Once again our Media and "Intelligence Community" turn out to be propaganda central. Trump was called a "Traitor" for not punishing Russia for this terrible deed - but as it turns out it was a deed Russia never did - and we had no valid evidence that they did YET- any little Russian Tidbit and our media and Intelligence services start making up fairy tales. How many times do we hear posters inferring "our intelligence community said so - so it must be true" when in reality - our intelligence community is a joke.
Some of us are not so stupid as to keep falling for our deep state intelligence agency's hoaxes. I never believed that bullshit from day one. You may recall the 17 'intelligence' agencies that said Russia Russia Russia colluded with Trump so Trump could win the election. Our intelligence agencies are garbage. They all need to be flushed down the toilet.
This kind of stuff is really disturbing - as it turned out . it was a "hand picked" group from 3 of our intelligence agencies - so the claim "all our intelligence agencies" uttered from the mouths of Pundit after Pundit - was completely false. Then it turned out that the information from this hand picked group was false as well. The claim was not that "Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election" .. it was that Trump colluded with the Russians w/r to 1) The Hack and 2) the FB ads - as those were the actual charges. There is nothing wrong with receiving information from foreign sources w/r to an opposing electoral candidate .. Ruled so in a US court of Law - Dems vs Russia and Trump.
This is the kind of crap that starts wars. There are still sanctions in place against Russia voted on and passed by our morons in Congress to this day for the election collusion hoax. This stuff really pisses me off because we should be normalizing relations with a capitalist, christian Russia but instead our idiotic politicians use Russia for political points by harkening back to Cold War propaganda while at the same time they kiss Communist China's ass and keep running a trade deficit with those commies.....enriching China and lowering our standards of living and overall strength as a super the point they will pass us soon enough. These *******s won't even admit there was a legitimate referendum in Crimea....that US monitors attended and agreed on the legitimacy. In my lifetime, I never thought I'd see the day when the US was going down hill and making the mistakes the Soviet Union made....including the propaganda the government is spewing. But now I am.
The media has no credibility in my eyes. All these made up story’s. All this Russia crap. Yet, yet never anything about Xoe, Humper and China and’s disgusting really. Nazi propaganda
The big thing here - other than relations with Russia - is that you had two Dems Congressmen sitting on the intelligence committee - knowing full well this information was dubious at best - going around claming near "defacto" "Russia did it and we know they did it" - simply on the basis of political gamesmanship - because they thought they could hurt Trumps Election chances. How is that not "meddling with our election process" - doing what they were accusing Trump of. How was what Hillary and the DNC did to Sanders not "meddling with our electoral process" I will tell you what was "Not" meddling with our electoral process - Receiving and publishing "Truthful" information on Hillary. The pundits were running round claiming that this "Harmed" our electoral process. In what world of Orwellian doublespeak does the electorate knowing "The Truth" about some candidate prior to voting "Harm" our electoral process ?
That is a given - the MSM is on the near the level of National Enquirer - What's equally disconcerting - in a cumulative way - is that our intelligence community - has no credibility - or at least the Pundits that speak for them - with Titles such as "Director of Intelligence" or Senate Intelligence committee chair .. And now we are talking "State Sponsored Propaganda" which seems at plague proportions .. so many decisions being made on the basis of the political bandwagon of the day .. as in Blue's anti science anti reality Environmental moves "Lets block Pipelines" - Domestic production (including Canada) - because although we will use 21 million barrels per day this year - we want someone else to produce this product and deal with the associated pollution problems .. The "Not in my backyard" approach out of sight .. out of mind ?! Better we transfer our pollution problems to non first world - non industrialized nations like "Nigeria" - they are much better equipped to mitigate the pollution problems associated with oil consumption than we are.. Right ?
Hell no. Drill baby drill. Tap it here, drill it here, refine it here. Keep that black gold flowing.....right here. We are far better equipped to handle the by products then Africa. Let them worry about being ate by lions, famine, unsanitary living conditions, Ebola, education and warlords cutting the heads off of entire villages. That’s enough to stress anyone out.
Aside from the obvious economic benefits that we are fore-going - and the huge economic cost - as even if we are not producing oil - we are still using 21 million barrels a day. Moving production to non industrialized nations - finances "industrialization" of these nations = the #1 cause of CO2 and Ocean Pollution - Ocean Pollution being perhaps an even more pressing risk but never factored into the CO2 bandwagon calculations . but - not only does this increase Ocean Pollution - big time - it increases CO2 .. due to industrialization of non industrialized people - something we don't want to do if we wish to save the planet.
