands of people agree with you but refuse to admit it, because they have all been threatened.
no it is not. Because this is not just the idea that a majority but those with the education to understand the few that do support the conspiracy are simply wrong. It isn't an appeal to majority since it is an appeal to those who have knowledge. The appeal to majority fallacy requires that the majority are not a selected group with specific knowledge.
Watch the video in the OP. Clearly, high rise building experts are speaking out and proving that NIST lied and 3000 people died.
Isn't that interesting, Mike12? It is a fact that the NIST report is not only a lie but their explanation of events surrounding 9/11 are physically impossible. The high rise building experts speaking are true heros of truth.