Questions for the followers of Islam

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by politicalcenter, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Yeah ? What kind of business ? Paying the jizyah ? Selling Korans ? LOL.
  2. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    You must of missed the first part of my post. Do you have links or historical referances to back you claims up.

    Islamophobia does indeed exist. Why are you rejecting your own existance, because you happen to be one yourself.

    Again, you little Quiz is a joke that doesn't prove any knowledge of Islam or the Quran. You keep pushing The Quiz, but the way you are makes it hard for anybody to actually take it seriously. And when somebody does try to take The Quiz, you claim they searched the terms on the internet. So there's no point taking The Quiz, not only because it's a waste of time but because you don't even acknowledge when people take it, and it centres around an baseless conspiracy theory created by Islamophobes...

    If you're not Muslim you pay Jizyah.
    If you are Muslim, you pay Zakat.

    Why are you trying to compare it to a mafia (for the second time in this thread...)? If you can't afford Jizyah, which is much cheaper than Zakat by the way, then you don't have to pay. Only a working man who can afford it is required to pay Jizyah. No women, children, elderly, or poor have to pay it.

    Salam :)
  3. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    HA HA HA.. YOU are the joke, and you have got me laughing. Name ONE person who has taken the quiz, and show us a copy/paste of where I "claim they searched the terms on the internet". You said this, now for once stand up for your words, and back them up.

    As for references, if you give me a claim you want a reference for I will give you a reference for that claim. No problem. But one at a time. Go for it.

    As for the Quiz, it is a quiz on Islamization, not on Islam per se. Islamization is my concern. I couldn't give a rat's ass about Islam or what some looney ass lifters think, I just don't want them changing mu culture and country, and neither do the great majority of other Americans. And it is not a joke. It is reality based on fact. You want references ? Tell me for what - be specific.
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I think it was Suleiman the Magnificent that had a Jew as one of his Chief Visors.

    He definately was not treating Jews badly as was happening in Europe at the time.
  5. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I think you are focusing on the wrong target. It is the extreme right Christians who have debased the constitution by forcing religious beliefs on other citizens.

    I hear many Christians arguing for the equivalent of Sharia law in this country.
  6. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    That is the main problem. The anti-Muslims people don't reallyu care about religioous law being forced on other people....They only care that it's not their law......They would have no problem with Christians being in charge in the middle east and forcing their beliefs....They only care that it's muslims doing it.
  7. Mayerling

    Mayerling Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    religious services. Jewish religious services.
  8. Mayerling

    Mayerling Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    Many jewish advisors to King Farouk of Egypt. Many senators, many landowners. and I believe a Prime Minister.
  9. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    What quiz are you talking about?
  10. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    This guy is a troll....don't reply to him.......All his mosts are about how Muslims want to brainwash everyone into being muslims and kill anyone who refuses......He makes claims like Muslim taxi drivers not letting people bring dogs into their cabs means they do not respect the rights of other people, as if people actually have the right to bring pets into a cab against the wishes of the cab's OWNER. He is just another anti-muslim who wont rest until he gets people agree that all muslims are evil terrorists.
  11. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Why do you keep leying to yourself and us ?
    Zakat is something you give yourself casue you are a good Muslim.
    Jizyah is something that you take by force from someone else.
    There is no comparison between the two.

    By the way Zakat is another copy from Judaism, Muhamad did not invent anything new. In Judaism you give 10% of what you earn to the poor. It is called Me'aser (tenth). Just like he copeid the name of god and many other stuff.

    So a good Jew will give Me'aser to the poor and pay ransom to the Muslims.
  12. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Hmmm is there any reason you left out the last part of my post? Not worth responding too if your going to play like this... Sorry.

    Salam :)
  13. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    THIS Quiz :

    Identify as many names & things associated with Islamization as you can. No fake answers. I know who they are. Every single one. As I just told the Islamist OJLeb, in another thread, one purpose of the Quiz is to show Islamapologists have much they don't know. As I've told the others, don't feel bad if you don't do too well on this quiz. Highest grade any Islamapologist got so far is 5% (most got zero).

