" Overwhelmingly PEACEFUL " !

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Says lackey boy of - Morning Joe - Willie Geist.
    I get it.We went from Mostly Peaceful Protests to now the
    Latest New Normal ... " Overwhelmingly Peaceful ".
    Get how this drool works.Sounds like something Hitler's
    Minister of Propaganda used on Germans in the 30's.
    The word " Peaceful " means ... Literally ...

    Americans by and large get what's going on.
    We are being Toyed with.That is one thing Donald Trump does
    not engage in.Toying around.He says what's on his mind and does
    brag and overestimate but usually if not Most often on behalf of a
    Better America.True Americans { ones not getting paychecks to
    stir the pot as in today's Journalist } who have little to fear about
    losing their Jobs or having where they live come under attack.
    In fact,President Trump is far more like General Patton than this
    wrinkled,saggy-eyed { think Old Basset Hound } General Mattis.
    Who doesn't seem capable of doing 10 correct Marine style pushups.
    Trump was right about dat guy.He's mostly a PR General.
    Or someone in the Military who serves mostly at the pleasure of
    a certain President like Clinton toadie General Wesley Clark,
    Tucker was right last night with his opening monologue.
    What is so dagburn Unamerican about Americas Military
    who run off and fight wars Outside the U.S. from doing their part
    Inside the U.S. which last I checked was virtually under siege.
    Think back and the Fall Of Saigon.Our Country is virtually in the midst
    of the same blasted thing.A Taking over of certain cities and making them
    unlivable.This cannot go on and expect the Country to move Forward.
    I expect wrinked puss like Lisa Murkowski not to understand.
    By why certain military.? Maybe because this President doesn't need
    their praise and affirmation to do the people's work.
    President Trump has a knack for making the right calls.
    His wording may seem overly simple,even highfalutin,but he gets stuff done.
    That is all that matters.
    Not some Mattis malarkey.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  2. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    " Overwhelmingly PEACEFUL " !

    Strange that calling yelling obscenities and threats and blocking traffic is considered peaceful. I can only shrug my shoulders.
  3. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    And those are the peaceful ones.The ones making sure pallets of bricks
    are strategically placed along with bats and metal rods and malotov
    cocktails are arriving on cue.Interspersed with regular protestors in
    designated Liberal run cities where if they get caught and arrested
    Antifa has lawyers ready in those Liberal-run cities to bail them out.
    All this apparently does not bother a Single Democrat.
    Nor their toadies in the MSM and Free Press.

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