Part 39 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Remembrance of the sacrifice has nothing to do with the point Injeun .. it is just another "thought stopping" comment designed to deflecting away your blasphemy of the word of God.

    The point is this blasphemy against the word of God Injuen .. Usurping "The Word" and the Will of God with man made dogma .. Usurping the word of the God of Jesus with .. that wrought by the hand of man .. under the influence of the deceiver ..

    Now how about answering the question .. instead of this constant deflection and deception. What does your religion have to say about the consumption of alcohol and the most sacred ritual.
  2. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    What kind of person makes a statement that starts off giving praise to God but with a twist has the sole intent to only insult and mock God at the end of the statement?

    Answer: A person that's walking a very dangerous path, a path that leads to doom and destruction at the end of the line...yep, that's you Gift, you're that kind of person.

    You have no idea what you're talking about Gift but that's not a surprise at this point. I mean for a very long long time you've been spouting off nonsense in other words unbiblical statements which again is not surprising being that you're not a believer/follower of the Christian faith.

    You're an unsaved soul at this point who masquerades around like you think you know better than anyone and in the process insults Almighty God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and we Christians who follow and believe in the Christian God.

    I would advise you or anyone else out there who is not a Christian to ask God for forgiveness of your sins. You can begin by saying the following below to start your journey on to the right path and not continue on the wrong path that you're currently on.

    FYI, God does not condemn the drinking of alcohol but what He condemns is the drinking of alcohol to the point of drunkenness...that is a sin!!

    Now let me present a video from my favorite Christian Ministry, they answer the question, "What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol?" They will give a thorough in-depth explanation and as always they back up their statements with Biblical support from Scripture.

    Ok thanks Gift for your post. I hope you had asked God for forgiveness of your sins, if not now don't wait too long Gift, for tomorrow is not promised to anyone in this dangerous sinful world of ours.
    ToddWB likes this.
  3. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Good grief what a raging pile of decepticon bile .. I have neither insulted nor mocked God .. but to the contrary .. you are the one continuously blaspheming the Word .. .. why are speaking falsely against your neighbor. That is the Sin here Brother Mitt.

    I did not say God condemned the drinking of Alcohol why do you put forth this lie about me .. otherwise known as strawman fallacy. This deceit is then followed up with the blasphemy that you are accusing others of .. the insulting and mocking of God .. some upside down and twisted perspective .. Orwellian doublespeak of radicalized proportions.

    "Your an unsaved Soul" the deceiver cries out from a pulpit of brimstone and fire .. who are these people who wish to usurp the position of Jesus .. and that of his Almighty God.. I don't understand how this blasphemy is welcomed by so many ... but to those who preach this demonic premise .. I know not what will happen to them .. I can not say what the fate of those committing the unforgivable sin is Brother Mitt.

    Do you know Mitt ? -- since you know so much about the mind of God as to declare who is saved and who is not .. and the God of the Christians who you know naught .. not even knowing the name of the God of Jesus .. Yet you know "The Will of the Father" .. a topic from which you have consistently run away .. and while running away from the teachings of Jesus on the matter .. equate this with being a Christian .. and follower of Christ.

    You are not a follower of Christ Brother Mitt --- let us not continue with this deception .. you are not a worshiper of the God of Jesus .. nor a follower of "The Word" .. so lets us not mince words .. in my response to your cry ... "Your an unsaved Soul" .

    Mitt .. you consciously run from the words of salvation shown you from Jesus - and done this on numerous occasions .. in each case .. running down the path into the loving arms of Brother Martin .. and others .. the "wolves" says Jesus ... wolves that devour .. what Brother Mitt .. what does Jesus say about the wolves. .. the prophecy that you refuse to see.