    Names associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

    Ibin Taamiyah, the Madhi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Sami al-Arian, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Mazen al-Najjar, Richard A. Clarke, Imam Muzzamil Siddiqui, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, Gilbert Sewall , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Hajj Talib'Abur, Rashid Sahmsi Ali, Khalid Latif, Omar Mohammedi, Joe Kaufman, Chantal Carnes, Hasan al-Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood-I'll give you that one), Tariq Ramadan, Siraj Wahhaj, Mozen Mokhtar, Nouman Ali Khan, Abdul Malik , Imam Jamal Badawi, Br. Jawad Ahmad, Hassan Abbas, Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Sheik Mjed 'Abd al-Rahman al-Firian, Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-'Aziz, Ali al-Ahmed, Itamar Marcus, Barbara Cook, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed el-Yacoubi, Abu Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud, Yunis al-Astal, Zeyno Baran, Aaron Klein, Muhammad Abdel-El, Sheik Yasser Hamad, Nur Mohammad, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Sheik Abdel Rahman, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid AL Maktoum, Abdullah Azzam, Fazlur Rehman Khalil , Mohammad Elachmi Hamdi, Bat Ye'or, Max Steenberghe, Anders Fogh Ramussen, Paul Jeeves, Yusuf al-Qarodawi, Bashar al-Assad, Robert S. Leiken, Theo Van Gogh, Michel Gurfinkel, Imam Ahmed Salam, Piet Hein Donner, Miguel Angel Toma , Salah Yassin, Hassan Nasrallah, Ahmed Assad Barakat, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bashar al-Assad, Adolpho Aguilar Zinser, Joseph Farah, Nabil al-Marabh, Raed Hijazi, David Harris, Syed Mumtaz Ali, Omar Ahmad, Ibrahim Hooper, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Dr. Paul Williams , Hassan al Turabi, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Kevin James, Warner MacKenzie, Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Abdullah Yusef Ali, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, Nessim Joseph Dawood, Mohammed Habib Shakir, Arthur John Arberry, Aqsa Parvez, Atefeh Rajabi, Francis Bok, Michael Coren, Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, Paul Marshall, Koenraad Elst, Tom Clancy, Phil Alden Robinson, Michael Graham, Thomas Klocek, Stephen Coughlin, Hasham Islam, Steven Emerson, Mordechai Nisan, Abduraman Alamoudi, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Musa Abu Marzook, Keith Ellison, Abdullah al-Arian, ,Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani, James Woolsey, Walid Phares, Guy Rodgers, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P.David Gaubatz, Chris Gaubatz, Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaffar the Pilot, Mohammad Weiss Rasool, Brian P. Fairchild, Peter M. Leitner, Sergeant Naveed I. Butt, Bill Bratton, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed, Bassem Osman, Ahmed Elkadi, Mahboob Khan, Suhail Khan, Mufid Abdulgader, Abdelhaleem Ashqar, Frank Gaffney, Sue Myrick, Abuhena Saifulislam, Ali "the American" Mohamed, Juan Zarate, Hisham Altalib, Mohammed Shamma, Ahmad Sakr, Abdullah bin Laden, Mohamed Jamal Khalifah, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Joey Musmar, Lina Morales

