I have been watching MSNBC just to see what the libs are saying. It makes me want to puke at how they are so far up Obama's ass. From now on, as Mark Levin calls them, they will be known as MSLSD.
You need to be alert that Tingle Leg doesn't ejaculate on stage, talking about Insane Hussein!! Muff Maddows makes it clear there is only room for 1 queer, so move on Anderson! Fat Ed shows us why you need extra body fat and a LOUD voice when you live in the Tundra of N. Dakota!!! I do admire how they can all lip sinc the ALINSKY message and how they all still secretly admire Bathtub Boy, Fat Al Bores newest protege and Poster Boy for Radical Liberal Progressives everywhere!!
Frankly I enjoy MSNBC for that very reason! There are occasions when it's just too much but I love their insular cluelessness. A group of journalists all get together and pass each other's opinions back and forth until they think it's a fact.
Does your TV get any other Channels that tell you what you want to hear? May I suggest Fox News .... you won't get any smarter, but you will get entertained.
I've watched MXNBC now and then. I will continue to do so. It's pretty slanted and doesn't give any opposing viewpoints. Fox does.
Honestly compared to the rest of them now, Keith was not near as bad. These people use to make fun of Hannity, now they are ALL playing an exaggerated role of him. I wonder how they can leave that show every night and think anything professional of themselves, except of course Rev Al.....LOL. It would seem they think their entire audience is not above 14.....it's really insulting.. The ONLY part of them worth watching is the morning Joe fellow, Joe Scarborough. Intelligent and fair, and comes up with some good insight at times. He is the the only Republican there I believe, and it shows....LOL
Have some fun, switch back and fourth for a few minutes, Fox will have actual news. Then run to MSNBC, all you will see is Republican bashing CONSTANTLY,,,and childish laughter and smirking, go back to Fox and you will see normal news again, it's so funny. I swear if I had that job I could not possibly think much of myself,,it's awful...
I agree Flounder, but even Scarborough can't say it like he'd like to all the time. Fox and MSNBC do not allow people on for long who consistantly best thier personalities. One example is Grover Norquist, the mainstream won't let him on very often, and Fox won't let Job Stewart on too many times a year. It's a sad statement how the most effective advocates for the left and right are not politicians. Shows like Mathews, Maddow, Lawrence, and Schultz are no better that O'Reilly, Hannity, Kelly, and Greta, IMO.
I like the show too, but I think with the firing of Buchanan, Joe is the last Republican at MSNBC. But they keep him on a leash. Mika is there to to get White House rebuttals on her blackberry and all of the usual panel of journo-guests are liberal.
I'll agree that MS puts a slant on their commentator programs, much like other networks, such as CNN, ERB, Fox, CBN and CBS; but in all fairness, i've heard many times over how they've invited those who they were commenting on to appear on the show and either the phone calls are not returned or they decline to appear on the show.
I am allowed to bring anything the OP brings up. Saying it makes you puke, is bad. Saying it's entertaining, is something we generally take as good. It appears you're willing to bash MSNBC no matter what they do.