Russian Flags Raised In Ukraine's South- How Far Will This Go?

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Jeannette, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I absolutely agree.

  2. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    Isn't that just exactly what this Russian minority is doing, foisting their nationalism on a Ukrainian republic they are a minority in, and supporting an illegal invasion to boot? After all, it was Russia that made the Ukraine a state and made Crimea a part of that state. Just because they have now changed their minds doesn't grant a right to take it back. If Russians want to be Russians then they know where Russia is. Crimea is not Russia, it's Ukrainian.
  3. Alien Traveler

    Alien Traveler New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Why are you making laughable statements? You could check first…
    US gets about 20% of Chinese exports. That’s it.
  4. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    That's a blatant lie. Russia has been under Jackson-Vanik's ammendment for years after it parted with communist rules. And this ammendment makes a legal trade barrier between USA and Russia. E.g. our cheap metal was not accepted to compete with american metallurgy just because of that ammendment. Russia doesn't have anything like that.
    As for WTO Russia was applying for a partnership with this organisation for years and were almost the last one to become a part of it. Recently. Before that our products were legally rejected from WTO countries. Only recently Russia started to just the same prectice in return and... it suddenly became a territory of evil Putin.
    You can check the year when we applied for WTO in the Internet and the year which we became it's part. And you can also check why was Jackson'Vanik ammendment made and what is its sense to make sure that you have just spread a false imformation.

    And who is making a decision if a person is really guilty in a crime? Has Yanukovich ever been under a court trial?

    Exactly! Now tell me who is mister Turchinov and who made him a PM? And who is mr Yatsenyuk at the moment and how all of this has to agree with Ukrainian constitution that you have just citated??!!! :)

    A lie. The thing is that with the Ukraine Russia always had a better trade relationships than with other countries. Their products since soviet times are fitting the needs of russian industry and vice versa. That's why the product made in Ukraine had less taxes and tarrifs charge at the border. But the EU products don't have such a discount and making it would kill russian industry and economy. That's why in August Putin initiated with the Ukraine exactly the mode of operation which already exists with the other western world (with all its war towards russian people and their products).

    UPD In other words after the signing of a free trade agreement between Ukraine and EU Russia would subsidize not the eocomy of its good partner and brethren state of Ukraine, but the economy of EU at the account of its own economy and people... First Putin tried to explain it to Yanukovich in words, but he seems not to understand the words. That's why Putin had to show him how exactly the things will work after he has signed the treaty. In four monthss after that (quite fast for this dummy) Yanukovich changed his mind to sign and it all began.

    Not only. But the main power in Kiev parliament at the moment are people with guns, which are facists.

    It was very difficult task to find smth in English that would tell what exactly was adopted and what exactly was cancelled and when. There are numerous characteristics but no actual information. So I don't know guys how you right for freedom of speech is estimated but Russia is much more free in this sphere.

    So the official Rada web site in English is blocked but its google cashe is still available. It would give you an idea of what laws were adopted on the 16th of January. These were called 'draconian'.

    “On amendments to article 297 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (re responsibility for desecration or destruction of monuments erected in commemoration of those who fought against fascists during the Great Patriotic War – the Soviet military men-liberators, participants of the partisan movement, undergrounders, victims of fascist persecutions and peacekeepers)”

    The Law amends article 297 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and establishes that “Desecration of a grave or other burial place, as well as abuse of corpse (remains, ashes) of the deceased, desecration of the urn containing the ashes of the deceased, or illegal seizure of corpse (remains, ashes) of the deceased, of an urn containing ashes of the deceased or objects that are in the grave or any other burial place, or on the corpse (remains, ashes) of the deceased, -

    shall be punished with a fine in the amount of up to two hundred citizens’ personal exemptions or with a sentence up to six months, or custodial restraint of up to three years or imprisonment for the equal period.”

    It is also established that “Desecration of a mass grave or the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, or a monument erected in commemoration of those who fought against fascists during the Great Patriotic War – the Soviet military men-liberators, participants of the partisan movement, undergrounders, victims of fascist persecutions and peacekeepers, -

    shall be punished with custodial restraint from three to five years or imprisonment for the equal period.”