    Things associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

    Hijra, jizyah, Istanbul, Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa mosque, , treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah, Oslo Accords, the Mahdi, Al-Ansar, 2006 Pentagon report : "Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers" ), "The Project", the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan, Taqiyya, Da'wa, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Holy Land Foundation trials - 2007 & 2008, Khalil Gibran Academy, US Treasury Dept. (Office of Foreign Asset Control), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim American Society (MSA), United States Counterinsurgency Manual FM 3-24, US Justice Dept. report - 2004, US Justice Dept. report - 2007, abeds, North American Islamic Trust, Islamic Council for North America, United Association for Studies and Research, Muslim American Youth Association, the Hamas Charter, Islamic Academy of Florida, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, American Youth Academy, New Horizons Schools, Islamic American University, DawaNet-to link • to serve: Home with sections entitled "How to Make America an Islamic Nation" and Da'wa in Public Schools, Excelsior Elementary School, Thomas Moore Law Center, Islamic Saudi Academy, "The Islam Project" by the Council on Islamic Education, the Arab World History Notebook, "Across the Centuries", California Academy of Sciences, "World Cultures : A Global Mosaic", American Textbook Council, "Islam and the Textbooks", Arab American Family Support Center (AAFSC), Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood's Boy Scout program (MIB), Americans Against Hate, CAIR Watch, the Young Muslims, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Jamaat-e-Islami, Young Muslim Sisters (YMS), Middle East Media Research Institute, US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Freedom House, Institute for Gulf Affairs, Palestinian Media Watch, "Contemporary Problems", "History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century", Reading and Text Part II, Association of Independent Schools, ISA accreditation, Center for Religious Freedom, Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami, Islamic Party of Liberation, Al-Aksa TV of Hamas, Hudson institute, Popular Resistance Committee, "Schmoozing With Terrorists", US House of Representitives, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, "Eurabia, the Euro-Arab Axis", European Union, the Arab League,"Foreign Affairs" - "Europe's Angry Muslims", Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Sharee Council of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, Immigration and National Security Program at the Nixon Center, Sukuk, Sharia compliant banks, Saxony-Anhalt, piggy banks in England, foot washing basins (Kansas City Airport & University of Michigan), "Britain's Daily Mail" - "Multiculturalsim Drives Young Muslims to Shun British Values", Nationa Intelligence Council,, "Valeurs Actuelles", the triple border region, UN Security Council, House Homeland Security Committee subcommittee on investigations report : "A Line In the Sand: Confronting the Threat At the Southwest Border", OTMs, Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Muslims of the Americas, the FBI, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, "TD Monthly", halal chicken, ACLU, the Date Frappuccino, Open Society Foundation, Whiting Foundation, hijab, Transportation & Safety Admin. (TSA), "New Media Journal" report - "In the Belly of the Beast: Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Jamaat ul-Fuqra mosque (Brooklyn, NY), Koran: 4:34, honor killings, the Alec file, Jamiyyat Ul-Islam, It's the Ideology Stupid,Tad-ru-bu-hu-nna, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, UN Children's Fund, the Population Council - 2003 survey, m'uta, Haratines, Janjaweed, Dinka tribe, "Escape From Slavery", Toronto Sun online - "Slavery Lives in the Sudan", Middle East Forum - "The Problem with Slavery", Saudi Arabia Senior Council of Clerics, Human Rights Watch, Middle East Forum, Copts, Baha'i sect of Islam, "Islam : From Toleration to Terror", Hizb ut-Tahrir, Jyllands-Posten, "The Sum of All Fears", University of South Florida, Palistinian Islamic Jihad, "Future Jihad", Mosque Census Project, Eid al-Adha, Shahada, Mahram, FBI's Arab/Muslim Sikh American Advisory Committee, Higgins Center for Counterterrorism Research, Jamaat e-Islami, Samah, Tarbiya, Dar al-Arqam, SWICK, Policy-net
  14. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    He's an Islamist. He's part of the Muslim propaganda machine. Lying is what they do. If you ever find him telling the truth about something, it will be seem strange.
  15. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    FALSE ! You are spreading misinformation. I am a protectionist, and you don't like the Quiz because it represents KNOWLEDGE of the FACTS of Islamization. And of course Muslims want to brainwash non-Muslims into being Muslims, or at least into not standing in their way of accomplishing their 1400 yeqr old goal > wordlwide Islamic state, as proclaimed by the Muslim Brotherhood in their 1982 Project for Europe, and their 1991 Explanatory Memorandum for North America.

