The word "woke" has been used since the 1930s. First by black minorities. More recently by other advocates: LGBTQ, women rights, immigrant rights, ... The past tense of "wake", it means what the people who coin the term.... the people who use it... intend it to mean: It simply means to be aware of ethnic inequality, racism and sexism. Therefore, to be "woke" is to be aware of social injustice in order to fight it. Which implies that when you hear a pundit or a politician say that they are "anti-woke" they mean they FAVOR social injustice. So of course I'm woke! It's no wonder that some politicians and pundits on the fascist right are anti-woke: i.e., anti-social justice. However you will notice they don't define the term. It's the way in which they hope to bamboozle a broader audience of people who might not themselves favor all social injustice, but just repeat the word as if it meant... something else. Even though they don't quite know (or refuse to say) what this "something else" is. This is why I choose to say it. So everybody is clear on what we are talking about. I had opened a similar thread some time ago. But in this version I am being careful to word this so it's clear that when I talk about those who favor social injustice, I'm talking about the politicians and pundits who promote hate. I don't personally know anybody in this forum. So it's not the intention of this OP to ascribe any qualities one way or the other to any poster.
I am fine with being woke as long as it is not taken at the expense of others. I believe people should be judged for what they are without regard to their race or sexual preference. However when it is used as an excuse for biological men to engage in women's sports or to use the women's bathroom, it is taken too far. When it comes to the military and other such professions, a person should be judged and rewarded on how well they perform, not on their sexual preference or race. Case in point, it has been ruled that the Navy Academy can accept people based on race. Race should have nothing to do with it. The academy should be the best and brightest regardless of race.
...And MAGA means "make America great again" , so by the OPs own logic, anyone who isn't MAGA doesn't want America to be great. I'm woke and Golems MAGA! These are indeed strange times
One thing I've always admired about @Golem is the fact that "he is what he is", and never tries to pretend that he's anything else! Hard-core Leftists of all varieties identify as "wokesters" and they're quite proud of it. All the rest of us should acknowledge them for who and what they are, and grant them the credulity they most richly deserve! Isn't it a shame that these "wokesters" can't exhibit the grace and fairness to acknowledge that the rest of us they scorn as "MAGA" are really those who most fervently want to "Make America Great Again". What, indeed, is wrong about THAT?! Afterthought: again, and again, and again, what I see happening here is an "Americanized" version of the Weimar Republic in Germany in about the year 1932....
MAGA means you are loyal to Trump. It has never meant anything else. But I don't know what that has to do with this thread. The IDEA "Make America Great Again" originated with Bill Clinton. Which doesn't make it any less a dumb meaningless bumper sticker slogan. But, again, irrelevant to this topic.
What's wrong with it is that you want it to be what Golem pointed out in the OP and be against ethnic inequality, racism and sexism.
It is the "identity political game". A tool of Marx. Didn't work in the last election. Black men are jumping the Democrat Plantation. More Hispanics are seeing the ruse as well.
Or maybe they remember the America that never lost a war, put a man on the moon. An America in which Detroit and Baltimore were world class cities. America has been in decline since the sixties. What is great about America today? Drag queens?
The proper terminology would be awake, as in one who has become awakened. I find it hard to take adults seriously who make no effort at proper spelling and grammar or speech.
And by that I am assuming that you mean progressives.... The people that tell us that we live on stolen land and the people who say that capitalism is an evil system and on and on. They hardly seem happy with the state of America. And progressive is a funny name because it doesn't necessarily mean that things are progressing in the proper direction. For instance, cancer and alcoholism are both progressive when left unchecked.
@Golem There is what it is supposed to be and there is what it is in practice and your definition is not what is in practice. As an example look at the Chinese Communist Party. Is that communism?
The deterioration of language is not something to celebrate. Dumbing down is a disservice to any group.
Language changes. That's part of how it works, dude. It isn't "deterioration." There's a reason you aren't speaking Old English right now and have followed along with the great vowel shift. I'll bet you don't even use the letter thorn. I don't see it on my keyboard. *Gasp* that means language has deteriorated! Give me a ****ing break.
America is going downhill. Detroit, Baltimore, Newark used to be great. they aren't anymore. The elite high schools used to produce Nobel prize winners. The wokesters want them dismantled. What is great about America today?