Trumps job disapproval rating is back to near 53% which is from an average of 9 polls. Your fake polling numbers are fake because in order to support Trump you must use false polling numbers. The American people don't trust or like a thing Trump says or does even with a booming economy. This is what's eating you up. Trump trusts Putin an ex-KGB Spy over all our American Intelligence agencies. Trump wants Putin to interfere with our presidential election in 2020. Trump is a traitor to everything the U.S. stands for. He has contempt for the Democratic process, he has contempt for the House of Representatives. he has contempt for minorities, he has contempt for the U.S. constitution which explains why he has disregard for our separation of powers. he has contempt for our constitutional right to free speech and a free press. I repeat he is in short a traitor to all things American.
While "Russian hacking didn't cause Crooked Hillary to lose!", any American who helped Russians to interfere with the elections have committed severe crimes against America. They will be caught eventually. They will go to jail, be fined exorbitantly, and separated from their families, perhaps for the rest of their lives.
Another propaganda attack without a shred of evidence. Do you want to show me with proof and a link which U.S. intelligence agency denied being part of the 17 who signed on to the fact of Russian Collusion or do you wanna blah blah blah about it without even a hint of proof. Also the fact that you're poorly informed leaves you vulnerable to mis-information and dis-information spewing from the corrupt Trump administration. "On July 13, 2018, the Special Counsel’s Office filed an indictment against 12 Russian military officers in connection to the DNC and DCCC hack. The indictment confirmed prior news reports and included new details of the methods and objectives of the hack and release program operated by the GRU during the 2016 election."
I've already crushed your argument that the Bush Jr gang were honest and straight forward about evidence for WMD. Charles Duelfor Bush's hand picked inspector confirmed that there weren't any WMP in Iraq. Now you want to change the subject and ramble on about other subjects because you've lost the argument.. Too bad.
I crushed you by handing to you how to talk to an actual expert on this topic only to read you call me screwey. I crushed you by posting actual words by an expert who tells us all how Saddam had them all along until the attack by Bush was on the screen and he transported his WMD to Syria. But you don't believe experts. He explained how Saddam confused Duelfer too.
Anyone who knowingly uses RT sources should be ashamed if an American. Promise Hero has swept the Board of wannabee ruskies. Robert is posting a discredited SH bot. For shame.
#160 is false propaganda. It's a lie. No Harvard-Harris exists in the RCP chart. Here is the last five weeks. The spread is 43.8 approve to 52.8 disapprove. Polling Data Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread RCP Average 4/26 - 5/16 -- 43.8 52.8 -9.0 FOX News 5/11 - 5/14 1008 RV 46 53 -7 Rasmussen 5/14 - 5/16 1500 LV 45 53 -8 Economist 5/12 - 5/14 1244 RV 44 52 -8 Reuters 5/10 - 5/14 1707 RV 40 57 -17 Emerson 5/10 - 5/13 1006 RV 43 49 -6 Politico 5/10 - 5/12 1995 RV 41 56 -15 Gallup 5/1 - 5/12 1009 A 42 52 -10 IBD/TIPP 4/26 - 5/5 900 A 43 50 -7 Harris 4/30 - 5/1 1536 RV 46 54 -8 NBC/WSJ 4/28 - 5/1 900 A 46 51 -5
Unbelievable. I already quoted the facts on my previous post and yet you insist that you can't see them. Your post itself in light of the facts that have clearly been presented to you makes no sense. It's just blind knee jerk reaction. I will repeat them so this time you can avoid pretending they're not there and avoid an embarrassing response. . Do you want to show me with proof and a link which U.S. intelligence agency denied being part of the 17 who signed on to the fact of Russian Collusion or do you wanna blah blah blah about it without even a hint of proof. Also the fact that you're poorly informed leaves you vulnerable to mis-information and dis-information spewing from the corrupt Trump administration. "On July 13, 2018, the Special Counsel’s Office filed an indictment against 12 Russian military officers in connection to the DNC and DCCC hack. The indictment confirmed prior news reports and included new details of the methods and objectives of the hack and release program operated by the GRU during the 2016 election."
You're definitely out of oxygen. First of all you copy my word "crushed" taken straight from my previous post and then you repeat the same useless off topic evidence you used in the last post. Brilliant!.
