Obama And Clinton Loyalists Grapple With Trump Recession

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Wehrwolfen, Jan 7, 2017.

  1. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Obama and Clinton loyalists grapple with Trump recession​

    Trump’s unexpected win has Democrats coping with a vastly smaller job market for their skills.​

    By Sarah Wheaton

    The job market is about to get even more crowded for Washington Democrats, as thousands of Obama appointees join the hundreds of Clinton campaign staffers looking for employment. There’s rarely been less demand for their services.
    The Trump tornado is tearing up post-election planning around the Beltway. It’s not just that those 4,000 administration jobs are no longer available to Hillary for America alumni, or that failed Senate candidates like Russ Feingold and Katie McGinty won’t be able to hire their staff on the Hill. There are also the lobbying firms, trade associations and corporate government affairs offices that are pitching senior Obama aides’ resumes into the round file while scrambling to hire operatives with Republican connections.
    It’s insult to injury for a generation of young operatives who are still managing their shock and grief from Hillary Clinton’s loss. And for those who want to fight to keep President Barack Obama’s legacy from being erased, there aren’t a lot of places ready to pay them to do it.
    “It feels like there are just thousands of us trying to find a job, and there are no jobs,” said Mira Patel, a longtime Clinton aide who went from her Senate office to the State Department and, starting last summer, her presidential campaign.
    Wave elections that wipe out job prospects for one party’s loyalists are an occupational hazard in Washington – it happened to Republicans just eight years ago. But the shock of Trump’s win is what’s making it harder on everyone – both those currently (or about to be) unemployed, and potential employers.
    “Clients are all pivoting, and they’re all frankly trying to figure it out just like we all are right now,” said Julian Ha, who heads up the government affairs and trade association practice at the executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles.
    “My prediction is that there certainly will be a more robust demand for folks who are from the Republican side of the aisle, and especially [those] close to folks who are now being selected for key positions,” Ha said.
    Some Obama staffers looking to parlay their White House pedigree into private sector gigs suffered their own Trump slump immediately after the election.


    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-clinton-loyalists-jobs-233296

    Wow, that means a lot more than 4,000 employees that Obama has been supporting with now have to really go to work. Hmm..., there are a multitude of jobs for these suddenly displaced Obama workers. Let's see, there's #BLM or #OWS antagonist, Cemetery register for dead votes, Union thug, Community Organizing, just to name a few. Then again, isn't more than 90% of the federal government nothing more than a jobs program for unemployable liberal arts majors.
    Personally, I have no sympathy for the Progressive Socialist Marxists that supported the Clinton Crime Family. Hillary should be in prison and her sycophantic believers should be relegated to flipping burgers on the third shift.
    It's my hope that Trump will root out the Obama Alt Left Progressives rooted in civil service. Unfortunately they are like roaches. It will take some time but the Alt Left Progressives will be expelled from Washington. Let them go to Mexico, Canada, Brazil even Jupiter as one Hollywood actress claimed.
    Has anyone stopped to think why after eight years Obama who couldn't figure out the economy with GPD's under 1% is now smart enough to predict the future even though he is removed from the action.
  2. OldSoldier

    OldSoldier New Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Actually, there are millions of job openings in many different areas of the country that figured out ways to create them - like here in Texas!

    There are a few problems with that though:

    1) Those leftist lackies aren't qualified to do those jobs because they actually require a strong work ethic.

    2) They won't move away from predominantly liberal areas to mean old areas full of people who actually get their hands dirty and perform actual work.

    3) We don't want them here in the first place!

    I guess they can join the other 25% (possibly more) of our citizens who should be in the work force but who are instead on one or more of our various means-tested programs commonly called "welfare"!

    Welfare pays more - so what's their incentive to work for a living when the rest of us can pay their way?
  3. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Wish the governor of New York would find that secret sauce. More companies are leaving the state than are being created.
  4. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Better yet, they each can go get 2 or 3 of those new part time jobs Obama boasts of creating our of former full time jobs. They could start their day working a 4 hours counter at a KFC, then figure how to spend 2 hours before their part time night job at WalMart stocking shelves or any other of the great part time jobs Obama created to show new job creation by turning 1 full time job into 2 or 3 part time jobs.
    OldSoldier likes this.

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