Definitely the WTC was a controlled demolition....the 500k tons of concrete was turned into dust, as were the bodies, furniture and fixtures etc..all vaporized and pulverized....Mossad and CIA with the permission of the US government carried out this operation, using a few suitcase nukes and some convential explosives to dothe dirty deed.....
it absolutely was not and could not have been a controlled demolition. The collapse of such a large building and the release of energy from such a collapse would in fact pulverize all that stuff and no demo needed. Controlled demo would have required multiple teams of men weeks or months to prepare which would include sealing off many floors from anyone's view which never happened. Explosives always leave residue and evidence which was never seen or found. Nukes would have been an impossibility since any of them would leave a nuclear signature which was never there. Not a shred of evidence links Mossad or the CIA to the attacks
There was definitely a "nuclear signature"....the Molten metal and material in the sub levels for months after the event..only nuclear would cause that intense heat....and the total pulverization of everything..concrete, desks, bodies, computers, furniture..everything...thats nukes..and of course the radiation sickness that the first responders and others around the site experienced and are still experiencing...definitely nukes... 6 Mossad agents dancing by a van across the riverwatching the towers fall...Arrested by NYC cop who thought they were Arab...turned out to Mossad agents working for the cover company Urban Construction...they were taken by the FBI and released and sent back to Israel...when asked on Israel TV later why they were in NYC they said "to film the event"....which proves they had prior knowledge.
Wrong there was no nuclear signature at all and molten metal is a signature for many events not specifically a nuclear one. The fire burned for those months covered by rubble which in fact would general more than the heat necessary to melt metal. I already stated the energy released when the buildings collapsed would in fact release enough energy to pulverize all of that stuff and that is fact proving you wrong. There were six people reported dancing as the towers fell. The claim that they were mossad agents is FALSE And not one shred of evidence supports that claim/ They were not sent anywhere and they said no such thing on TV whatsoever. No nuclear event and not one speck of evidence of controlled demolition
Even begrudgingly, one must admit how well planned and executed the attacks were. 15 years later through several administrations, we are still embroiled in the gift that keeps on giving for the military industrial complex, the global war on terror. While many americans have begun to realize they were deceived, some are too deep in denial to grasp it.
Many many americans have opposed the war on terror from the beginning. But they know better than to claim the 911 attacks were some inside job.
It helps when there were literally hundreds of convenient coincidences ALL working to ensure success and a deliberate stand down. They left a tremendous amount of evidence though that renders the official fairy tale just that. It's a disgusting disease that continues with the illegal attack on Syria, designed to begin yet another war. Raytheon stocks spiked as a result. The whole thing strongly stinks of yet another false flag. There will always be the ignorant and the complacent sheep, not to mention the stooges. What's important is that the vast majority don't believe the US government's propaganda. That is apparent in the comments following many articles.
Funny you can never name any of this evidence you refer to. There was never a stand down and that claim was long since debunked. The sheep are those among conspiracy loons who simply regurgitate the same idiodic talking points without question
Classic. Video of steel building collapsing from fire shows that what some claimed were explosive ejections on 9/11 were in fact just part of the natural collapse. AE911 instead of admitting this fact just claim that the Iran building was also a controlled demolition. I wonder when AE911 is going to convince Brazil that this steel framed skyscraper was a controlled demolition too
This is a very good video for people tempted to drink the truther cool-aid. It's close and detailed. One of the problems with the Sept 11th news broadcasts is they were so big and dangerous once damaged, no one could really get close enough for clear images. So it was easier to imagine air being ejected as "squibs" for example.
I came across this and I was looking for an appropriate place to post it. It looks like it's relevant to to the info in this thread. This guy think the death toll was a lot higher than 3,000. Ralph René & his views on 911. PART 1 The video has four parts but the info in the other three has already been discussed extensively.