I take BLM a lot seriously than any random blogger who has a Wordpress account. Also, where's this evidence that Obama is a supporter or member of the New Black Panthers?
The point is that Micah even joining such a group is proof enough of his evilness. An he wanted to stay in the Panthers. That shows the Panthers didn't want him killing cops too soon and not without their permission. What is it about Panther members killing so many cops that you don't understand? I guess only 20 dead cops does not impress you. Figures.
Can't put Micah's body count on the Panthers. Does it hurt you can't blame them? It sure seems like it does.
Obama in not an official member of the New Black Panthers, but he supports them by marching with them in parades, speaking with them in the same events, having their support on his website and only removing it after complaints, not taking their threats even a little seriously by the FBI, allowing them to walk free after they harassed voters during his own election, and finally not discussing one of their disciples killing 5 cops after the very threats of killing cops by the same organization in the same state. Like how much more would you need to see Obama is tight with the Panthers?
Sure we can. It is only right the thing to do. John Wilkes Booth was no longer in the Confederacy when he killed Lincoln. However he is rightly fingered as a Confederate operative. Same thing with Micah X. Johnson not being currently enrolled as a Panther. Shouldn't mollycoddle terrorists. It's wrong.
I don't know - the "evidence" you have presented so far has so much brown on it from when you pulled it from your arse, that I can't make it out. What to try again?
You wanna compare a current event to something that happened a century and a half ago? No one is talking about Booth. The comparison is desperate lol.
Asinine post. Obama has marched with Republicans. Does that make him a Republican? Obama ate a fish. Does that make him a fish? Your asinine game of 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon, political style, is childish and boorish. Move on.
He seems to have tight ties with a number of these groups, and man does he spoon on the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) when they commit acts of terror: ~ He covered his tracks a bit later in the presser by saying, The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, hes not more representative of all African-Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans. Right, but that doesnt mean the Charleston shooter didnt have a discrete motive despite his troubled mind. In fact, Obama was astute in describing it at the time: The fact that this took place in a black church obviously also raises questions about a dark part of our history. This is not the first time that black churches have been attacked. And we know that hatred across races and faiths pose a particular threat to our democracy and our ideals. ~ He is just all bull(*)(*)(*)(*). http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/...tangle-the-motives-of-this-shooter-in-dallas/
All visitors to the WH are recorded and you can get a record FOI request can be used if necessary. What are you waiting for? Go get get thevproof that he had them to the WH.
Fascinating. Why should anyone let you have your way? After all the kkk is still in the USA. Perhaps black people having a militant group is not good enough but it's ok for whites? Perhaps you could go to somewhere else where freedom is not tolerated.
Of course you can, it's just common sense to blame the Black Panthers. Let's me take a few minutes to rationalize: Although Micah X. Johnson was not an active Black Panther member, he was for many months. He WAS a current and active member of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club. The Huey P. Newton Gun Club dressed like the Black Panthers, had a similar logo and a similar message. Now Huey P. Newton was a founder of the Black Panthers and of course killed a cop and served time in prison for doing it, and was a devout Marxist invited to visit Communist China by their government. I doubt if you watch it, but here is a more on the subject: [video=youtube;uuvE2xBpMfs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuvE2xBpMfs[/video] Let me attempt to tune into your wavelength. Let's say a fictional White Supremacist A. H. Johnson was a member of the American Nazi Party that speaks of hating Communists but was kicked out a year before he joined the Adolph Hitler Gun Club that dressed like the Nazi Party and had almost the same views. He later kills 5 Communists in cold blood chanting Nazi phrases. Would you still consider him a Nazi???
Did the New Black Panthers violate federal voter laws in Philly or did they not??? Was Obama wrong for dropping the charges of his pet group?
I'm just showing the historical links. That is why Obama has never condemned the Black Panther Party or their cop-killing influence on the gunman.
I'm not a supporter of the KKK, but when is the last time the KKK actually had a direct hand in killing Blacks? The early 1960's maybe? Black Panther groups like Micah X. Jonhson's Huey P Newton Gun Club actively promotes killing White Cops in their chants "Oink Oink, Bang, Bang." [video=youtube;feY0diCOp-Y]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feY0diCOp-Y[/video] Strip these haters of citizenship and deport them if you don't hang them first.
Where's the marching part at, out of that 90+ minute video? You couldn't bother to pick a point in there?
All your points are ok up until you do the guilt by nonassociation bits. We can talk about how they're not associated like you think they are, just let me know how much you really care about it. I tried listening to the video, but I hate computerized reading especially when it tries to brainwash instead of demonstrate the hows. I did skip through to get the jist of what the point was and frankly, it sounded like I was listening to a far right news blog. Anyway, here is a counter example for you: A police officer is on the job for 11 years. Suddenly, he displays issues and behaviors that are wholly inappropriate for the job. After a while he is relieved of duty. A week later he snaps and goes on a killing spree; kills 8 critically injures 2. Now, is his body count on to the police or on himself? Same thing with Micah, see?
UH, like what about this photo? Also, his own White House said he was there. But they lie so much anyway.... https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/201...rks-50th-anniversary-marches-selma-montgomery