... print up a Miracle Channel Volunteerism Hour... or Dollar.... and offer to use it to finance films set in Canada's past. I would suggest 1939 to get things started. So immediately.... Miracle Channel Hours or Dollars can be used to pay for air time on your channel. I would suggest at a one hundred percent level in at least some cases. https://miraclechannel.ca/
This will give you a good idea of what I have in mind: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...rty-volunteerism-hour-or-dollar.475481/page-2 Proposal for the creation of a Conservative Party Volunteerism Hour or Dollar. The era of Alberta Premier Bible Bill Aberhardt gives your channel a open door and an advantage over most other Canadian towns and cities.
I believe that the Miracle Channel leadership should attempt to link their alternative currency to: http://www.calgarydollars.ca/ P. M. Justin Trudeau for all of his many, many, many flaws....... may well have been sent by G-d to lead Canada at this critical time in history. Steve Long comments on Canadian election........ I believe that Miracle Channel should compile a list of all the churches and charitable organizations all across Canada that have been REJECTED for funding based on the unusual political gambit that P. M. Justin Trudeau has initiated. Several officials from charitable organizations REJECTED under the P. M. Trudeau rules could theoretically be turned into reality film stars.... at least on Miracle Channel. P. M. Justin Trudeau makes daring gambit regarding abortion issue..... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1296715350457368
If....... the church will get involved in various forms of ART they could in theory tap into Theoretically Infinite Financing...... for reality and or semi- reality science fiction films set in the past......... where we play around with other possible ways that events of the past could have perhaps worked out. The situation with the M. S. St. Louis in 1939 would be an obvious place to get started...... An artistic replication of the M. S. St. Louis saga would be a good way to begin the project...... but..... 907 actors and actresses playing the role of the 907 refugees on the M. S. St. Louis could also get involved in another film that perhaps... .involves fishermen meeting the M. S. St. Louis and bringing the refugees to Nova Scotia.... and then hiding them from the government. From Nova Scotia the refugees could be artistically smuggled all across Canada and the USA? Proposal for the creation of a Conservative Party Volunteerism Hour or Dollar. Here is somebody who I believe could do a great job of organizing this possible option that in my opinion could turn things around from the terrible mess that was made back in 1974: If you want to know better about the mess made in 1974 I would suggest reading this discussion: Should P. M. Justin Trudeau apologize for what his dad back in 1974 and....
If..... the management team at the Miracle Channel were willing to back up a theory put forward by the late Grant R. Jeffrey Ph. D. regarding the relationship between the first century Messianic Jewish community with the Rabbinic Jewish community until the year 70 C. E. the stage would be set for Miracle Channel to grab a massive amount of attention in all nations...... but especially in the USA and Israel! Should Canadian political leaders support the rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?
Two million White South African farmers seem to be in danger of being victims of the next major genocide. Perhaps 907 of them could become actors and actresses playing the role of the 907 Jewish refugees on the M. S. St. Louis back in 1939????? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...a-or-california.530861/page-4#post-1069960418 Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California?
How about an actor playing the role of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Aberhart (We may as well try to get Anthony Hopins first)...... and another actor playing the role of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_Coady and in an example of Artistically Applied Multiverse Theory.. .(non-linear time)..... we replicate 1939 and spin off a whole new time line in which the 907 "Jewish refugees" are met by Lobster fishermen....... who smuggle them in to Nova Scotia... and from there they go all over Canada... many to Alberta! And of course Winnipeg, Manitoba as predicted by near death experiencer Bob Jones who could give us an interesting connection to Russia.............. which would be important back in 1939! We could have an actor play the role of Bob Jones........ who volunteers to go back into 1939.... to save more souls for Messiah Yeshua - Jesus. (Which is quite conceivable knowing Pastor Bob Jones)!
Miracle Channel Staff and management......... if you had theoretically infinite financing in some form.... you could begin discussing purchasing pretty much everything related to Netflix's "Heartland??????" You might want to see this: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/cvfr/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2840&p=14660#p14660 Should Christians support the right of Jews to rebuild their Third Temple? Total votes: 13 Yes, I believe that Jewish freedom to offer sacrifices even in the Messianic era fits with scripture. 10(77%) No, I believe this would cause a Middle Eastern war. 1(8%) No, I believe that this will set the stage for the anti-Christ. 2(15%) Oh.... I should let you all know that I am willing to audition for a potentially rather important role: http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/auditions-for-the-role-of-elijah-needed.499830/
Please imagine compiling a list of all charitable organizations REJECTED under the hairball P. M. Justin TRudeu anti- pro- life legislation...... and imagine Conservative Canadians ENTHUSIASTICALLY supporting those organizations and in comparison ignoring the "charitable" groups that caved in to the economic pressure from Trudeau...........?????? (diabolical laughter in the background)! P. M. Justin Trudeau assumes LGBTQ community are NOT pro-life?