    The respective bill was registered under No. 2178а."

    This law was cancelled on the 28th of January. This is a link to the current database in Russian. Try with Google translate.

    This is a short message from Wikipedia link, but you can also tie it together with the list from Google cache.

    Once again. There are no proofs of existence of russian regular military force in Crimea. Except for those that were already there according to a long and renewed agreement with the Ukraine's government as part of Black sea fleet. Please, try to provide a decent proof in any language (not an opinion of a journalist or analyst of any of the fascistic government from Ukraine). You have all the Internet and freedom for that.
  5. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I wish they lend money to Ukraine.
  6. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There is a history of animosity between Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine based on cultural differences. I call it the European East/West divide between those who are or were under the Latin Church, and those who are under the Greek Churches. Wars have been fought for centuries between them, as the Pope tried to unite them under Rome, and they continue to be fought. The Yugoslav wars is an example of the animosity between them, as well as the continuing hatred the Poles have towards Russia... yet in Orthodox Eastern Europe, the people always looked towards Russia for protection, not only from the Ottoman Turks, but from the Western Europeans who allied themselves with them...many times.

    As Rudyard Kipling said:

    'OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; ...

    And now for a more humorous version, Hollywood style:

  7. big daryle

    big daryle New Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Russia is not at all afraid of us. I think we would do very poorly against an army that actually fights back. Once we lost a few thousand or a few hundred thousand men instead of a few dozen, the softies in this country would be begging to end the war right away.
  8. big daryle

    big daryle New Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Why do you feel nationalism stinks??????????????
  9. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    But that's just it, the Russian speaking Ukrainians are not a minority in the Crimea nor in the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine. It's the protesters who are a minority, otherwise Yakunovich would not have become president. The protesters came in from the Western part of Ukraine and overthrew the democratically elected president, and with the support of the E.U. and U.S. established an unelected government. In contrast to the majority of Ukrainians, the protestors in the Western part are traditionally close to Poland rather than Russia.

    As for the Crimea, the majority of the people are fearful of the nationalists in Kiev and do not want to be under the control of the West. Russia sees the Kiev government as being illegal, because the lives of the elected President and many Parliament members were threatened and were forced to flee. Legally Yakunovich is still the elected president. Just because the U.S. and E.U. with their media propaganda machines say he is not, doesn't make it so.

    As for the word invasion, I don't know why it is being used. If you look at the way the Russian troops were cheered by the Russians and Ukrainians, it's seems more like a liberation than an invasion. They are Russians, and the troops are Russian, it's not as if they were going into a foreign country where they were not wanted. Anyway under the Crimean agreement Russia is allowed to have twenty five thousand troops on the peninsula. It hasn't reached that amount yet. Also the Crimean Parliament voted to unite with Russia.
  10. SyrianGirl1982

    SyrianGirl1982 New Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Syria stands with Russia

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seconds Russia’s position in the Ukraine crisis, reported Syria’s state news agency SANA on Thursday.

    In a message addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Assad expressed his solidarity, on behalf of the Syrian people, with Putin’s efforts to “restore security and stability in the friendly country of Ukraine.”

    Assad stressed that Putin’s reaction to the crisis in Ukraine is legitimate and adheres to the UN’s objectives that aim “to create a balanced and transparent world based on respecting the sovereignty of countries and the right of peoples to decide their destiny,” reported SANA.

    Assad described the Russian leadership’s stance as a “wise policy” in the face of “coup attempts against legitimacy and democracy in favor of the terrorist extremists”. He reiterated Syria’s commitment to Putin’s “rational approach” which he described as supporting “the right and truth” and applauded Russia for “saving the world from dangerous events”.

    Assad’s announcement follows Putin’s press conference in Moscow on Tuesday, in which he also disregarded the movement in Ukraine as an “unconstitutional coup” brokered by foreign players.

    Putin told reporters that any intervention in Crimea is a fully legitimate and legal response that aims to protect the Russian-speaking inhabitants from the illegal actions of the interim government in Kyiv.

    Russia, along with Hezbollah members in Iran and Lebanon, has been supporting Assad with weapons in his battle with the armed opposition in Syria. More than 140,000 people have been killed and millions have fled the Syrian territories since March 2011, according to the BBC.
  11. Wedgetail_eagle

    Wedgetail_eagle New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Was stating this in another thread but it was closed.