    Tell us the name of the God who is doing the saving .. prior to putting words in that God's mouth about who gets salvation and who does not .. What is the Name of the God of Jesus Brother Mitt. The Covenant - "The Word" of which God does Jesus follow .. Brother Mitt.. and if you don't wish to answer that .. then Tell us the name of the God who Jesus does not Follow .. the God of Which Covenant .. does Jesus not accept ... or should we say "Gods" meaning you should be able to give at least Two Gods .. Two Covenants that Jesus does not follow .. in order to be able to claim to be a follower of Christ .. on in True Gnosis ..

    but you know naught Jesus .. nor his God .. and not a follower of "The Word" .. nor an acceptor of the Covenant .. so let us not mince words .. and hide behind falsehood and deceit .. rather we should build foundation on "The Word" of Jesus .. rather than Brother Martin...the numerous other snake charmers and wolves .. and even Paul .. as Paul is not "The Logos" .. nor does he speak on behalf of "The Logos" .. no more able to usurp the position of the Logos than you or I.. despite your "Your an Unsaved Soul" claim ..

    Sorry ..Brother Mitt .. You Do not speak for the Gods .. and especially not the God of Jesus ... . The God who's name you know naught. .. and whose word you do not follow .. having no ability to tell us what "The Will of the Father" is .. Matt 7 near the end .. Jesus summarizing his Sermon on how one gains entry into the Kingdom of Heaven .. how one is "Put right with God" .. now one achieves "Salvation"

    but you have consistently refused to tell us what the Will of the Father is as per the mouth of Jesus .. how one goes from an "unsaved soul" into a "Saved Soul" .. according to Jesus and not as per the Wolves for whom you speak..

    Tell us the Will of "The Father" of Jesus .. or at least tell is the Name of the God(s) who are not "The Father" if you are going to usurp the position of the Logos .. "Your an Unsaved Soul" .. OK .. then for goodness sakes .. tell me how I might rectify this problem .. lest ye be one of those wolves Jesus prophesied about.. and Happy New year to you as well Mitt .. nothing like the "Your an unsaved Soul" greeting to convince one to turn over a new leaf ! So tell us Mitt .. Let us start with the name of the God(s) of the Covenant we should not follow .. Ok since we at the beginning how about telling us about the covenant of the evil demiurge figure known in the Bible as YHWH .. this is one of the covenants that Jesus does not follow .. so this is not the God of Jesus .. Right !

    Now .. as Jesus warned you ... the author of confusion has been written into the Bible .. let us begin with this factoid in your quest for the Truth .. as your New Years Resolution.
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Good grief what a raging pile of decepticon bile .. I have neither insulted nor mocked God .. but to the contrary .. you are the one continuously blaspheming the Word .. .. why are speaking falsely against your neighbor. That is the Sin here Brother Mitt.

    I did not say God condemned the drinking of Alcohol why do you put forth this lie about me .. otherwise known as strawman fallacy. This deceit is then followed up with the blasphemy that you are accusing others of .. the insulting and mocking of God .. some upside down and twisted perspective .. Orwellian doublespeak of radicalized proportions.

    "Your an unsaved Soul" the wolf cries out from a pulpit of brimstone and fire .. as if he is the one who decides .. usurping the position of the Logos -- while running from the word of Jesus .. down some dark path of man made dogma .. substituting this for the "Will of the Father" .. as per the word of Jesus.

    Who are you to say "unsaved soul" Brother Mitt -- you do not decide .. and nor do you recognize the one who does .. nor the Most High God of that one . yet you say you are a "Christian" which by my reckoning is a follower of Jesus -- not by your definition though I know .. but that is your deception .. not mine .. how does your dismissal of the word of Jesus .. with respect to salvation .. result in me being an "Unsaved Soul" Talk about "demonization of the messenger" -an implanted thought stopping technique .. Mitt .. sorry but if a duck walks like a duck .. maybe its a duck .. far too often this thought stopping reaction is triggered . and while often is from religious conditioning .. I have seen secular conditioning accomplish similar .. either way .. there is a blockage .... a difficult poison lizard to extract of deal with .

    Who is the God of Jesus brother Mitt ... and if you don't know this .. how on earth will you know the will of the Father .. if you will not listen to Jesus explaining to you what the will of the father is ? when you try to put the words of Paul into the word of Jesus ... or most horrifically the word of Idol Martin of forked tongue .. the "awful horror" .. "abomination of desolation" .. as was Predicted by my Lord and Savior ... but not yours Brother Mitt .. you are no follower of the teachings of Jesus .. one of which is that within the Bible is the author of confusion.. the first of which .. is your believe that YHWH is the God of Jesus .. that YHWH .. the evil demiurge is "The Father" .. but rather than embrace the covenant of the God of Jesus .. you reject this covenant .. and embrace the covenant of the dark ones .. Lord YHWH .. and Lord Jealous ..

