#occupywallstreet - The Twitter enabled movement seems to be gaining ground. Watch the police brutality increase as the bankers pull their strings.
There are no strings. Jeez. You insult or assault a police officer you are going to jail. They are not just another civilian you can treat like (*)(*)(*)(*). These people are radical anti-corporate types like G-20 Rioters and look at the police the same way you do, so they get belligerent towards police officers, and they get sprayed and sent to jail, that is how it works in America. If you are standing in crowd and you spit on a police officer, you are going to get ripped out of that crowd. If you stand there with your finger in a cops face, or otherwise take a physically intimidating stance with a police officer, you are going to get ripped out of that crowd. What is the problem here? In America it is not acceptable to attempt to verbally or physically intimidate a police officer. You will find yourself in jail.
Maybe it's picked up from it's lame beginnings last week. http://pajamasmedia.com/zombie/2011/09/18/day-of-fail-nationwide-anti-capitalist-revolution-flops/
I am Wall Street, along with hundreds of thousands of other investers who purchase stocks. Let the effete, liberal snobs continue to sleep in the park near Wall Street while tellling each other and themselves how significant they are. I and others will continue to laugh at them and their silly little antics.
More power to them. If I still lived closer I would take trips there in support. They aren't radicals. They want a change in how big money controls everything in our government. They want wall street and the banks held accountable for what they did. They want tougher regulations to make sure this never happens again. Americans are sick of legislation that makes the rich and powerful even richer and more powerful.. It is nice though that you think that those who gather and protest are radicals...How well trained you are. “The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” ― Thomas Jefferson "If the Family of Man cannot achieve greater unity and harmony, the very planet which serves as its home may find its future in peril. For the blessings of life have not been distributed evenly to the Family of Man. The Family of Man can survive differences of race and religion. It can accept differences of ideology, politics, and economics. But it cannot survive the growing gulf between the rich and the poor. The gulf between rich and poor which divides the Family of Man is an invitation to agitators, subversives, and aggressors. It encourages the ambitions of those who desire to dominate the world, which threatens the peace and freedom of us all." --JFK
You got Frank Dodd, which is the Obamacare of the Financial World. What more do you want? You CAN'T JUST SAY "I want regulations" and leave it at that. WHAT regulations? Where? When? Who is going to regulated and show me where Frank Dodd or current regulation falls short. When people say 'regulate' in general and then leave it at that, that's how you get Federal Regulators with complete fiat power over entire swaths of the economy and uncertainty because no one knows what regulations are needed, who is going to decide they are needed and who is going to write the regulations. Do you want REAL regulation? Or do you want Federal Regulators granted life and death control over the entire economy to mete out fiat power "as the situation calls for it"? That's not rule of law, that's rule of man.
' Land of the fees and home of the slaves ' Catchy. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/201192785419837365.html
Most likely its just you moon whos tired and..... I just gave you a five day break for Allahs sake. I see the same tired antisemitic rhetoric is still being bantered about by you and cronies tho...some things never change. Do Jews run Wall street?
Deadly force: Venezuela's police have become a law unto themselves http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/06/venezuela-police-law-themselves Did someone mention police brutality? OK for Noam Chomskys favorite dictator to condone state murder but a little pepper spray on Wall St and everyones pointing fingers at the NYC police...lol.
You've never seen yourselves until you've seen yourselves through the eyes of foreigners; [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV9uZ00bqD8&feature=player_embedded"]Occupy Wall Street: Police brutality, media blackout - YouTube[/ame] Russian T.V. Try it, instead of your usual calming swill.
Hey, guess who owns the Wall Street Journal ? http://www.politicalforum.com/lates...-edges-closer-zionist-grandee-murdoch-21.html
The joos of course. I learned recently on Stormfront that they are also responsible fot the left agenda and - get this - homosexuality.
Democracy.. no. Reporting uncomfortable truths our own corporate media won't show? Yes. At least we get to see at least I think most of the news, watch the BBC for a bit, then watch some R.T, both reporting on different news stories or if the same, have a different take on the same story. It's nice to have some choice.