    Regarding the recent news, Hillary Clinton has come out with saying some incredibly inflaming statements and threats on behalf of Obama and the US government. Hillary Clinton has absolutely no idea what she is doing. Not to mention she, as well as many other political figures and canditates are run by corrupt oligarch globalists behind the closed curtains. America is now run by mindless puppets that preach hate, illegal invasions, height of hypocrisy/double standards and war mongering. I can actually not believe that the U.S is not being punished for it's crimes against humanity. This country is the opposite of freedom and the very icon for a dark future for the world. Every international crisis you will find the Americans stirring up trouble and stoking the fire of chaos, anarchy and war. You know things are bad when I myself even feel hesitant to post this Anti-US Regime mark as I don't know who is watching this and who could target me! It's ridiculous when you think about it, like what has actually become of this world? The propaganda and demonisation of Russia that the West is spewing out is like something out of Nazi Germany.
  12. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    A nation is an extension of one's self; one's culture, one's race, etc., so nationalism would be an idolizing of oneself, therefore it is egotistical and prideful, and that in Christianity is a sin.

    Nationalism is different from patriotism, which would be a sense of loyalty and respect to ones own institutions and laws. Anyway this is how I would define the difference.

    We in America have always been patriotic, while many Western Europeans tend towards nationalism. This is why some of them allied with Nazi Germany in WWII. I also consider Islam nationalistic, since the norms of their ancient Arabic culture are idolized and considered perfection. Anyway this is my opinion.
  13. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    That amendment was established in 1974 against the Soviet Union, after the fall of Communism the Russian Federation was granted waivers and the amendment expired in 2012.

    The amendment, named after its major co-sponsors Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson of Washington in the Senate and Charles Vanik of Ohio in the House of Representatives, both Democrats, is contained in Title IV of the 1974 Trade Act. The amendment passed both houses of the United States Congress unanimously. President Gerald Ford signed the bill into law with the adopted amendment on January 3, 1975. It remained valid until 2012, though it was regularly granted a waiver vis-a-vis the Russian Federation.[2] In 2011, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden urged a repeal of the law.[3] On 16 November 2012 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill which would repeal the Jackson–Vanik amendment.[4] The law repealing the Jackson–Vanik amendment was signed together with Magnitsky bill by President Obama on December 14, 2012.[5][6][7][8]–Vanik_amendmen t

    They were not allowed in because they wanted entry without complying to WTO provisions which they finally acquiesced too in 2012:

    Little Transition

    “The Russian Federation has committed to fully apply all WTO provisions, with recourse to very few transitional periods,” the WTO said on its website.

    Among concessions Russia won in its WTO talks was the right to channel as much as $9 billion a year into agricultural subsidies during a transition period, up from more than $5 billion at present, according to Belousov.

    “Today’s WTO accession is a major step for Russia’s further integration into the world economy,” European Union Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said in an e-mailed statement. “It will facilitate investment and trade, help to accelerate the modernization of the Russian economy and offer plenty of business opportunities for both Russian and European companies.”

    Russia was joined by the Pacific island of Vanuatu, which became the organization’s 157th member, according to the WTO.

    lol it is not a matter for the courts it is the purview of the Constitutional Membership of the Ukrainian Parliament and their investigative committee, it's all right here in the Ukrainian Constitution:

    Article 111. The President of Ukraine may be removed from the office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in compliance with a procedure of impeachment if he commits treason or other crime.

    The issue of the removal of the President of Ukraine from the office in compliance with a procedure of impeachment shall be initiated by the majority of the constitutional membership of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall establish a special ad hoc investigating commission, composed of special prosecutor and special investigators to conduct an investigation.

    The conclusions and proposals of the ad hoc investigating commission shall be considered at the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

    On the ground of evidence, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall, by at least two-thirds of its constitutional membership, adopt a decision to bring charges against the President of Ukraine.

    The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from the office in compliance with the procedure of impeachment shall be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by at least three-quarters of its constitutional membership upon a review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and upon a receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of treason or other crime.

