Newly-released US gov file forms bizarre link between JFK assassination and flying saucers ( JFK assassination file forms bizarre link between murdered president and flying saucers - US News - News - Daily Express US ( Now this is interesting. JFK is not my usual conspiracy theories fare, but the JFK assassination seems linked to UFOs. This bizarre link is starting to make sense for why the JFK documents have not been released even after everyone involved is long dead. It's because UFO secrecy is still very much a current event.
I do believe that you already listened to the lengthy lecture by Dr. Steven Greer that ties this all together..... basically... The Military Industrial Complex was NOT ready to release information about reverse engineering of UFO technology in the early 1960's. Since JFK wanted to expose lots of information like this.... then this put him in a lot of danger. Could the January 2011 Temple Mount UFO event have used USA technology/ No 14 vote(s) 46.7% * Yes 6 vote(s) 20.0% I guess I cannot rule out that possibility???? 10 vote(s) 33.3%