I gave you a detailed and exacting answer to which you answered by distracting with a potato chip and avoiding rebuttal, you just did it again and I am tired of playing your little game. Have A Nice Day
Thank you for admitting that you cannot provide any shred of credible evidence for the existence of your imaginary god.
Fallacious attempt to shift the onus of the burden of proof. You are alleging your imaginary god exists so the onus is entirely on YOU to prove that it does. I seriously doubt that you will be any more successful.
you made the claim you prove it, unless of course you cant. Proving a negative A negative claim is a colloquialism for an affirmative claim that asserts the non-existence or exclusion of something.[13] Saying "You cannot prove a negative" is a pseudologic because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate. Nevertheless, whoever makes a claim carries the burden of proof regardless of positive or negative content in the claim. More like your fallacious attempt to dodge proving your claim, You are alleging his God is imaginary, so prove it.
Using different colors and fonts doesn't alter the FACT that you are engaging in a LOGICAL FALLACY! There is ZERO EVIDENCE for the existence of any god(s). Since you are fallaciously alleging that your imaginary god exists the onus remains on YOU to provide the evidence.
Oh reely? and which logical fallacy are you dreaming about? Not when you make a counter claim its imaginary, you bought it, now the onus is on YOU.
Quick question on this. What evidence do you have that this is what jesus looked like, if he ever existed? And you do realize that this image is mechanically manufactured, right?
Do any participating in this thread remember the title? it is this persons personal problems with a concept that he does not understand and exhibits no willingness to learn about or accept statements when provided. In other words, it is the OPs typical troll post.
You've got the roles reversed of course. Atheists have tried for centuries to silence Christians. Atheistic views are taught in schools today. Secular Humanism is the State sponsored religion in a country where the state is not to sponsor any religion.
you seem to be confused, Christians used to lock up, banish from society or kill non-believers to silence them
What are the defining aspects of the Christian God? It created the Universe- We have verified data that explains how the Universe came about. It created Man- We have verified data explaining how Humans evolved. It Flooded the planet to kill all life- we have verified data to show the Earth has never been submerged in water. It came to Earth and allowed itself to die before reanimating itself- We have verified data that explains living creatures cannot be reanimated. It dictated a book that defines it- We have documented and verified proof there are many, many books that have been revised and edited many times by humans. There...I have proven this particular God does not exist. If you would like me to do so for one of the thousands of other ones, I will do so.
To avoid confusion....why don't you post some examples of followers of Christ banishing, and killing non-believers to silence them/ Further more....show where the teachings of Christ extol that idea. Then we can explore your "holy" Koran where those ideas are supported.
Every single item you have expressed here is taken by faith for those who wish to believe. You cannot verify scientifically or factually one thing you have stated. I won't deny you, however,the right to put faith in your godless, humanistic beliefs.
just what they did to a person like Galileo for heresy, he got off pretty easy considering some of the torture other experienced during the inquisitions
All Believers feel the same way. I appreciate your gratitude. If coming to Christ was "coerced" it would never deliver "salvation" anyway.