Give any problem in America, from the jobs crisis, to dependence on foreign oil, and it can be traced back to partisan politics. Both parties care about one thing......Making sure they get all credit for anything that is good while blaming the other party for anything bad that happens. They put this before and above the needs of the American people, and the needs of our nation. As long as we allow this to go on, American will only get worse and worse. I say that it is time to make a stand again partisan scum, and push for an amendment OUTLAWING the formation of poltican parties in America, and abolishing any and all that have already been formed. George Washington tries to warn us about the dangers of parties, and we did not heed him, and now it has been proven how right he was. And the really ironic thing is that both parties use Washington as a example of how right they are. (This is especially funny for republicans, who use him as an example of keeping the federal government small, since Washington had strong federalist ideals) Who is with me in outlawing political parties? I am current in the process of sending out a petition calling for such an amendment, and would like you all to sign it. When we have enough signatures, we will send it to congress, and show that the American people are tired of their partisan games.
I'm with you. Picking sides and in fighting are a waste of time! The only political party is the American or hell the Human party.
While the two major parties do more harm than good and blind partisanship amongst the populace is rampant, outlawing political parties is an infringement on free speech and freedom of assembly. An exercise in throwing out the baby with the bath water. Count me out.
Not if we can still all share our beliefs together whether we agree or disagree as one cohesive unit.
How would it be an infringement on free speech or freedom of assembly. You still would be able to do both. Only now your voting your conscience and not the Party that is telling you how to vote. The person you elect can vote his conscience also. People can still band together and discuss candidates and issues. I can't believe that Democrats and Republicans believe in everything their Party stands for. But most haven't got the guts to tell them what they don't like. I can't believe that most Democrats favor Obama's immigration plan, but they won't speak out against it. Same with Republicans in taxing the rich. This is why both Parties get away with the crap they do. People have more loyalty to Party than their own country.
Would it allow me to form a group of like minded individuals and jointly promote a candidate for office? Would it allow my group to vote on the person we'd like to promote as a group? If not, then it is an infringement on free speech and free assembly. If so, then what has been banned exactly? As for your points about people having more loyalty to Party than to ideas, I agree, but that is beside the point.
NO MORE BANS! We've got too many restrictions in this country as it is. That won't solve anything. You're just going to restrict people's freedom and create new problems.
100% agree, here is the thing though. We are never going to shame the RNC or DNC into giving up, but what we can do is shame our friends, family, and nieghbors who have to look us in the face everyday into being accountable for their votes! - - - Updated - - - All passed by these two political parties. Maybe its time we ban them!
Not a Christian. Take that turn your other cheek crap, and shove it. You punch me in my face, and I might cut yours off. This is a John Wayne culture, and it may behoove our politicians to remember this!
Actually, if you really believed in John Wayne culture, you wouldn't take the sissy way out and appeal to the government to solve your problems for you. That's exactly why I'm not a liberal in the first place. They are inherently weak people. If you can't beat the alpha dog without external help, guess what, you're not the alpha dog. Don't like the two party system? Form your own party and become a legitimate threat. If you can't do this, then that isn't a reflection of the other parties having an "unfair advantage." It's a reflection of your own inability to market something relevant enough to challenge the status quo. If what you are selling is good enough, people will want to be part of it. Stop trying to put bumpers in the alleys and learn how to bowl a strike for real. You don't need help.
Gerrymandering, closed primaries, campaign finance, are all reasons why your post above is devoid of reality! Tell former govenor and Senator Buddy Roemer, that you don't have an unfair advantage! BTW, a monkey screwing a football is a better option then the RNC or DNC is!
Somebody do what for you? i say all the time that the problem with this country is that the left thinks government should solve their problems, and the right thinks private business should solve there problems, but no one looks in the mirror and says I am goning to work to solve our problems. I stayed after the primaries to volunteer to be a delegate. I volunteer for United Republic in their get money out campaign. I donated to Buddy Roemer and Ron Paul last election. What more do you want me to do to get rid of the traitors that call themsleves R's and D's?
Patience and persistence. Change doesn't happen overnight. You have to be willing to work at it and wait for it to unfold. Maybe over the next 50 years or so. You have to be willing to work toward something that you understand you might not even be around long enough to see the end result of. This is what people did before us. We've gotten so soft and impatient in the modern day push-button western world. If something isn't instantaneous, we think it's impossible. It's a wonder we get anything done at all anymore.
My problem is the idea that today's reality doesn't demand action, and that we aren't sitting on a ticking time bomb right now. The writing is all over the wall that we are going to wake up one morning and not reckognize the world around us. The precursers for a really large shock doctrine moment are all around us.
One political party and only a part of it. The crazed **********s are hijacking the GOP and that is causing the GOP to hijack your country. And it's funny as hell from an outsider's POV. Keep it up!