Interesting read about the workings of AE911 from an insiders point of view...
That really was an interesting article. For anyone who may be confused, this insider is definitely still a truther. In essence, he's saying that AE911 Richard Gage is a good man, but that he doesn't seem to see that the AE911 bureaucracy, led by Kelly David, isn't. I know very little of the internal workings of AE911, so I certainly think that what he's saying may be true. The real bonus for me was the fact that it looks like Noam Chomsky is beginning to reconsider his stance that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
Chomsky has a low opinion of 9/11 truth. The lack of respect shown by truthers no doubt originates from his contempt.
That's why lumping everyone who doesn't buy the OCT into the same invented group-think entity is ridiculous nonsense. Everyone is unique. I also disagree with what Cole, Chandler, Legge, et al are doing in terms of the paper they wrote refuting Honegger. They should just stick to their WTC collapse theories, they are brilliant at that. It doesn't mean I buy everything Honegger claims either. Somewhere between all of them is the truth. And if that makes me a "paradox" to you I'm quite ok with that. It just makes me Bob, no more, no less. I dance to my own beat just like everyone else, including you. Are you a paradox to you?
Very good points. Returning to the subject of Chomsky, I just found 2 good articles regarding Chomsky and Amy Goodman's refusal to seriously consider alternative theories to 9/11, written in the last few days that you might like to take a look at: BREAKTHROUGH! 9/11 truth sneaks past gatekeepers into Left Forum | Veterans Today Gurus of the progressive community... Chomsky and Goodman | Intrepid Report
Thanks for reminding me, I had completely forgotten that Amy Goodman was an eyewitness to the CD of WTC7. But I did not forget that she was bought and paid for. Chomsky on the other hand, yeah I can see that he's also bought and paid for but he represents a different dilemma.
Money talks, AIA members have government contracts at stake. The AIA itself doesn't want to incur the wrath of the US government. 9 11 Truth Confronts Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Chomsky and Amy Goodman are obviously saying things they don't even believe themselves. They may be bought and paid for but I think it's also possible that some thugs from the government paid them a visit and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. I've heard that Chomsky is a sleeper shill. I doubt it because some of his works have been devastating to the government. I recommend this book. Check this out too. Noam Chomsky The History of American Imperialism in Haiti 1994 I don't think the government would let one of their shills go that far. I don't see how anyone can be sure why they and other anti-establishment pundits are taking the stands they're taking on 9/11. I'd bet that they're being threatened. Most of them have children and grandchildren; if I were an anti-establishment pundit and a group of government thugs told me my little granddaughter would have an "Accident" if I didn't play ball, I'd play ball. Before 9/11 Chomsky was my hero. I don't pay much attention to him now. If he's lying about what he really thinks about 9/11, he might be doing the same thing on other issues.
This is really sad! I had hoped that there would be more independent professionals who would publicly embrace the truth. things may have to get much worse, before they get better.
Last time they did this, they did manage to get some votes but fell far short. So this time, they re-worded the petition to try to make it easier to vote for. I don't believe it will help, the US government has deep pockets. Hell I hope not, things are pretty bad already, we're being stomped on by corporate special interests, thanks to the Supreme Court. But it will get much, much worse if the sickening TPP passes through Congress.
wow, I feel really bad for the AIA. they have been dealing with and putting up with this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) for 13 years now. I bet they would just LOVE to strip these guys of their certification. i commend them, for their patience and tolerance of these idiots. if I was in charge, I would strip them of their membership as they bring shame upon the organization
I sure hope those you're ranting about keep doing what they're doing, the AIA is indeed a shameful organization. Everyone should be aware of how disgusting a professional organization such as this one bends over to the US government and fails to inform the public of the 9/11 scam, especially the one perpetrated by NIST. Thanks for your inadvertent contribution, there is always use for some of those who are clueless.
bla bla bla.. yada yada yada. we're not interested in your silliness anymore, bro. especially us folks in NYC.
They forced Boxboy to take down their logo from his site. It must have been very embarrassing for the AIA to be associated with such lunatic theories. Before: After:
You know that a court case would become high profile and expose the whole business to publicity that would most certainly cause public debate on the subject and the real perpetrators can't afford that. they want to keep the discussion manageable.
I should have posted this earlier. I received an email from Tony Szamboti where he claims that AE911T received 50 new architect signatories to their petition for a "new" investigation the first day (it wouldn't be new, it would be the first). One must remember that the petition is just a demand for a new investigation. While it doesn't mean all the signatories agree with AE911T's theories, it does mean they disagree with the OCT to the level that they're willing to sign their names (which is thoroughly verified) to a petition demanding a "new" investigation. The actual tally for the AIA resolution vote was 529 in favor to 4,176 against (11%), which is nearly a threefold increase from the last petition. 2 opponents of the petition spoke, then Richard Gage but 3 supporters of the petition were left without a chance to speak. While I had no confidence that it would pass, it is encouraging that more professionals are willing to listen. This is the full article.[UNIQID]
Yeah that's right, 529 architects. people with expertise and standing, agree that the OCT is garbage and are willing to sign their names and stake their reputation to it, unlike many other cowards. Why would you have?