    He isn't the PM as the Chairperson of the Ukrainian Parliament under Article 112 he's the acting President until new elections are held within 90 days of the impeachment process:

    Article 112

    In the event of the pre-term termination of authority of the President of Ukraine in accordance with Articles 108, 109, 110 and 111 of this Constitution, the execution of duties of the President of Ukraine, for the period pending the elections and the assumption of office of the new President of Ukraine, shall be vested in the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, for the period of executing the duties of the President of Ukraine, shall not exercise the powers envisaged by subparagraphs 2, 6-8, 10-13, 22, 24, 25, 27, and 28 of Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

    Regular elections of the President of Ukraine shall be held on the last Sunday of March of the fifth year of authority of the President of Ukraine. In case of an early termination of the authority of the President of Ukraine, elections of the President of Ukraine shall be held within ninety days from the day of termination of the authority.

    He is the Parliaments designated Prime Minister after being nominated by the acting President of the Ukraine and ratified by the Parliament in accordance with the Ukrainian Constitution:

    12) to give a consent to the appointment of the Prime Minister of Ukraine by the President of Ukraine;

    No it's a fact:

    Ukraine's Employers Federation: Russia's customs service halts all Ukrainian imports
    Print version
    Aug. 14, 2013, 3:31 p.m. | Ukraine — by Interfax-Ukraine

  14. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    The fall of communism took place in 1991. And why would american congress men and wonderful lobbying system forget about it? And you are right. They cancelled the ammendment the same time that they introduced a new bill that tries to push russian ruling class. I am not trying to convince you that US is not a democratic state. You will never believe it. It will lead just to system error and reset. But try to understand that there is no way to threat Russia with discrimination economic laws from US, because they have always been discriminative.

    Again a lie. Accession to the WTO is easy.
    Any state or customs territory having full autonomy in the conduct of its trade policies may become a member (“accede to”) the WTO, but all WTO members must agree on the terms. This is done through the establishment of a working party of WTO members and through a process of negotiations.
    So it was fine that Russia tried to support its economy having the negotiations on acceptable conditions. But it's strange that the negotiations for Russia took so many additional conflicts with the US and Georgia and Poland and Baltic countries which were far from economy. If I was organising a trade organisation rules then I would rather make a simultaneous entrance for all the countries or will offer the participation by the share of world economy which would make it for Russia some decades faster than for Vanuatu islands. But as long as the whole western trade policy towards Russia is discriminative it never happened.

    Well. Let's check our ability to read. I will use yuour citation and underline the words I meant. You can comment on your vision of how it SHOULD be.

    Article 111. Blah-blah-blah...The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from the office in compliance with the procedure of impeachment shall be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by at least three-quarters of its constitutional membership upon a review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and upon a receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of treason or other crime.[/I]

    Now what I see. Correct me if I am wrong. First there needs to be an investigation. A thourough and profound, because the procedure must be checked by Supreme Court. Then it should Constitutional Court the supreme division of the completely independent branch of power that actually confirms that the guy is a criminal and the crime did take place. That's exactly what I am missing in the whole of Ukrainian show. It is not even close to its law.

    This is a quote from your latest posrt:

    Right? Haven't I changed smth?

    But your previous post #364 contained it a little bit different:
    Can you explain how it could happen? It looks as the same constitution the same article but if day before it was one thing then the other day its a completely other story! I have the explanation but I want you to fall under your own burden of lies and under the lies of bloodhungry monkeys who came to power in Kiev under the blessing of US. :) You can also give up and retain on the side of the obvious truth. But will th need for truth outweigh the feeling of national superiority towards russians? Doubt it.

    Besides, even if this violation against the law
    Remember that it was not me who brought into the discussion this citation from the Ukrainian Constitution. It was you. I am just asking how your opinion is based on the facts which you suppose need to prove your opinion and I think that these facts are proving your opinion to be false. The question is Are you sure that mr Turchinov is not using the powers that he is not given according to the constitution?

