Communism will never work or be implemented successfully because it tries to divorce humanity from its nature. In Ukraine from 1932-1933, over 2,500 people were convicted of cannibalism alone, and this only in the regions where a count was feasible! During this period over 12 million people died. Over 1 million babies died during birth. Do you agree that communism inherently robs people of their humanity and human spirit? Communism murdered over 171,000,000 people to satisfy the urges of the absolute dictators such as Mao(the king of megamurderers), Stalin, Pol Pot, Jong, and Castro. Do you think that you might be tempted to become a cannibal if we were taken over by communism? To what do you explain the sudden urges to kill others and to eat people when communism becomes a reality? In North Korea, a communist country, there is still cannibalism. I had really not been aware of the extent of the cannibalism that took place during the Communist-enforced famine in the Ukraine in 1933 until I read Yale University history professor Timothy Snyder's "Bloodlands." Not only does communism give people urges to massacre millions in camps, but it also makes people eat other people. Very scare. And yet there are people on this board who want communism? You should be ashamed of yourself. I believe you owe us an explanation. So forced collectivization killed millions in Red China and the Soviet Union. Many others died in other leftist countries that defied the free market and collectivized the "means of production." They sacrificed individual rights and democracy and gave it up so everyone could be equally poor. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."-Winston Churchill Instead of rehashing the 171,000,000+ deaths caused by communism through state repression, cannibalism, famines, etc, I challenge YOU, the reader, to give me legitimate examples of privatization killing off millions of people. You cannot. On another note, does anyone else suspect that the soviets infiltrated western europe and brainwashed the population into accepting welfare states, is that what is causing the collapse? After the phail that was the soviet bloc and welfare states in eastern europe, why did western europe abandon the free market? When I say privatization, I mean "to transfer from public or government control or ownership to private enterprise: a campaign promise to privatize some of the public lands, or privatization of water utilities" Functions that used to be done by the government, now being done by private companies again. You can contrast that with collectivization, like when the soviet union used mass murder and wholesale deportation of farmers to Siberia to take govt. ownership of their crops. Crops that used to be private property and for-profit. How's that? Still think that communism is a good idea? Are you with us or not? You cannot sit on the fence any longer. Whose side are you on? We are the voice of America, the personification of strength and absolute justice. We are the country of Reagan, the champion of the free world and liberator of the oppressed that brought down communism and the Berlin Wall; he also proved supply side economics a success. 2012 might be the fist time in recent history that the current President, while eligible to re-run, will not. We are the country of Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants that recognizes the danger of setting the precedent that the government should be in control of the private sector. The ideology his family escaped in communist cuba has killed over 160 million people and has decreased the quality of life of at least a billion others. With the blame Free-Market America first crowd, it is always a catch 22. Classic illustration of anti-Americanism in seven easy steps. 1. Calamitous events take place in a chaotic place (think Bosnia, think Somalia, think Iraq in 1991). 2. The U.N and the U.S intervene. 3. The civil government proves to be useless or malign, or both. The U.N isnt up to the job. The only effective force in sight is the U.S. 4. There are only two possible outcomes. 5. The U.S takes over. If this happens, it will be accused of creating a military occupation under the guise of humanitarian aid and occupying the country outright. 6. The U.S doesnt take over. If this happens, it will be criticised for not doing enough - and isolationism. And hundreds of thousands are displaced or killed. 7. So either way, the U.S loses. "Statism needs war; a free country does not. Statism survives by looting; a free country survives by production." "Let those who are actually concerned with peace observe that capitalism gave mankind the longest period of peace in history - a period during which there were no wars involving the entire civilized world - from the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815 to the outbreak of World War I in 1914." -Ayn Rand, defender of the free world. Without the scientist, the industrialist, the business owner, and other prime movers like myself made possible through the individual rights made possible by capitalism blazing a new path through the free marketplace many of our innovations would not be here. Supply and demand is an absolute law of nature. As real and irrefutable as gravity, newton's three laws of motion, classic mechanics, and general relativity. The free market is the logical extension of the laws of nature, like supply and demand; just like Darwinian evolution is the logical extension of natural selection and other observable data. The free market will always be the most efficient engine of progress and motor of history. Communists and Islamic Fundamentalists of the world, you will never topple democracy and the free market. You will never win. "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."-Stalin Works Cited: Holodomor Archives and Sources The State of the Art by Hennadii Boriak "The Harriman Review Vol. 16, No. 2" 2008 page 30 Mace, James E. (1984). Famine and nationalism in Soviet Ukraine. Problems of Communism, (May-June), 37-50. Rosefielde, Steven. "Excess Mortality in the Soviet Union: A Reconsideration of the Demographic Consequences of Forced Industrialization, 1929-1949." Soviet Studies 35 (July 1983): 385-409 Walker, Richard L. (1971) The Human Cost of Communism in China. Washington, DC: United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Government Printing Office. 28 pp.