I understand and appreciate your approach. From my experience, and from talking with other trans people, by the time you’re ready to start seeking HRT, the existence of gender dysphoria is unquestionable. I’m interested in what conditions you’re referring to that can be causes for gender dysphoria, and how that suggests a need for an alternative care plan to transition. I suppose there is a very small subset of detransitioners that either didn’t fully understand what HRT would do to/for them, or incorrectly identified their gender dysphoria; but then all medical procedures and medications have some level of regret rates. I wonder if, for the sake of consistency, all medical procedures and medications should require a 1:1 session with a psychiatrist in an attempt to further reduce regret rates. (I understand this last point might come across as a bit cheeky, but I mean it as a genuine test of consistency.)
Great! I would strongly agree. Do you worry about the inconsistency you’ve displayed by using primary sex characteristics to call my relationship homosexual; while also using gender identity and secondary sexual characteristics to call the relationship in the hypothetical homosexual?
You are a gay man. If you have cosmetic surgery to alter your outward appearance, you will still be a gay man.
Interesting. So you also focus on primary sexual characteristics when deciding if attraction is homosexual or heterosexual. Let’s say hypothetically, a cis man was in a relationship with Buck Angel, who is a trans man. Would that be a heterosexual relationship? Would you say the cis man was attracted to women?
If somebody identifies their gender as female they have cosmetic surgery to make their body more in line with their identified gender. Homosexuality is sexual attraction, romantic attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. This label is a problem — isn’t it? You are right in terms of ‘sex’ because a trans-female is biologically a male. But, in terms of gender, a trans-female is a female so therefore they are heterosexual. I guess one’s definition will wholly depend on how they perceive the definition in terms of ‘sex’ or ‘gender’. This planet needs to rethink its labels.
Sorry...engaging in emotional conniptions to try to alter reality wont alter reality. And per your first line..."If somebody identifies their gender as female they have cosmetic surgery to make their body more in line with their identified gender" Im fine with that. What some does is not my business. But as I stated earlier...unless that person first loves and accepts themselves as a man and recognizes that this procedure they are engaging in will only be cosmetic and not reality...they will always be miserable.
I must have interpreted the last question cause I thought I was using scientific sex as my indicator. Yes, after rereading I would change that to heterosexual
You are entitled to your opinion but when somebody who is not comfortable living as a man chooses to live as a woman, they are loving and accepting themselves for who they are. Surgery, change in hair style, and make-up helps them to feel comfortable with who they are just like a lot of women wear makeup and get boob jobs to feel more comfortable and happy with themselves. I think this kind of thing makes you miserable because you just can’t fathom somebody being happier just by living as the gender they perceive themself. Very sad to let such things upset you.
Your problem is that you have bought into a sociological lie promoted to normalize a mental illness. Gender is not fabricated. What IS fabricated is today's opinion that you can make up any gender you want to create some sort of identity that then becomes real and everyone else has to embrace it so you can feel 'normal'. Everything about this modern trend of redefining gender literally CREATES more mental illness. We dont solve the riddle of gender dysphoria by saying "**** it....sure...whatever...I guess you are whatever you want to be". Thats simply affirming delusion...and it doesnt end well. There is a much simpler and healthier solution.
You have that completely ass backwards. You cannot have lie affirming surgery to make you feel better about yourselves. you must first love yourself as who you are BEFORE you start on that journey. Otherwise you will lock yourself into a lie that will mock you for the rest of your life.
Maybe you were confused by the hypothetical, but Buck Angel was born a woman who transitioned to a man. He used hormones and surgery to change his secondary and primary sexual characteristics. Your assessment of the hypothetical is inconsistent with the screed that came before it. Maybe you don’t understand as much about this subject as you think you do.
Okay, thank you for helping me understand your position. I would recommend seeking better understanding of the topic if you aim to have such strong opinions on it.
You speak pretty confidently about a subject you’ve demonstrated you don’t understand. I’d recommend a bit more research on your part.
Or maybe I misread it. In the instance you would cite then, a man partnering with a woman is not in a homosexual relationship....even if they really really really want to be. Because you are what you are. The cosmetics doesnt change that.
Interestingly, all research on gender dysphoria shows that affirmation and transition lead to happier and healthier patients. I would recommend you seek better understanding of this subject if you aim to have such strong opinions on it.
Misread or misunderstood, you’re clearly not well equipped to engage on this subject when you demonstrate such inconsistencies. I’ll repeat my recommendation that you seek better understanding of the concepts that you’re discussing before you post. And by the way, I’m happy to answer any question that can further your understanding. That was, and still is, the goal of this thread.