    Yes. It is a fact that it is a lie. :)

    But you haven't got the point. Look. Russia according to WTO rules was officially granted a period of protecting its own market of competition with cheaper goods of a higher quality. This would give russian manufacturers a chance to better their productivity and slowly to increase its ability to compete. EU is more advanced, e.g. in agriculture. and russian agriculture (the sphere where I work) reestablished only less than a decade ago. Free trade today would kill russian agriculture. Now with the ukraine we don't have such a customs mode. Their goods being not from EU are competitive with russians but not any superior. That's why there were no EXTRA custom charges which are officially and lawfully implemented to the products of EU. Got it?
    Now look what happens when the Ukraine signs the treaty of a free trade with EU. Cheap products of EU come freely through the border of Ukraine on a simplified procedure without real possibility to trace the country where it was made. These goods come to the border of Russia and Russia has to accept these products as if.. as if they are made in Ukraine. Then what is the reason of having signed an agreement on joining the WTO with the protection measurers for russian manufacturer? Putin told Yanukovich several times that Russia will have to regard Ukraine as an EU in russian customs policy. But once he had to show in real practice what it is then it became a subject for yet another war with Ukraine which Russia has according to the western media. So wait a bit before bullsheating your opponent. Try to read and to understand for a difference.

    Is there any sense to ask for a proof for this drastic interpretation of realty?

    Actually EU could just add a few lines to the free trade agreement about reexport and it would never happened. Whether it was done intentionally or not I don't know, but EU refused to change the text counting for Russia's interests. If you want to blame Putin that he is eager to protect Russia and russians at all costs and in every aspect then I would understand it considering other stream of lies and mistrust and misinterpretations of west towards Russia.

    No the majority of the parliament (even Yanukovich's party) had to do it under the guns of fascists. I can undertand that a person is leaning under the power and threats done to his family. But I cannot regard this decision as their own free will.

    Wow-wow-wow. The question was denial of fascists crimes. As for russian langauage ban its easy and well-known.
    It was an obvious mistake which happened just because of the task of this coup-leaders which is civil war and making a European Al Kayeda on the basis of ukrainian people.

    This video contains only the image of guys without any banners or identification. The ukrainian soldier tells that the guys blocking the military base are from Russia, but he denies that there assaults or smth of the kind.

    It also doesn't prove anything. Except for real crowded events in Khrkov and Donetsk against a few people who came to protest against events which seems to them a russian invasion. If you could give a video of any russian commander who commands these forces (at least a colonel who is easy to find and identify in the Internet as a currently serving military from Russia). I would agree if I see that some of the equipment bears the numbers of russian military squadrons (and all the possible equipment from helicopter to box of ammo has a special ID number. Anything! But so far there is nothing except for blatant lies from engaged western media and propaganda eaters who just keep on repeating lies without thinking.

    Until there is no serious proof I don't buy this western crap. It is only for internal consumption.
  15. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    My favorite dictator is Assad because he is willing to kill those filthy Syrians who want him to face a ballot box. Let every Syrian be gassed before Assad loses his day job!
  16. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    They didn't they repealed it and prior to that they granted waiver after waiver.


    Please provide the statute and the provision therein which "tries to push the Russian ruling class.

    The U.S. is not a Democratic state now? Every freedom index on the planet would strongly disagree with you, and, also, demonstrate unequivocably that Russia is an authoritarian unfree state.

  17. rere1

    rere1 New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    We can recall the events of a decade ago, when the Russians invaded Ossetia, which was the territory of Georgia. Why do Russians have? Because Russia is the Empire of Evil. Just the bad and the evil Russians. You can recall the history of fifty years ago, when two independent countries - the USSR and Cuba have agreed that the USSR will place in Cuba its nuclear missiles. America has sent ships and had nearly happened Third World War. Why America has sent ships? The decision to deploy the missiles was a solution of two independent countries. Because America is the Empire of Evil? No. America is not the Evil Empire. It just wants to live. And Russians, (may be it's strange) want to live too. Ukraine to Russia is as Cuba for America. The Americans sent a fleet to Cuba, the Russians entered the Crimea. Why Europe is pulling both her hands Ukraine? Then to make it into NATO and deploy missiles. When Georgia went towards NATO, the Russians entered Ossetia (hungry, poor country, which is nothing). When Russians realized that the new government in Ukraine will place missiles, they went to the Crimea. I think, on the part of Putin it would be prudent fair to say this. Nobody but Russians likes Russia, but I am convinced that Americans would the Russians have understood. It discusses some minor things here. Democracy, the Russian language, the rights of Russians in Ukraine. This is not so important. Russia could not afford further narrowing rocket rings NATO around its territory. Hiroshima and Nagasaki no one has forgotten. I think, if NATO will deploy missiles in Ukraine, the Russians again will deploy missiles in Cuba. And it will be bad.
  18. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    For 11 years US Congress was not cancelling a discriminating ammendment having no excuse for it. That is the only fact about it.

