No... I figured since we're all displaying the courage to come out that I would go ahead and emerge from my cocoon as well
Your OP clearly mentioned the experiences people have had with transgenders and said most haven’t had experiences so ask questions if you have them. I did not need to because I know first hand how that movement is and what they’re about. They are about force period. you want a question then here it is. Have you or any other transgender ever been offended when someone referred to you by your scientifically correct gender? If someone refuses to lie about your gender to themselves do you get mad? Would you be okay with a law or a series of laws that would punished people if they did not reference you outside of your beliefs? Do you believe biological males should be in biological women sports?
You’re a pretty unique guy. I think we’d both agree you’re not most people. Thank you for your thoughtful questions! Have you or any other transgender ever been offended when someone referred to you by your scientifically correct gender? I don’t believe there is such thing as a scientifically correct gender, but I understand your meaning. I can’t speak for every transgender person, but considering the sheer number of people who identify as trans, I would say it’s probable. I personally have not. If someone refuses to lie about your gender to themselves do you get mad? I don’t personally care what other people’s internal thought processes are. If they treat me respectfully, there’s nothing to complain about. Would you be okay with a law or a series of laws that would punished people if they did not reference you outside of your beliefs? Not interpersonally. I don’t want the law to enforce kindness. I’m perfectly capable of calling a person an jerk and separating myself from them. That said, there is potential that the behavior could rise to the level of harassment, which I believe is rightfully penalized by the law. Companies and orgs that are bound by anti-sex discrimination laws may also justifiably penalize the behavior. I think that’s perfectly fine. Do you believe biological males should be in biological women sports? I’d say it depends on a few variables. I’ve learned a lot about HRT and just how much the endocrine system affects the body. With the ability to measure estrogen and testosterone levels in trans women, you can reliably know that they’re on HRT and after enough time their secondary sexual characteristics relevant to athletics (things like muscle mass and fat distribution) are pretty closely aligned with those of cis women. Most advantages of having gone through a male puberty are lost during transition and those that aren’t, such as bone density and height, don’t constitute a huge advantage, based on what I’ve seen. When it comes to sports, there are so many inequalities, like genetics and funding, that they can’t all be reliably be reduced to a level playing field. Considering the above, along with the social and health benefits of participating in organized sports, I see no reason to deny trans women the right to participate.
Did you not know that men are born with larger lung capacity? How do you think that affects sports? Your lungs don’t shrink from medications. Every transgender that went from male to female is first and foremost and scientifically and factually a male. You can not change your sex. That being said they still have denser bones and a larger lung capacity which gives them an unfair advantage in sports period.
As Dave said there is. Lot of factors. Larger lung capacity means diddly squat if you have asthma or smoke or are exposed to toxins in the environment……. Not all trans people want to be athletes so what is the fuss anyway?? The vast majority just want the same thing as everyone else - a meaningful life containing at least some moments of joy
And what some “believe” is science is actually conspiracy theory wrapped in misinformation and garnished with world view bias
Thank you for encouraging me to look this up. You’re right that male lungs are larger than female lungs, but that doesn’t seem to actually affect total lung capacity.
What are the scientific facts of gender you’re referring to? Primary and secondary sexual characteristics?
Show your source because my source says completely different volume of adult female,the same height and age.
Sure, here you go.,posterior and lateral chest radiographs.
Interesting that you fail to address the FRC to TLC ratio, while posting something that agreed with what they posted.
That sounds like, if I am interpeting your comments correctly, that you are gay rather than trans. So when you are "exploring" this sounds more like you're trying on a new fetish rather than actually suffering acute dysphoria. In what ways do you see yourself as a woman other than a preference for femininity and a sexual attraction to the masculine?
Let's turn that back on you. In what ways do you see yourself as a man (man, not male) other than a preference for masculinity and a (assumed) sexual attraction to the feminine?
Why would you feel the need to "turn that back" on me? The OP specifically invited questions about his new status. I'm asking questions. So do you feel I should not ask anything and should simply affirm with a "Yass Queen" and that's it? I'm curious about this whole thing since I find it rather alien. I'm contributing to the conversation, and you're trying to throw stop sticks in it.
Hmm, I’m interested in how my comment conveyed all of this. Let me see if I can do a better job describing my original point and elaborate. I did identify as a man with homosexual attractions. For the vast majority of people that this description applies to, gay is an accurate category. My use of the term “exploring” has involved understanding my relationship with my gender identity and what my past thoughts and experiences suggest about me. Sure, there are fetishes that involve men dressing in feminine clothing. This is a valid expression of sexuality. Generally though, men who I have in this fetish continue to identify as men. I do not. When I consider my future as a woman, sex is a part of it, but a relatively small one. I find the thought of running errands or spending a lazy Saturday with my husband watching tv as a woman quite appealing and affirming. I regularly dream of mundane thing where my body is more feminized, and when I wake up, I feel profoundly sad that it’s not my current body. I understand that gender dysphoria is a difficult concept to imagine for a person that doesn’t experience it, but I can assure you it’s a very real, very painful experience for me.
I appreciate your point, but as @Lil Mike said in his response, I did invite these questions, and even challenges to my identity. I hope to help people learn a bit about this topic, even if that comes in the form of answering questions that might seem insensitive.
I appreciate your question and take it in good faith. I’m happy to expand on anything you would like to go into.
By no means, but if it's a question that you think they can answer per se, then by extension you should be able to as well. It would also provide insight as to how you are viewing the sex vs gender aspect of it all, which in turn provides a framework for a more concise answer.