Wrong My earlier evidence from a very senior General for Saddam were other pages. I handed new information is what actually happened. Some claptrap by Duelfer must be put into context. Iraq is not like examining New York City. Even when law enforcement engages in a mass search of contraband even in New York City, I do not care what officials say in trying to evade facts, there is contraband in the City at all times and protests by cops don't cut it. When America can't guarantee America is cleared, even for a city that is small compared to Iraq, there is no way Duelfer cleared Iraq. It simply could not have happened. Sada the General knows what Saddam did and his report is far more valuable than the Duelfer report. Duelfer was an outsider. Sada was a senior insider.
The final paragraph is what I laugh at a lot. We know of the indictments. And perhaps they are accurate. But as I have proven over and over, citing Sen. Robert Menendez, and his case where he was put on trial, an indictment is not a conviction. And the indictment has a chance the charge won't get proven. Menendez flat won against the Feds. If Our government refuses to honor the agreement with Russia on pursuing this case vs Russian citizens, they may never go on Trial. And suppose Russia tries them??? What if they do not convict the Russians? We can't whine a lot since we ourselves failed to convict Robert Menendez for his crimes. We failed to convict the guilty OJ Simpson for murdering two humans.
I remind all of you on the January 6 report done on behalf of Obama since he still was president at the time, the report is not the results of a trial. I enjoy saying to all, recall when intelligence informed President Bush that Saddam was loaded with smoking gun WMD? Bush is alleged to father that intelligence. BS. Clinton said it when he was president. Nobody cleared Iraq of WMD. Duelfer tried to claim he had. But Saddam led Duelfer arouind by his scrotum. Duelfer was kept busy playing the hide and seek game of Saddam. Some persist in saying Duelfer cleared Saddam. Duelfer simply reported he could not locate evidence. And that is precisely what Saddam wanted him to say. It is no more easy to get intelligence from inside Russia as it was to get it from inside Iraq. George Tenet told Bush he was quite certain Saddam has WMD. And Georges Sada an iraqi General Air Force Officer confessed to all how Saddam pulled off his hoax of the century. Saddam fooled Charles Duelfer. Iraq Area: 168,754 mi² Population: 38.27 million (2017) World Bank Area - comparative: slightly more than three times the size of New York state Definition: This entry provides an area comparison based on total area equivalents. Most entities are compared with the entire US or one of the 50 states based on area measurements (1990 revised) provided by the US Bureau of the Census. The smaller entities are compared with Washington, DC (178 sq km, 69 sq mi) or The Mall in Washington, DC (0.59 sq km, 0.23 sq mi, 146 acres). Source: CIA World Factbook - This page was last updated on January 20, 2018
Jake -- Jake and Jake When is the election? This is a year and a half too soon to actually pay a lot of attention to your polls. Look at the lousy results for Congress. Good luck getting rid of Congress. Polling Data Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread RCP Average 4/1 - 5/14 -- 22.0 66.2 -44.2 FOX News 5/11 - 5/14 1008 RV 21 66 -45 Economist 5/12 - 5/14 1244 RV 20 59 -39 Reuters 5/6 - 5/7 841 RV 26 65 -39 Monmouth 4/11 - 4/15 711 RV 23 64 -41 Gallup 4/1 - 4/10 A 20 77 -57 All Congressional Job Approval Polling Data
Where is the web address to this lie of a poll of yours. There is none. Once again you faked a poll with no web address or link to it's original source. you prove once again the only way you can support Trump is by lying. Here's the true real Clear politics poll with the web address to it so as to verify it's source. which is something you can't do with your fake poll Trumps approval has fallen toan average of 43.8% because even with a good economy no one trusts or likes Trump. Where is the link to your false poll??
This is the actual RCP Chart showing the President with a 53% job approval rating. Here's the link to the actual website:
PatriotNews deliberately false propaganda post is located at The real RCP epoll is located at Here is a clear example of corruption of social media by PatriotNews.
Lol what does O.J. Simpson have to do with the fact that Trump's campaign members were working with Russian officials ?? Once again a post that is bizarre and other worldly. The rest of it is not worth answering.
Correct. Here are the real RCP poll numbers and I've provided the web address so you can check out the authenticity .
Robert above appears to be defending PatriotNews' deliberate falsification of the polling numbers to the extent of creating a false URL to post false numbers, and Robert seems to be OK with that fact.