    Russian officials which are involved or not to the deal which the US doesn't have a right to interfere are either forbidden to come to the territory of US or lost their money in US banks. What can it possibly be if not the pressure upon russian officials?

    Yeah Yeah. I remember that the last years of soviet state every index available proved that soviet state is the most powerful and soviet citizens are the most happy people on Earth. I was in the US and I see myself what is possible in Russia. These indexes suck.

    Our conditions are not unique. Every party indide WTO tries to protect their markets.

    What kind of negotiations was there in 2010 between Georgia as part of the WTO and Russia? What did they discuss for 2 years? And what questions had to discuss US and Russia if our collaboration is not more than 5% in both cases? Out of 20 years Russia spent 6 years only for the US talks. I mean 6 years! It is a damn long time.

    But the conditions for Vanuatu are less demanding! They were offered right away the average final bound rate at 38%! Our obligation is 8%! Do you see any difference between figures 38 and 8?

    That is what is called discrimination. There are no common conditions for the countries who enter the WTO. Each member is making his demands towards a newcomer. And then starts the discussion, which took so many years for Russia not because of only Russia's side.

    Is it really written in the law? Let's learn to read:
    1) The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from the office in compliance with the procedure of impeachment shall be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by at least three-quarters of its constitutional membership - this is a final step
    2) "upon a review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine" - which should be done before the case is voted by deputies
    3) "and receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and upon a receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of treason or other crime" which should also be a separate and precceding the procedure of impeachment

    Listen does it make any sense to check the decision of Rada after the impeachment is already a law? Can you imagine that Rada is allowed to vote a project which haven't passed a mere check by the judicial branch of power?! :) The thing is that the leaders of coup don't have a real power and proofs. They just made the final steps, because that was a demand of fascists who are still with machine guns near the Rada building... That is an only explanation of such a rude violations against the law. And that is the explanation why american press is spreading shouts about non-existing russian invasion. Because russian invasion or Jesus Christ Ressurection and maybe registered contacts with aliens seems to be the only news which can keep the audience of the media from this brutal violence in Kiev which happened with the blessing of Department of State.

    Right. So there was a change of constitution. And who changed it actually? Did the people who changed the constitution a right to do that?

    But still. Was Turchinov a legal head of Rada by the moment that impeachment procedure started? Or he made himself as an acting president of Ukraine with the help of fascist machine guns and blood spilt by most probably his allies from opposition in the streets of Kiev? :) It's tooo obvious. And too stinky.

    The problem is that once Yanukovich agreed with the russian position that the threat for their market would make it impossible for Ukraine to withstand the normal and lawful relationship with a EU-country and once it became obvious that Ukraine will not make it after signing a free trade agreement with EU it all started from the side of the... West. And Russia gave all the financial help and additional discounts for gas for ukrainian economy to last for another year. It was not a trade embargo. It was an introduction of an inevitable customs mode with the country of EU. I understand that it would be nice if Ukraine becomes a part of EU in account of russian economy, but that's not exactly gonna work.

    It was never forbidden for Ukraine to be a part of EU if that's what they want. But the agreement of a free trade was a threat to russian economy.

    Can you give a serious link on an established plan that Ukraine is going to be accepted to the EU? And EU is gonna pay for the Ukraine?! That is the biggest lie in the whole deal. There have never been any real plans to make Ukraine an EU country.

