Republicn Leadershp Y're Duty Requires CBO Cost Estimate on Conf. Com. Tax Bill!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by JimfromPennsylvania, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. JimfromPennsylvania

    JimfromPennsylvania Active Member Past Donor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    It is really surprising that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is not requiring a CBO cost estimate report on the actual Republican Tax Bill that has come out of the Conference committee and the Republican leadership intends to enact into law and will dramatically change the tax code which America has lived with for the last twenty-five plus years! Speaker Ryan is supposed to be this principled guy, a champion for American Democracy and he is not doing this fundamental task that America's law making process calls for. This is really an important issue the American people deserve to know from America's premier authority on such issues what will be the overall cost to extend all these lower individual tax rates in this bill when they expire at the end of 2025. Will the price tag be affordable or are Americans like Senator Joe Manchin correct that this Republican bill is just a tax cut bill it is not a tax reform bill the individual tax reductions won't be maintained after 2025 because they're unaffordable the Republicans lowering of individual tax rates is just a way for the Republicans to permanently lower the U.S business tax rates, it is cherry syrup in the sore throat medicine that the Republicans intend to pour down the American people's throat!
  2. Aphotic

    Aphotic Banned

    Oct 8, 2014
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    They don't want a cost estimate because they know the hairbrained American voter will simply see more money in their paycheck and their chances to vote red increase, decade long decreased returns be damned!
    Cubed likes this.

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