"American intelligence" has always been something of an oxymoron. Ordinary Americans should remember Pearl Harbor, 911 and the long list of American intelligence blunders.
Spy agencies that serve corrupt governments will always tend to undermine national security. Bad intelligence generates bad policy. "An attempt to bump off the Syrian leadership in 1957 resulted in the interrogation and exposure of the CIA’s Damascus chief, Roger Stone, within weeks. The agency fooled itself into believing a ragtag band of counterrevolutionaries could topple Fidel Castro in 1961, and followed up its disaster with years of aborted assassination attempts. A fear that the Iraqi coup of Nuri Said in 1958 would give the Soviets access to the Middle East’s oil bounty led CIA area chief James Critchfield to sponsor a countercoup by an up-and-coming political force called the Baath Party." THE NATION, The CIA’s Failures, The history of American intelligence-gathering is rife with incompetence, dysfunction and contempt toward legislative oversight., By Spencer Ackerman, JUNE 26, 2008.
and the list is just starting .. But, that's all behind us right ?! Reality is that they have gotten much better at their craft - that much is for sure - and they sure seem to be making the best of what they know. .. "We the People" being the subjects of the experiment.
Secret Police/Spy agencies are usually able to subvert and betray their own people. "Authoritarian state power could nullify resistance and push ahead." "Schemes devised by the absolutist kinds of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries... new was the magnitude of both the plans for the wholesale transformation of society and the instruments of statecraft... so many of the twentieth century’s political tragedies have flown the banner of progress, emanicpation and reform. James C. Scott, SEEING LIKE A STATE, How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Conditions Have Failed, Yale Agrarian Studies, New Haven - Yale University Press, 1998. p 343. Operating effectively against foreign nations has always been a challenge for US spooks.
It is not the operations against Foreign nations that I worry about - it is the domestic operation which is troubling - the En Mass Spy program for example - way too little attention was paid to this breach of the public trust - we just brushed it off "No big deal" - after all - at the end of the day - these spooks have our best interests in mind - working hard to protect us. Is that not how the rationalizations of the sheep always goes when confronted with the descent into authorotarianism - Was some Catholic priest was it not - who said "First they came for the gays - then the Jews - then the Protestants" When they came for the Catholics there was no one left to stand up.
Yes, much of the Left has managed to forget the lessons it learned the hard way. “Since only urgent necessity justifies invasion of First Amendment freedoms, the intelligence establishment, in ironic deference to the need for a justification, consistently exaggerates the threat of revolution and violence. Thus a permanently endangered national security is the illegitimate child of the First Amendment. Political intelligence is a by-product of diplomatic and military conflict, and despite its domestic providence, is marked by a similar hostility toward the intelligence target (itself a revealingly hostile term of art). Like its military model, even though the target is an American national engaged in lawful political activities in his own country, he is viewed in an adversary context. Life in a relatively open society, which boasts of its freedom, makes the target enormously vulnerable when his policies come under hostile investigation by a secret police unit with an anti-subversive Mission.” THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE, The Aims and Methods of America's Political intelligence System, Frank J. Donner, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, 1980. p. 4. "Conservatives" are just beginning to catch on. But they will get there eventually - the hard way - as always.
Face it, the nation is ran by the top level of UN-APPOINTED civil service, unaccountable and untouchable....politicians come and go, but they're there playing their games until they decide to take their big, fat retirements.
Americans have forgotten a lot. "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." COMMON SENSE, Thomas Paine.
Not always - and thus a nonsense comment - having no relation to anything but some black vs white paradigm -- Anarchy being the other side of the equation.
Kind of - but the international financiers pull the strings - at the top of the food chain so to speak - in our Pay to Play system - If you Play along with the Status Quo - you get paid - and everyone knows it
Oh I have been busy all day reading the MSM/Leftist/Democrat retractions and the apologies...........................................
You got that right. Yep, what if Trump had announced in retaliation he was sending special forces across borders to kill some Russian Soldiers and Russian retaliated but stronger so we answered and then we have a full blown war. And of course with the current level of our military if we went to war with Russia we would struggle to face China at the same time. And what could that lead too. This was playing fire REAL fire. We need a full investigation to find out who leaked it and then fully prosecute them for espionage and the secrets act. Do I think the Biden will call for one...................... not for a nanosecond.