    It's all about typical conflict between free trade strategy and protectionist measures of mercantilism. Russian cars for the moment have only one significant advantage. They are cheaper. I can by a decent russian car for 10 000 USD. If I want to buy a western car it would take me 15 000 USD and the safety and the reliability are really making people to choose even under this circumstances. If we had no barriers for EU cars then the whole city of Tolliatti will be abandoned as long as every second citizen there would lose the job. It would be like Detroit nowadays. And certainly Putin doesn't want it to happen. As for agriculture try to imagine a collapse that the whole Russian territory is not inhabited except for a few cities. That would be a biggest collapse in history if it happened. But it will not.

    I fully support entrance of Ukraine to EU. This would rapidly trigger the desintegrative strategy in the EU and under this circumstances Russia will have better economical opportunities. If EU agrees to make Ukraine its essential part now and without any conditions I will applaud them and wish them the very best of luck. I just know that the corruption of Ukraine level cannot be outlived under european bureacracy. It will only expand. So noone is against of Ukraine entrance to the EU except for EU itself.
    For the moment there was an attempt to use ukrainian territory to make Russia bankrupt. Looking at the way that russians are selling their energy resources for an expensive price makes lots of countries envious. That's why they have somewhat a psycology of Baltic countries. That is that you take the money from someone who you blame. And you blame this someone in order to get even more money, because he has it. Like I said it will not happen at least under Putin. Ukraine can become a part of EU but Russia will not pay for that with its future. You think that this is cruel and bloody? Well. It's your right to think so. :)

    Lenin. Lenin has nothing to do with it, but in fact being a man who added eastern and southern part of today's Ukraine it's kind of symbolic thing... Fascists are destroying statues of Lenin and lose the territory and people that he gave to the Ukraine... If God exists He definetely has a good sense of humour.
    As for the law which forbids the denial of crimes it doesn't have to do with Lenin. It makes illegal the fascist parades e.g. which some maidanners had this January.

    There is a lot of information about it. Try google. The sense is that this language was introduced long ago and it was used mostly by eastern regions. Making a language official makes it possible to have official documents in your native language and information in the shops, names of the streets etc. If you speak russian you will not be able to apply for a job in the local administration even if 99% citizens vote for you. This is ukrainization policy and it is absolutely against the democracy. Btw even the fascists agreed that they did a stupid thing and told that there will soon be another law on the same problem. It is just they removed a democratic right from the russians already with a promise that some other day they will return this right the way the fascists find suitable.

    No it is not. It is a propaganda for dummies. It doesn't even have a single second that would cast a soldier of Russian Federation military. Sorry, but you can eat the crap I don't buy. It is your democratic right. But I need some serious proofs. I need the headquarters with russian generals and troops with the traceable numbers to russian military bases. All the military which is really a part of Russian army took part in the training. Now that was the military. And once the training was finished they went back to their bases.
    Everything I saw was lies from those like Yatsenyuk who most probably killed its own people and lies of western journalists, who are spreading lies about Russia much longer than I have lived here. Is it possible to trust these kind of liars? Some people do. But I need the proofs. Sorry. So far there is no use for Russia to have its army in the territory of Ukraine. Its only profitable for histeria in western media. Russian invasions are done much faster And if it was done then we would have been already in Kiev and Mr Yatsenyuk wouldn't have a possibility to make his conferences from Ukrainian territory.

    I saw armed men. I think that they are Russians. And I see no reason why they cannot be a civilian army of those who live in Crimea. Besides, they don't look like soldiers. They walk mostly as civilians. You can compare the manner they walk and stretch their arms with the real military guys. I mean it is seen. If I wear a uniform and wield a machinegun I could act as a soldier at some stage probably, but it will not make me a soldier. And if I being a soldier would get an order to get the weapons from someone military base I wouldn't ask for it at the back door... I would assault the base which doesn't seem to have a higher alert regime. It's better and easier and much more reliable. And if I was a part of Russian military being in the territory of sovereign state I would definetely have a commander and the identification signs. Otherwise there is a risk to fall victim of friendly fire. But you can believe whatever you want. Just don't forget to add the absolutely necessary "I believe" or "Yatsenyuk believes" or "NYT wants us to believe". Because so far it was never proved.
  19. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    The most thing I liked about it was a sudden discovery by people in the congress that Assad has to fight Al Kayeda and supporting of opposition in Syria which is largely represented as Al Kayeda will make it obvious that the US government and Al Kayeda have always been in alliance against a bunch of 'dictators'... Frankly speaking I haven't yet made my mind who is worse, the bandits who cut of christian heads and eat hearts of killed people or the guys who support this bloodshed speaking of democracy, justiness and saving people's lives. Tough choice. eh?
  20. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    That isn't who he first started killing. He created the situation he finds himself in. Should have given his people some freedom instead of ricin and sarin.
  21. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The words "propaganda" and "sponge" come to mind:

