President Obama's strong ties and support of the Black Panthers is troublesome at best and treasonous at worst. The recent killings of 5 non-Black Dallas police officers in cold blood by a #BLM advocate and Black Panther member Micah X. Johnson is only the newest sad addition of a list of officers killed by the Black Panthers over the years. 15 police officers had already been murdered at the hands of this Black supremacist group since the 1960's. https://violenceagainstwhites.wordp.../black-panthers-murder-at-least-15-policemen/ Micah X. Johnson was a member of a local Black Panther hate group, but left after being unable to follow the orders of their leaders. He was also denied a dishonorable discharge from the US Army after sexually harassing females because of political correctness issues. View attachment 44406 President Obama has never condemned the Black Panthers, and on the contrary, has supported, marched, spoke and met privately with them. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Obama had a link and picture of the Black Panthers on his website. In 2007, Barak Obama marched in Selma, Alabama in the same parade with Black Panthers, and even shared the same podium with Black Panther leader Malik Shabazz. Although Obama has denied it, he did meet with Malik Shabazz for a private meeting at the White House on July 25th 2009 just 2 months after Obama had the DOJ deny justice in the Black Panther voter intimidation case. Of course the threat of the Black Panthers of killing cops has been well known to law enforcement, but rarely released to the public by the Leftist Major Media: [video=youtube;FsEfQ6vUm50][/video] This video is about a year old. In 2009 and 2010, lawyers working at the United States Justice Department warned top Obama political appointees and other Justice Department officials about the dangerous threats of New Black Panthers to kill police officers and other whites. I was one of those lawyers who delivered those warnings. Our warnings came in the context of the Voting Rights Act case I and other lawyers brought against the New Black Panthers on behalf of the United States in 2009, a case the Obama administration ultimately abandoned. Both top DOJ officials, including now Labor Secretary Tom Perez, as well as rank and file employees in the Civil Rights Division, were warned but did not take the New Black Panther threat seriously or otherwise considered the organization to be a laughable joke. Allies in the media echoed the narrative that the defendants in the voter intimidation case were harmless clowns. What could be more fitting than President Obama's comments after the Charleston Church Shooting:
They posted on his website that they support him and attended the same March once. Clearly he's a member lol
I would wonder how well-reasoned liberals like yourself would react if Donald Trump had marched in the same parade as KKK members, had spoke at the same event, had put up a glowing link to the KKK on his website, and had not demanded that KKK members dressed in hoods disrupting elections be charged? Also, why has the Leftist Media not made an issue of Micah Johnson being a member of the Black Panthers? Do you think if a White Supremacist who was a recent member of a White Supremacist group had killed 5 cops, or even shot a one Black cop---that his group affiliation would not be shouted out to the heavens? One must embrace their own inner bigot to support Obama.
Why didn't he denounce them and instantly remove their support? Why did Obama allow himself a private meeting with a hate group leader in the White House?
I have no idea how long it was up in his website or if anyone noticed. And you provided zero proof he met with them. - - - Updated - - - Trump does attend events with white supremacists...his own events
"Violence against Whites" with Wordpress. LMAO Somehow just the name of that link in the OP alone tells me most, if not all of that is a load of bullsht.
Your OP contradicts your own narrative. Micah left the Panthers and the Panthers wouldn't have him. If what you're claiming isn't slander, I don't know what is.
There seems to be this strange disconnect in the OPs mind where 1 equals all. I don't know if it's a strange new math taught in Limbaugh School or Hannity Univ., but it seems to be a common thread going on today.
Speaking of a load of it....that's anyone who takes the #BLM seriously. As if the 18 Blacks killed by other Blacks for every one killed by police resisting arrest matters.
Malik Zulu Shabazz, national chairman of the radical New Black Panther Party, refused to confirm or deny to WND whether he visited the White House since President Obama took office, despite his name appearing on a recent administration disclosure. Shabazz’s namesake was among the 110 names and 481 visits released by the White House on Friday as part of the Obama administration’s so-called volunteer disclosure policy. The names were just a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of visitors who have gone through the White House’s doors since January. Among the famous names that stood out on the brief list were Shabazz, Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers. Read more at Of course Obama and Shabazz are lying---that's what they do. And I bet you could care less.
And there are other groups addressing that problem ... why can't you have both happening simultaneously? It would be like telling the NRA they can't support the 2nd Amendment until all white on white shootings are stopped.
If Dylan Roof have been kicked out of a White Supremacist organization a short time before he killed 9 Blacks, would you NOT find that significant? All you would say (rightful so) is that he had been a hate group member. Like over and over and over, every time it he was mentioned. I know it may be impossibility for you to treat Black supremacists differently now--but perhaps you will change your mind as the violence escalates.
According to the log, the Malik Shabazz who visited the White House went for a group tour with a total of 311 people. [, accessed 5/21/2013]
Of course he did. Why would he not have met with the Black Panther leader? And Obama has never had the "real supposed Malik Shabazz" testify to the fact. In fact, any fool would know there are videos of everyone coming in and out of the White House. You have not a shard of evidence to disprove the meeting. Like AG Lynch was careless and stupid to have an illegal meeting with Bill Clinton, in hardly different than Obama meeting with beloved Cop-Killing Panthers.
Again, where is the video evidence to prove it was not the Panther leader. And why didn't the Panther Leader not confirm or deny the accusation?
I don't need proof. I have what they say. What do you have and why do you think it's credible? Oh by the way. Are the panthers a banned group?
It probably had something to do with obama life long whitey hating pastor Jeremiah Wright, best friend of whitey hating black pather founder louis farrahkan.
Conspiracy theory? Obama doesnt even understand why people have a issue with his whitey hating "church".
They are a terrorist organization back when they were killing more cops in the 60's and 70's. All those directly involved should have been hanged and the group outlawed just as ISIS is outlawed from holding meetings here in the US and conducting the business of terrorism. They are hardly any better now. The Panthers should be stripped of their citizenship and deported to Zimbabwe----along with their president.
This shouldnt be in the conspiracy forum. I understand how this could be inconvenient for democrats after dallas, but its not a conspiracy, its not even a theory, its a straight up (*)(*)(*)(*)n fact. The reclassification of this thread is an embarrassment to this forum
At least no liberal cares about Obama's love of the Panthers. Please provide any statements Obama has made directly condemning the Black Panthers, New or Old.
Actually, the left did hoot and howl over Roof belonging to some hate group and they did so after denying Rev Wright's church is hateful.
It is up the leadership of this nation, Obama for starters, to address the real problem with Blacks getting murdered---and that is almost exclusively caused by Black on Black violence. It would also be wonderful for the Leftist Media to condemn gang violence---not just the White Biker gangs---but all of the urban and prison gangs. When have you ever heard Barak Obama condemn urban street gangs in a speech and demand they be taken off the streets????