Thats absolutely not true. In fact the research that has been ongoing for DECADES in Europe show just the opposite, which is why they have pumped the brakes on pushing this lunacy onto children. We dont have any long term studies and the 'studies' we do have today are the WORST kind of research...because they are bias affirming studies. And here is the reality...before the transgender lunacy of the last 10 years, the actual surgical 'transition' involved YEARS of intense therapy that involved helping individuals become healthy with who they ARE, as well as therapy living with the results of the surgery. Transgenderism has been an EXTREMELY RARE condition. The virtual explosion of the transgender diagnosis is fabricated by an industry that WILL exploit mentally ill people. This is not the first time the psychiatric/psychological community has created these problems. The same thing happened with the fad of multiple personality diagnosis and is ongoing with the ever changing trends of Autism. Its not helping people...its killing people.
What do you think the total market share is for gender affirming care? I hear so many people claim it’s this big booming industry that seeks to push people to transition that wouldn’t otherwise. If you’re going to claim bias in studies that show trans people’s gender dysphoria is alleviated by transition, you should probably provide some evidence. Right now, all we have to go on is your personal assessments that you’ve demonstrated to be informed by a lack of understanding. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. I’ll do my best to answer them to help you out.
I would say I understand it plenty. If gender is not based on sex as so many transgenders claim then sexual preference likewise is not based on gender right? Is homosexuality based on gender or on sex? If it’s not based on gender then I would argue that all homosexuals are transgenders. So it can’t be based on gender.
Thanks for your questions. I don’t know that I understand the logic of your final conclusion so I won’t speak on that and give you the chance to elaborate. If gender is not based on sex as so many transgenders claim then sexual preference likewise is not based on gender right? Sexual preference is based on many things. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics are some factors, but so are the various forms of gender and sex expression. Maybe someone is more attracted to tomboys, or femme guys. Maybe they turned on by tall or short women; fit or chubby guys. If you can think of a collection of characteristics, there are probably people with a sexual preference for that combination. Usually categories of sexuality map to these preferences pretty well. Sometimes they don’t. Is homosexuality based on gender or on sex? Depends on who you ask. As stated before, I don’t understand your final conclusions. Could you elaborate?
I dont have those figures. I DO know that the total number of gender affirming 'care' facilities has skyrocketed from 1 in the whole country just a few short decades ago to literally hundreds and that the federal and state governments are largely carrying the costs for surgically mutilating and sterilizing people, replacing normally functioning sexual organs with tragic mutilated Picasso like replicas. And I'm sorry but your comments are laughable. That you would pretend to be able to educate me on a mainstreamed mental illness is just a joke...and really....a pretty sick joke...at best. SO I'll close my interactions with you on this topic with my original comments. I SINCERELY HOPE that you love yourself...and accept yourself...as a gay man. If you do and still proceed...Godspeed and all the best. If you dont...you REALLY should...before you ever consider surgical alteration.
I have heard from quite a few individuals who have transitioned that they now are happier and healthier. I have heard the words ‘life altering’ used. After my nephew decided to have top surgery, he was so happy. Prior to transitioning, he was a miserable teenager and nobody knew why until he told us all. The family supported him and now he is a happy young man living life to the fullest. No one person is allowed to claim he isn’t especially unknown entities on message boards. Not many strangers even figure out he is a trans-male. There are people out there who just can’t believe that a person would be happier living a gender that is different from their biological sex. Rather than educating themselves they insist that a transgender person must be deluded and unhappy. It’s sad that they cling on to these things rather than educate themselves and seek out how a trans-female or trans-male actually feels.
I don’t know where you live or what your population count is, but at about .5% of the population, transgender people were likely being underserved by one clinic in an entire country. I hope I was able to provide you with some answers that furthered your understanding of this topic. Good luck with everything you’ve got going on.
And sadly you have bought into the lie promoted by intolerant people that being transgender is a mental illness. Maybe the mental illness lies with those who can’t accept people for who they are and can only see the world within a very narrow restricted view. It’s all in perception and perception can’t be delusion. I think negativity and putting people down is not a healthy solution.
Thank you for this wonderful testimonial. I’m happy to hear your nephew is happier now! I can’t tell you how much happier I feel just having gotten my ears pierced and a manicure. Going to Sephora tomorrow to pick up some makeup and I’m vibrating with excitement. I can’t wait to get on HRT!