    A report on Syria's August 21, 2013 gas attacks by two authentically credible figures, Richard Lloyd and Theodore Postol, illustrate that it was impossible for Assad to have carried out the attack.

    Lloyd is a former United Nations weapons inspector who in two decades at Raytheon, a top military contractor, wrote two books on warhead design. He has written a critique of the Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile system for engineers and weapons designers. In March 2013, the New York Times noted that Lloyd "has the credentials for a critique".

    Postol is a professor and national security expert in MIT's Program in Science, Technology and Society. In 1995 he received the Hilliard Roderick Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2001 he received the Norbert Wiener Award from Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility "for uncovering numerous and important false claims about missile defenses".

    Postol has a proven track record in, for example, debunking Pentagon claims on the success of its Patriot missile system.

    In September 2013, the New York Times described Lloyd and Postol as "leading weapons experts".

    Their January 14 report titled, 'Possible Implications of Faulty U.S. Technical Intelligence,' examines US government claims regarding the August 21 chemical weapons attacks in Damascus. The report finds that the range of the rocket that delivered sarin in the largest attack that night was too short for the device to have been fired from Syrian government positions, as claimed by the Obama administration.

    Using mathematical projections about the likely force of the rocket – which has been variously described as 'a trash can on a stick' and 'a soup can' – Lloyd and Postol conclude that the device likely had a maximum range of 2 kilometres, or just more than 1.2 miles. The 'trash can' was not capable of flying the 6 miles from the centre of the Syrian government-controlled part of Damascus to the point of impact in the suburbs, as claimed by the US government, nor even the 3.6 miles from the edges of government-controlled territory. Lloyd and Postol comment in their report:

    "This indicates that these munitions could not possibly have been fired at east Ghouta from the "heart" or the eastern edge of the Syrian Government controlled area depicted in the intelligence map published by the White House on August 30, 2013.

    "This faulty intelligence could have led to an unjustified US military action based on false intelligence.

    "A proper vetting of the fact that the munition was of such short range would have led to a completely different assessment of the situation from the gathered data."

    Postol adds:

    "I honestly have no idea what happened. My view when I started this process was that it couldn't be anything but the Syrian government behind the attack. But now I'm not sure of anything. The administration narrative was not even close to reality. Our intelligence cannot possibly be correct."

    Lloyd, who has carefully studied weapons capabilities in the Syrian conflict, rejects the claim that rebels are less capable of making these rockets than the Syrian military:

    "The Syrian rebels most definitely have the ability to make these weapons. I think they might have more ability than the Syrian government."

    Lloyd and Postol have made clear that they are not arguing that the rebels were behind the attack, but instead pointing to the flawed assessments behind US claims.

    The Lloyd and Postol report comes in the wake of a detailed analysis of the same chemical weapons attacks by renowned, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books on December 19, 2013.

    Hersh reported on his interviews with US intelligence and military personnel:

    "I found intense concern, and on occasion anger, over what was repeatedly seen as the deliberate manipulation of intelligence. One high-level intelligence officer, in an email to a colleague, called the administration's assurances of Assad's responsibility a 'ruse'."

    In an interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!, Hersh added: "there are an awful lot of people in the government who just were really very, very upset with the way the information about the gas attack took place".
  22. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Q. How far will this go?
    A. Wherever someone does something to stop it.
  23. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    What does this have to do with Assad shooting people who wanted him to face an election starting this whole conflict? patriot missiles? Media Lens? So, crazy socialists in their parent's garage is the new standard huh?
  24. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    That narrative is BS too.
  25. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Which is nowhere.

    This will go as far as Putin chooses to push it...
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