    What have you to say for this blasphemy that you are trying to pin on me Brother Mitt ?
  5. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Lol...of course you didn't use those exact words/verbiage but nevertheless your statement implied that God condemned the drinking of alcohol. Is English your 2nd language? If so, I believe taking a course in understanding/comprehending basic English will help you to enhance and improve your understanding/ comprehension of the English language. A course in improving your vocabulary will also help.

    But anyway, let me put up your statement, "What kind of God creates a wonderful drink such as alcohol .. then orders the people not to consume it otherwise Gods Temple will be soiled."

    Essentially what you're saying or implying here is that God condemned the consumption/drinking of alcohol because doing so will soil His Temple and so He ordered the people not to drink it.

    Not to drink it is the same as saying not to consume it.

    Now a brief definition of the word "condemn". One of the definitions is: To adjudge unfit for use or consumption.

    Now a brief definition of the word "adjudge".

    Now after all this I've presented before you do you still not understand that your statement implied that God condemned the drinking of alcohol?...I won't be surprised that you will not admit your That's why you've been having a hard time comprehending what you read in Scripture correctly and always seem to misinterpret what you're reading. Your understanding/comprehension of the English language needs improvement.

    Ok thanks for your post Gift.
    ToddWB likes this.
  6. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    A God who can be insulted by a human isn't much of a God. It isn't God who gets offended. It's you.
    Giftedone likes this.
  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Holy web of deceit and upside down understanding Brother Mitt .. Viewing the word through the spectacles of the deceiver tends to have that effect.

    My comment "What kind of God creates a wonderful drink such as alcohol .. then orders the people not to consume it otherwise Gods Temple will be soiled." does not say or imply that I believe that God condemns Alcohol ... My comment is responding religious denominations who make this claim .. such as the Evangelicals and the LDS.

    and thus the question to you Brother Mitt - now that you are no longer confused about who is claiming God condemns alcohol .. what do you have to say about it Mitt .. does your God approve of consumption of alcohol for purposes of having fun .. drinking .. dancing and so on.. and to be clear .. My God certainly does not condemn alcohol .

    When you go for communion - does the ritual use wine .. or a substitute ?
  8. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Lol...I just knew you couldn't/wouldn't admit your mistake.

    ToddWB likes this.
  9. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    What did Matthew record Jesus say? LOL Lord's Blessings on y'all!
    Mitt Ryan likes this.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What mistake ? .. the mistake was yours .. why are you perpetuating this false witness against me and then laughing and mocking.. as a deflection tactic from your blasphemy .. and false witness against the Lord Jesus .. mockery of his word and of his Father .. who art in heaven .. Hallowed be his Holy name which you do not know .. but mock anyway .. then try to blame others for your wolfish ways.

    The topic is this God you claim to worship Mitt .. the covenant .. and the ritual ceremony by which one communes with your God. Not a difficult question Brother .. no need to run around mocking and bearing false witness against your neighbor in response to the question .. Does your communion ritual use wine .. or does it not ? .. This question should not be so tough Mitt .. that you can not answer .. .. why do you hide your God.... have you no light to shine .. or is darkness all you have to offer ?
  11. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    And a Happy New Year Todd ! .. Mitt is no longer answering tough questions but , if you will allow .. I might be of some assistance with your "tough question" .. The author of Matt did not record anything from Jesus directly .. having never known the man .. the myth .. the Legend .. What he did write down are things previously written .. starting with the Original story of Jesus known as the Gospel of Mark .. using all of Mark .. except a few passages he didn't like that were derogatory to Jesus and/or the disciples .. call it .. "inspirational artistic license". The author of Matt then adds some new material to the story .. from where he got this material we do not know .. some of this material perhaps from a lost Gospel of Q .. other material was made up embellishment .. such as the virgin birth .. something that never happened in .. and as per the original story.

    let your 2025 New Years Resolution be to meet the Real Jesus Brother Todd .. and do not continue to give the snake charmers and wolves the nod.

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