    As for the cab drivers, FALSE ! again. The OWNERS of the cabs objected to the Muslim cabbies discriminating against blind people, and others with dogs and alchoholic beverages,a as did the airport officials. Even some Somali Muslims said the discriminators were going to far. It's simple. In America, do things the American way, or get the hell out. In this video link, a Muslim cab driver named Adnan feels that the airport (in Minneapolis) is unsympathetic and intolerant. HA HA. Can you believe the arrogance of these guys. I guess Adnan never thought about his lack of sympathy for blind people with guide dogs, or just anyone needing a cab whether they have a dog or bottle of booze or not, and the intolerance HE is showing to them. As the airport manager said either Adnan and his Muslim cabbie pals can adapt to American culture or they can find another job, (and that goes for the OWNERS too).

    [ame=""]Sharia (Islamic) Law Imposed in Minneapolis - YouTube[/ame]

    And I don't want everyone to think that all Muslims are evil terrorists. The whole Muslim Brotherhood are not terrorists (at least for now), but their Islamization program (the cab driver issue for one example) is alive and functioning at full speed. Those who could take the Quiz, and get a passing grade on it know that.
  16. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Care to show some examples (links) of religious law being forced on other people that anti-Muslims don't really care about ?
  17. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Well if you've heard "many" Christians arguing for the equivalent of Sharia law in this country, then surely you ought to be able to provide a short list of examples from those "many Christians", right ? Let's hear it.
  18. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I'm sure this nice compact wikipedia article will do for now:

    So in your next presidential elections, do you think a contestant who doesn't profess to be a Christian would stand the slightest chance of even being nominated?
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Every Christian who lobbies the Govt to make Abortion Illegal.

    That list is long already but you also need to add in those lobbying against Prostitution, Pot, Porn, against Gay Marriage.

    We managed to get Prohibition repealed - booze was made illegal by religious folk for religious reasons - and hopefully we will get our constitution back from religious zeolots who wish to restrict the liberty and freedoms therin .. such as being able to have a drink when you are considered an adult (able to make the decision as to whether or not to sacrifice your life in service to the country)

    That would be 18 .. not 21 ..

    I left out a bunch of stuff but this list is already way too long.
  20. syukranjz

    syukranjz Banned

    Oct 29, 2011
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    there are many differentiate between both..
  21. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    No, I'm afraid that doesn't do it for me at all. I see nothing but a list of people like Ronald Reagan, the Bush boys, and Newt Gingrich having had political successes. That's a far cry from "arguing for the equivalent of Sharia law in this country."

    As for "a contestant who doesn't profess to be a Christian", yeah, I think Romney has a good shot at it (being nominated). Apparently, judging by the polls, so do a lot of Republicans.
  22. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    When I lived in New York, the drinking age was 18. Big mistake. In fact it probably ought to be raised to 25. As for prostitution and pot they are already illegal. Although prostitution really shouldn't be.
  23. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I disagree (drinking age 18). We should be teaching kids to drink responsibly.
    Bottom line is that if someone is an adult .. they are an adult.

    This is really a side issue however. The point is that religious groups lobby governement constantly and often successfully, to make laws based on religious rational.

    One of the major themes of the Constitution is that the state is not to make laws on the basis religious beliefs .. "Sharia Law"

    The list of Christian folks and Christian politicians unabashadly doing this is long.
  24. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Main difference with Islam (as opposed to Christianity & Judaism) is that the latter are not seditious. They don't violate the US sedition laws (USC 2384 7 2385) and Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution (the Supremacy Clause). Islam does violate it.
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Fair enough but this does not change my previous point. Jews are not out there trying to abridge Constitutionally protected freedoms on the basis of their religious beliefs... Extremist right wing Christians are.

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