Yes. And that is how the past tense of "wake" became what I describe in the OP. Nobody has changed it since then. The way black people used it in the 1930s is the same other pro-minority rights groups use it today. And it's ALSO the same meaning used by MAGA politicians and pundits. So yours is a non-argument. There has been NO other change besides the one I indicated on the OP.
Reagan and Trump are the polar opposites. Reagan was a uniter who wanted Americas to work together to make progress. That's leadership. Trump, in the other hand, is a textbook example of divider who plays Americans against each other, and makes everything about himself. As for the term 'woke', - it is not new. It has been around for 100 years as a metaphor for being aware of social injustice. Now of course certain factions call everything they don't like 'woke', like DeSantis who says "green agenda" is woke and he talks about "woke green corporations", and sure enough he used it as a justification to ban the term "global warming". It's "woke" hence you cant says it anymore.
The man still had many, many faults. My grandfather would spin in his grave if I didn't qualify my statement with that. But he was a "big tent" uniter, and certainly a true leader, warts and all. I mean, TL;DR, totally agreed. Trump knows nothing but division, hatred, lust, anger, vengeance, and pettiness. Never has. Never will.
“Your country is being turned into a third-world hellhole, run by censors, perverts criminals and thugs.” What’s wrong with that? It’s impossible to degrade this country? Isn’t this the exact same kind of language you libs use to describe Republicans in power whether it’s “put you blacks back in chains” to “rolling back rights of women 100 years” blah blah blah So basically you still got nothing.
He's called the country third-world many, many times. But keep backtracking. It's kind of cute. And don't assign the words of others to me when you can't even defend the words of the idiot whom you claimed you were ready to defend.
@Tipper101 So, it doesn't suck, but is a third-world nation, and a hellhole, and isn't a great country. Please reconcile this for us. You have a very novel reimagining of what the word "sucks" means. I think hellholes suck. That's kind of the point of being a hellhole.
America used to be great. No longer. We need to import aliens to pick our crops and run our computers. What is great about a country that systematically demoralized it's young men. So we have to rely on foreigners.
And Trump is intent on proving this by putting censors, perverts, criminals and thugs in all the government agencies.
Well, from 1930 many things changed, including the meaning of the word 'woke'. Today even some Black people and other minority rights groups use it today as being overly politically correct, hyper-sensitive, extremist, happy to cancel culture and free speech, so my argument is a valid argument, unless you are claiming that John McWhorter, author of 'Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America' is not Black. In his book John McWhorter argues that contemporary elite progressivism, or "wokeness," functions as a new religion that is ultimately harmful to Black Americans.
And I quoted Trumps exact words from the link to which you then desperately referred me to “many, many” other times he’s said it. So you still have nothing
Nothing has changed. To MAGA fascists, defending the rights of minorities is "being overly politically correct". Same today as it was in the 1930s. That's EXACTLY the excuse they have always used to subjugate minorities and justify defending "white privilege".
I'm sorry you think this country is a third-world nation. I don't share your and Trump's belief about that.
It should all boil down to “do unto others…” But sadly that isn’t the case with most people. Too many think their way of living and their thoughts on issues is the only way. And further believe if others don’t hold their point of view that they are “against you”. Which is quite arrogant thinking. You do you…I’ll do me.