No doubt about that. There are a couple of folks who want to avoid at all costs the question being posed. Why do you believe the Hawaiian government would want to conspire with the president to falsify documents.
Sure, what's to chat about though? So the state of Hawaii is socialists and because of that they've conspired against the public?
oy............ the alinsky frontal distraction attack... this is a good example of "fake it til you make it" looks like the panther election case is back... i think obama is getting ready to sacrifice holder... um.... the chicago way.
I'm speaking specifically of the various Republicans - there are several - in the Hawaiian state government who have verified Obama's Hawaiian birth. Direct answer, please. Are they socialists, and what is your evidence of this?
A simple question: Do you believe the state of Hawaii conspired with the President to falsify documents? Another simple question- and actually part of this thread: Do you believe blacks and women have the legal right to be President in the United States?
Well, I guess that link resolves all of the "birther" issues where it states: Bingo - Exactly what the State of Hawaii has been saying all along. Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of Hawaii and the United States.
Like I said the whole issue is completely resolved. Obama was born in Hawaii, a STATE, in 1961 and was subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (*) and is therefore a natural born citizen under the provisions of the 14th Amendment. End of discussion on Obama's natural born citizenship status. This was resolved back in 2008 so why do "birthers" still exist today? (*) only children of hostile foreign military forces of occupation and children of diplomats that are exempted by statutory law from US jurisidicition are not subjuct to US jurisdiction based upon the SCOTUS decision in the United States v Kim Wong Ark.
i'll let you know when it happens... duly this: this is my last entry in this crooked biased big brother thread. you didn't build this....
Running away so soon? I was anxiously hoping you'd have some hard evidence to present. Guess I'll keep waiting.
Perhaps we need to start a list of birther idiots for clarification. I have never held that all "bithers" are idiots as they come in all sorts of packages. There are also the "racist birthers that have been identified as well as "political hack birthers" that don't care about anything except that Obama's a Democrat. Then there are a lot of simply uniformed people that don't have much knowledge related to State documents, the Full Faith and Credit Clause, the SCOTUS decision in the United States v Kim Wong Ark, and unquestionably others that fall into small little niches of the "birther" conspiracy movement. So let me just identify a short list of the "birther idiots" I was referring to.... Gordon Warren Epperly, addressed in the initial OP can easily be called a "birther idiot" based upon both his frivilous lawsuit as well as his rather retarded belief that Nancy Pelosi can't serve in the House because she's a woman. As I also referenced in the OP there are the Arizona "birther idiots" starting with the King of the Arizona idiots, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Sheriff Joe isn't only an "idiot birther" but might also qualify as the senior "racist birther" based upon the federal lawsuit pending which claims racist profiling by his office. As we know Sheriff Joe, nor his so-called posse, have ever seen Obama's COLB and he's just a politcal idiot trying to misdirect the public from the federal government's lawsuit on racism charges. I would also add Donald Trump that can be the "birther idiot" representative from New York. Trump sent his "investigators" to Hawaii but when CNN also sent Anderson Cooper it appeard that Trump's investigators hadn't investigated anything. They never went the Hawaii Dept of Health and completely missed talking to one of Obama's attending nurses when he was an infant. As we know, in the end, Trump's investigation found nothing and it was all a political stunt. Perhaps he's not an idiot but merely an exploiter of idiots...... Let's not forget Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, a birther that blew his entire US military career by refusing to deploy to Afghanistan. After 18 years in the Army, with only two more years before retirement, Lakin refused to deploy two years after Obama had provided his COLB to where it was verified as being authentic and after the Hawaii Dept of Health had publically certified that Obama was a natural born citizen. The guy was an idiot beyond any doubt. We have even newer members of the elite "birther idiot" group being added daily. Susan Daniels of Geauga County, Ohio, has filed a lawsuit to have Obama removed from the ballot over her allegations related to Obama's Social Security Number. After every prior "birther" lawsuit has been dismissed Ms Daniels now addresses removal from the ballot on Obama's SSN which, it should be noted, isn't a requirement for office under Article II of the US Constitution. Another idiot filing a frivilous lawsuit that's going to be thrown out of court. Should we note that the SSA has already reviewed Obama SSN and found no problems related to it? Of course this anywhere near a complete list but it gets boring after awhile just identifying them. Perhaps others will post identifying their favorite "birther idiot" for discussion.
anything i post becomes part of this thread.. if "the state of hawaii" has not made all documents public... then yes they are "conspiring" there was a time when they did not have the right to be president... if ron paul was a black woman id vote for her... if ron paul was a Vietnamese trans-gender (post op) then i would still vote for her... is this the part where you try to derail my question? did barack ever go by the name barry? why are you guys all so terrified to answer such a insignificant question?
Actually, you are trying to derail my question. Simple question- do you think that the State of Hawaii- meaning the current administration, the previous administration and the civil servants of the Department of Health conspired with Barack Obama to falsify documents? Why are you guys all so terrified to answer such an insignificant question?
Another absurdity based upon a fundamental lack of information about the US Constitution: All of the necessary information required for an Official State Record of Birth, as established by federal law in accordance with Article IV of the US Constitution, was contained on the Hawaii Dept of Health certified COLB furnished to Obama in 2007. That COLB was physically examined and verified as being authentic independent investigative group in 2008. The Hawaii Dept of Health additionally went to the extraordinary lengths of publically verifying that Obama was a natural born citizen of the United States on it's official website. Not all government records are available to the public and all government agencies are prohibited from releasing some information by statutory law. These restrictions are for the protection of the individual whether it's for the individual or the entire public protection. All records are available for review by individuals charged with their safekeeping the security of those documents on a "need to know" basis and all of the records related to Obama, whether it's his birth records or his Social Security number, have been reviewed by the correct individuals and no discrepancies or irregularities have been found.
Barack Obama has never used "Barry" on any official document. People can have all sorts of nicknames, such as Tony "Smoke" Stewart in NASCAR, but those are nicknames and are not used on official documents. Richard Nixon went by the nickname "Dick" with his friends but never used "Dick" on any government documentes. The issue of whether Barack Obama ever went by "Barry" with his friends is another distraction from the "Birther" movement as it has no relevancy to anything.