And that is what is wrong, about La Canada! American taxes pays for their security. Tax Canada Moi r > g Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2 Dinosaurs that roamed the Earth 250 million years ago knew a world with five times more carbon dioxide than is present on Earth today, researchers say, and new techniques for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide on prehistoric Earth may help scientists predict how Earth's climate may change in the future. And WE know carbon dioxide is linked to ocean acidification. So, how come any clams survived the dinosaur era. Modern environmental alarmist teach us that shell fish can't exist in even a minimally acidified ocean that would occur with rising Carbon Dioxide levels. So why didn't shellfish go extinct when the atmosphere had 5 times the Carbon Dioxide level of today ? ? And that dear readers, is Science Reconsidered. Moi r > g View attachment 33498
Over Millions of Years Life Froms evolve. But before these ancient shell fish evolved to the point they could exist and thrive in such high acidity many many shell fish species went extinct. We are trying to prevent the extinction of the many current species we eat and depend upon. AboveAlpha
Why? Yummier proteinacious and thin shelled food sources could be just around evolution's corner. Moi r > g No
An American judge risked being looked on by history as either one of the most astonishingly naive magistrates at this time or dishonest. He permitted the prosecution to add a white powder to the Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel vehicle as it was being demonstrated even though he knew full well that Mr. Meyer's invention called for ordinary tap water to be used as fuel. There are a number of reasons why a judge would do this .. one of the better ones would be I suppose that he feared that the Stanley Meyer invention would bankrupt the oil industry and cause a great deal of economic upheaval. Assuming that the Stanley Meyer dune buggy actually did what it was claimed to do putting it on the market could greatly reduce atmospheric CO2 within several decades.
The Oil Companies are RUTHLESS. In a city in the Western Part of Massachusetts two men in 1978 developed a CARBORATOR in a Chevy Nova that gave the car 88 MILES PER GALLON!!! This was in the Springfield Massachusetts Newspapers which is the city where the Basketball Hall of Fame is located. Oil Company executives bought them out and it was never heard about again. AboveAlpha
Yes . Stanley Meyer claimed to have been offered one billion dollars for exclusive control of his technology but . it was from somebody from an oil rich nation so he turned the offer down because he wanted it to benefit humanity and not merely be put on a shelf.
Life evolves and finds a way to exist. But we need to protect the life forms we as Humans need. AboveAlpha
And some astonishing life forms have adapted to what would seem to be terrible living conditions.
It will certainly change how we pair fine wine to seafood... - - - Updated - - - In bold above...or it doesn't evolve and goes extinct...
AboveAlpha…… .as you have probably noticed I am somewhat more naive than average but……………. I really think that this proposal is possible…………… we really could organize something along this line and save hundreds and even thousands of lives. In your travels have you ran into anything that might be described as a "mixed farming ecological cooperative" or kibbutz that might fit reasonably well with a film project supposedly set in 1939? I like the idea of giving an example of some way of providing people with the necessities in such a way that the environment is harmed very little. We also need to keep 900 or so people gainfully employed for two years to get around a loophole in Canadian immigration policy. Mr. Justin Trudeau, let's take 937 of those Syrian refugees to Canada? ……
I have some serious doubts that a carbon tax or cap and trade system will actually fix the problem. You are absolutely correct that Sulphur Dioxide is an even greater problem. It seems like the Wall Street lawyers and stock brokers are taking over when it comes to carbon dioxide. I prefer Dr Chaim Tejman's idea that plants hold the key to climate stabilization. I am also hopeful that a major shift can be made over to hydrogen………… something that big is difficult to legislate.
How did those sea shelled critter survive the Dinosaur era when CO2 levels were 5 times higher? Hint: Not lots of baking soda applied by Dinosaurs Another Inconvenient Science Factoid ! And gases found in frozen bubbles of air in ice are NOT representative of anything but Frozen Air Bubbles in Ancient Ice. The "Science" , the "alarmist" don't account for the diffusion of some, lighter weight gases within the ice over eons. Moi smarter than your average r > g View attachment 35561 Got Ativisms? No
This is a seriously cool factoid that I didn't know before. I knew it had been higher than now…. but I hadn't guessed that it had be that much higher! It would seem that atmospheric CO2 is probably only one of the reasons why ocean acidity is rising so rapidly. Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2
Or maybe, CO2 being a larger molecule, and larger molecular weight gas than most in the mixture if atmospheric gases, doesn't diffuse as readily through the ice. Do WE trust the Science of gas bubbles in ancient ice cores being representative of anything other that Gas Bubbles in Ancient Ice Cores. Imagine Oysters on the No Shell. Moi Genius at work pass the doobie r > g No
Yes…. that is another excellent question! It deserves to be considered……. but……. there could well be other big factors at work. What do you think of the idea that plants were larger and animals also were larger at that time? I remember hearing about wolves that were eight feet high at the shoulders being discovered in Arctic and Siberian ice.
The Pleistocene Megafauna. I grew up around La Brea Tar pits that features representatives of these critters. Both the pits and that era of the Pleistocene are just so ignored with PeopleKind getting the attention and the dinosaurs of the before time. ALERT: If you are ever in the Southern California area, you will not regret visiting the La Brea Tar Pits. Apparently, while you cerebrate on the Pleistocene Megafauna, I am licking my lips over Oysters on the No Shell. Conservationist resist evolution. Y'see. They don't want no species lost to adaptation to a new climate. Now who resists evolution more? Conservation NutJobs or Religious NutJobs? I want my Oysters on the No Shell. A Pro Evolution stand Moi r > g View attachment 35606 Restore Provincial Freedoms
A truly intriguing question Moi621! I know that environmentalists in California have managed to stop several proposals to desalinate ocean water on a large scale for agriculture in California and for the city of Los Vegas?! Could both the political left as well as the political right be guilty of resisting evolutionary change?
AboveAlpha..... every time that you become involved in a discussion....... the tone and flavor of the topic goes to a higher level....... Here is one that may be of interest to you.......... Reopening of the Embassy of Iran in Canada.
CO2 levels were five times higher in the Dinosaur's time yet shelled oysters survived. I Want My Oysters On The No Shell. Support Ocean Acidification. BTW desalination plants are happening in the Greatest State of California. It could have been about mitigating hypersalty water or what ever. fershur And Lord Bless NIXON although his soul belongs in Hell. NIXON did sign the Endangered Species Act into Law. Truly, I favor preserving habitats that serve multiple endangered species. Such as The Greatest, and American Prairie with bison, mustangs and prairie dog colonies. And I support Cliven Bundy who should bill the Federals for the benefit his grazing cattle brought to the Federals' land in the form of low brush clearing and manure too. Who said it is their land? And more seriously, sometimes an old species makes way for a better adapted species. The problem is if the number of species drops too dramatically limiting diversity and loosing the potential of that wonderful anti aging, immortality compound to be discovered in some isolated scum pond, somewhere. Moi How Many Species Y'Need? r > g No! View attachment 39182
AGW does bring in money and space exploration isn't realistic... Would you like to be stuck in a pod with me for 3 years?... Space exploration is certainly possible from a technology perspective but not from a human perspective - people would lose their minds having to be stuck in a closet with the same person for years...
NOAA and other climate science organizations are not making a profit. As for space yeah, we're not going to be able to send people to Mars for some time since they'd basically have to spend the rest of their lives there in small pods, however we can get people to the moon. We just need to have a good enough reason to go I guess.
What do you think about MTBE? Could it be playing a significant role in those dead zones in the oceans?