Dennis Tate December 11, 2018 Dear Miracle Channel Staff and Management: I am a Christian / Messianic Gentile who feels called into politics....... but I actually prefer to lose elections rather than win them because what I really want to do is write, and write, and write and write on discussion forums and debate various aspects of Philosophy, Theology, Economics, Politics and Ethics. Perhaps the most promising concept for a series of reality plus semi- reality science fiction film projects was something I put out there back in 2012: An Artistic Exodus of USA Jews up to Canada first... and then on to Israel after they are made relatively famous and wealthy...... could be one of the best ways to set in motion the boom in real estate prices visualized by Pastor David Wilkerson back in 1973?! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...-fed-policy-pay-off-usa-national-debt.489825/
Some of us have to figure out what is flawed about our central banking system so that the real estate boom in rural land foreseen by David Wilkerson can come to pass. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...016-and-2004-campaign-writings-as-art.534297/ My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.
Let's assume for a moment that perhaps Richard Dawkins Ph. D. is incorrect about the universe / Multiverse being the result of pure random chance rather than design? Let's assume that abiogenesis occurred something like infinite time in the past in fundamental or nearly fundamental energy. Let's entitle this Intelligence "G-d" for lack of a better word. Now.... let's assume that working on the creation for infinite time in the past has made G-d....... deeply emotionally attached to all humans............ Let's assume that G-d places something resembling Infinite Value on human life..... so....... getting involved in reality plus semi- reality science fiction films that potentially could assist some women to choose life for their unborn foetus...... as opposed to having an abortion........ would potentially be a good investment of time and effort by Miracle Channel employees, friends and management? Where did Intelligence begin, in matter or fundamental energy? The first Intelligence began in.....? Carbon based life less than 5 billion years ago, on earth. 7 vote(s) 43.8% Carbon based life in outer space. 3 vote(s) 18.8% * Fundamental or nearly fundamental energy. 6 vote(s) 37.5% This is a new question that I am only now facing. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Please review the quotation from Grant R. Jeffrey Ph. D. from this book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1722287.Messiah and then please pray about this article by a man from Uganda that I first read and shared back in 2010:
Question....... are Jews from South Africa living in this community interested in the topic of the building of the Jerusalem Third Temple on the Temple Mount near the Gihon Spring that is well away from either the Dome of the Rock or the Al Aqsa Mosque? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_South_Africa This brings us over to an idea put forward in this other discussion: St. Mary’s River Association says nope to Cochrane Hill mine I think it was last Friday morning when I spoke by Facetime with a friend of mine who has published a book about her near death experience and with a young woman from South Africa who is worried because she says that these days in South Africa there are no jobs for anybody who is White. This reminds me of the situation in many parts of Quebec where it is difficult for anybody whose first language is English to get a job. They would also tend to be interested in a separate plan to build the Ezekiel 40 to 48 Temple Complex. https://galgal.dreamwidth.org/tag/temple And of course all of us Canadians, Israelis, Americans, South Africans... we all tend to be interested in the subject of 4.3 trillion to 117 trillion USA petro - dollars...... because the petro dollars...... are indeed USA dollars! Would a fair amount of gold be needed for either a Gihon Spring Jerusalem Third Temple and / or an Ezekiel chapter 40 - 48 style Temple Complex?
Miracle Channel Employees and Management......... when you see a major need in Canada and America........ you should seriously considering moving in to supply that need: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-cancels-white-house-christmas-party-for-the-press Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press
Western Canada is in a position to take the lead in addressing the massive problem shown to Mr. Shane Warren in a dream back in 2011. He recounts his Hurricane of USA one dollar bills dream at the 17:20 mark in this video: These are three numbers relevant to the Great Wealth Transfer that so many gifted people are being shown details about: Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P. We need to know about the Worgl Austria local money experiment that was applied so successfully in the USA during the Great Depression. http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=717 A real estate boom OUTSIDE major cities...... indicates significantly higher real wealth in the hands of Americans and Canadians than is the case in 2019..... The stage is not one hundred percent set up yet for this to occur..... but we are close....... we are somewhat like Israel with Moses at the banks of the Red or Reed Sea, (Yom Suph in Hebrew). Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt?
Even rapidly Pro-Choice Ottawa Swamp politicians would tend to be somewhat impressed by this basic idea: M. P. Sean Fraser, proposed anti-feticide bill. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...i-feticide-bill.465407/page-5#post-1070089928
The national debt of Canada is much like a practical joke played on thirty seven point six million people who barely know their right hand from their left............. and I do believe that Canada's relationship with Israel holds the key to paying the thing off rather quickly and beginning to operate in the black........ http://www.politicalforum.com/index...Pw-Awy_9y5R-IjdHswxnk73Z7ztzvwiSgBmZjSxh_HHYA
So.... I wonder would the main speakers at Miracle Channel be offended by this statement? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...modern-world-problems.577118/#post-1071985803 ...
Considering that about two percent of the population of the province of Alberta are Latter day Saints........ I should link this discussion back to..... The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/sto...mney-white-horse-prophecy-mormon-joseph-smith