Retiring House Member Challenges GOP Candidate On Gay Marriage

Discussion in 'United States' started by Agent_286, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Retiring House Member Challenges GOP Candidate On Gay Marriage

    The Huffington Post Luke Johnson 11/28/11 03:27 PM ET

    “Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) took a few swipes at Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich Monday at a press conference in Newton, Mass. announcing his retirement.

    "I did not think I had lived a good enough life to be rewarded by Newt Gingrich being the Republican nominee," Frank said. "I look forward to debating, to take one important example, the Defense of Marriage Act with Mr. Gingrich. I think he is an ideal opponent for us, when we talk about just who it is, is threatening the sanctity of marriage," he said. The Defense of Marriage Act bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages and allows states not to recognize other states' same-sex marriages. Frank is gay, while Gingrich has been married three times. "He would be the best thing to happen to Democrats since Barry Goldwater," added Frank.

    Let me be very clear, I will be neither a lobbyist nor a historian," he said when asked whether he would be a lobbyist. Frank was referring to Gingrich's role as a strategic adviser for Freddie Mac, which the Republican candidate described in a GOP primary debate as being a "historian." Former Freddie Mac officials have described his role as persuading Capitol Hill Republicans not to dismantle the government-sponsored enterprise.

    Frank also answered a question on whether the electoral chances of House Democrats in 2012 contributed to his decision. "I think frankly things are looking better for the Democrats, if Newt Gingrich is the nominee, then wow," he said. He added that House Democrats' 2012 chances did not figure into his decision.

    Frank recently called Gingrich a "lobbyist and a liar." Gingrich suggested in October that the House member and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), the two top Democrats behind Wall Street reform legislation, should be in jail for the financial crisis.

    Gingrich was not the only Republican candidate targeted by Frank. "The Republican party today in the House ... it consists half of people who think like Michele Bachmann and half afraid of people who are afraid of losing a primary to someone who thinks like Michele Bachmann," said Frank.”

    You can always count on Frank to give a truthful answer, no matter how you may feel about homosexuality, which is, after all, a personal matter and as long as there are no complaints from his peers in Washington that brings down Congress even further it is really nobody’s business which gender anyone prefers.

    He will bring Gingrich down in a debate on how he came to be married three times, dumping one wife for a younger model each time, shows a disregard for both his “Family Values” republican party, and for the genuine respect for marriage that a decent man holds for his wife and family. Then vehemently being against same-sex marriage, which he thinks is just for heterosexual people to destroy.

    I would rather see a same sex loving couple in a marriage, than a thrice married calculating male that is single handedly destroying the whole concept of marriage all by himself. Gingrich’s hypocrisy is so republican as he flouts the moral code of everything…marriage, honor, integrity, staying clear from selling out to lobbyists, and watching his Tiffany’s charges rise while he works as a lobbyist without the lawful registering and waiting period.

    Barney Frank would do more for the sanctity of marriage with one gay marriage than Newt Gingrich could do with three failed hetero marriages. When you need to shower your new young wife with jewelry from Tiffany’s to keep her happy, then the marriage is in trouble. A wife that loves her husband doesn’t need expensive jewelry to reassure herself that she loves him. Seriously.
  2. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    And this is another key difference between Liberals and Conservatives.

    Barney's boyfriend throwing sex parties at his house does reflect on the office he occupies.

    You want to dismiss it as personal but it isn't because it does reflect on his office and his position.

    This is also why Clinton was excused by Liberals so easily because personal morality of others means so little to them.
  3. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    First, Barney has no business asking to debate a presidential candidate.

    Anyway, "Hot Bottom" would be a better challenger to Newt because he ran the sex ring from Barney's place

    The people of MA deserve Barney and they can have him back
    texmaster and (deleted member) like this.
  4. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    1) The whole thing was blown out of proportion by the republican smear squad. The man was a personal aide to Frank, and when Frank learned what was going on in his absence, he promptly fired the man. Was Barney convicted of anything, or are you just blowing amoke again?

    2) Well, then you should promptly get rid of every republican/T-bagger candidate, except Paul and Huntsman. Everyone else has collected disgusting, illegal, or immoral baggage and is unsuited for any public office.

    3) Clinton did not have sex with that woman. You are just jealous about the b/j thingy...

    With the republican immorality record, there should be a law against allowing republicans to marry.
  5. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Wasnt Barney running a Gay Brothel outta his house?

    Barney, Banking and Brothels
  6. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

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    waltky Well-Known Member

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    waltky Well-Known Member

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