Naaaah... I just like the grammar and choice of words part of those two verses. Study the grammar and the choice of words is what I meant. When the Christian studies those aspects, then the Holy Spirit will reveal to them the intended message that is for them as individuals working within the sandbox that belongs to God.
The word they are translating "saved" is σεσωσμενοι. It is the wrong form for the sentence. It is "to be saved"/to be safe. The first words are - Thus indeed by grace exists/is That is incorrect form for "saved" salvation - also meaning "saved" is the correct form. Thus indeed by Grace exists/is Salvation (to BE saved)... They also appear to be trying to turn "εστε" into "you are" also wrong form, it is first person singular "is" "exists" I can cut them some slack though LOL! as basically it is saying the same thing.
I find an interesting correlation in your language above with regard to the relationship of the words "is" and "exists". What is interesting, is the fact that just a couple of months ago, I was noting on this forum how the word "is" has the exact same meaning as "exist". And to think some of the non-theists on this forum were scoffing at me for making such a correlation. I get a chuckle out of the whole thing now that you bring that same comparison up again. Thank you for the acknowledgment on that correlation.
Yep! As long as it follows correct form, to "exist" means something "is." What verse were you discussing?
No scripture involved in that discussion, but rather the general usage. As an exmaple: If I were talking about you and offering a description, I would say something to the effect of ; "She is", and then follow up with a list of adjectives which would add character to my perception of you. "She is an intelligent woman" = "She exists as an intelligent woman." Cut and dried... the use of the word 'is' declares you exist and the adjectives describe how you exist.
This would hold true as long as there is proof that I actually exist/am. If I said a ghost "existed," there is no proof of such, and that would change the debate. it wouldn't matter if I said, "She is an intelligent ghost, and she exists at my house"
To say that something "is" without having that "proof" that you speak of would constitute a false reporting or false observation or the fabrication of a lie. So you see, I have no proof that you 'exist'. Therefore, my assuming that I am speaking to a person, would be in error and you would be rendered as non-existing with regard to you being a person. What proof do I have that you exist? None, you are just an illusion, a phantom or ghost that has invaded my computer system and desires to communicate with me. Can I prove that you exist? No. My virus detection system on my computer shows that the computer is not infected with any virus, therefore, you are an intelligent apparition. Then comes the philosophical part: When do you stop existing? Is your existence restricted to the temporal realm? Is your existence restricted to this forum and appearing on select computer systems? If your existence is only physical, where do your thoughts come from? (with follow up questions leading in succession to the god of the gaps) How do you acquire cognizance of your entire being including your conscious awareness? More questions ad infinitum. Sure there is evidence of the existence of that ghost. That evidence is your personal testimony. When you have an experience, that experience is an observation and is accountable as evidence. My communication with an apparition on my computer system is evidence of your existence, be that existence corporeal or not.
Many years ago I read through the Bible looking for the Pentacostal version of Born again and that was my conclusion. Was quite some time ago but if there is evidence for another version I would be interested to look at it. Faith in salvation is fine, perhaps even a good thing although it has pitfalls too. Faith however, in my opinion that is not enough to get on entrance into heaven. If Jesus had Faith in the father, which Im sure he did, then Jesus was not the Father.
The above was a really great example of translaters inserting dogma into the translation. Kudo's to you. The search for the real teachings of Jesus is cool.
What specifically is the "Pentacostal version of Born again"? Can you show that explanation coming from a Pentecostal church?
As it turns out your version was a badly translated passage so there was nothing inspired in the altered and non intended meaning expressed.
Not until you find out how the Spectacled bear made it home to South America from the Ark in one of your daily conversations with Holy Ghost and tell me what the answer is.
"Scottie, this is God. Go to South America, pick up a male and female Spectacled bear and deliver it to Noah." I told you that once before. Did you forget? Or were you not capable of comprehending what was stated? Now your turn.. answer my questions "What specifically is the "Pentacostal version of Born again"? Can you show that explanation coming from a Pentecostal church?"
I asked how the bear got back from the Ark not how it got to Noah to begin with. In any case, you bring up an interesting twist to the Noah's Ark story... the Angel Scottie with powers of teleportation .. cool.
"Scottie, this is God: Pick up those two bears from Noah and return them to South America". You are hallucinating again. I said nothing about an angel called 'Scottie'.
"Where life if beautiful all the time?!" Did your grammar checker fail? Was your preferred system of logic malfunctioning?
What you are admitting to making such an egregious mistake? Hard Hat Area,,, the sky is falling. Scottie is the guy that God instructed to pick up the bears and deliver them to Noah and then to return them to South America. BTW: Just for the record... I also did not make any mention of 'teleportation'. That is a little fantasy from your mind.
Were you not observant enough to see that the error was made prior to you clicking on the submit key? What astute powers of observation you have. How on earth would the science community survive without such powers available for their defensive line?